

单词 usherettes

usher /ushˈər/

  1. A doorkeeper
  2. Someone who escorts people to seats in a hall, etc
  3. An officer who introduces strangers or walks before a person of rank
  4. A minor court official responsible for keeping order (Eng law)
  5. An under-teacher or assistant (historical)
transitive verb
  1. To conduct
  2. To show (in or out)
  3. To introduce, lead up to (now usu with in)
ORIGIN: Anglo-Fr usser, OFr ussier (Fr huissier), from L ostiārius a doorkeeper, from ostium a door

ushˈeress or usheretteˈ noun

A female usher, esp in a theatre or cinema

ushˈering noun

ushˈership noun





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