

单词 warrant of attorney

attorn /ə-tûrnˈ/ (law)

transitive verb

To transfer to another

intransitive verb

To accept tenancy under a new landlord

ORIGIN: LL attornāre to assign; see turn

attornˈey noun (pl attorˈneys)

  1. (OFr pap atorné) a person legally authorized to act for another
  2. A person legally qualified to manage cases in a court of law (esp N American)
  3. A solicitor, lawyer, attorney at law (esp N American)
transitive verb (Shakespeare)
  1. To perform by proxy
  2. To employ as a proxy

attorˈneydom noun

attorˈneyism noun

attorˈneyship noun

attornˈment noun

Acknowledgement of a new landlord

Attorney-Genˈeral noun (pl Attorneys-General or Attorney-Generals)

  1. The chief law officer for England, the Republic of Ireland, a dominion, colony, etc, the English one being a member of the government, representing the Crown in important civil and criminal matters, and leader of the English Bar
  2. The Crown's attorney in the duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, and the county palatine of Durham
  3. In the United States, one of the seven officials who constitute the president's cabinet, the head of the Department of Justice
  4. Also (without caps) the legal adviser of a State governor

attorney at law or public attorney noun

A professional and duly qualified legal agent

attorney in fact or private attorney noun

A person duly appointed by power of attorney to act for another in matters of contract, money payments, and the like

letter, power or warrant of attorney

A formal instrument by which one person authorizes another to perform specific acts on his or her behalf

warrant1 /worˈənt/

transitive verb
  1. To authorize
  2. To justify, be adequate grounds for
  3. To guarantee to be as specified or alleged
  4. To attest or guarantee the truth of, (old informal) equivalent to ‘be sure’, ‘be convinced’ and ‘be bound’ (also in phrases I (or I'll) warrant you and I warrant me)
  5. To predict or to presage (obsolete)
  6. To secure, or guarantee the possession of, to
  7. To protect, defend, keep (obsolete)
  8. To give assurance against danger, etc (rare; with against, from)
  1. Someone or something that vouches, a guaranty
  2. A pledge, assurance
  3. A proof
  4. That which authorizes
  5. A writ for arresting a person or for carrying a judgement into execution, or for seizing or searching property
  6. (in the services) an official certificate appointing the recipient to a rank inferior to a commissioned officer but superior to a non-commissioned officer
  7. Authorization
  8. Justification
  9. A written form authorizing the payment of money or certifying payment due, etc
  10. A form of warehouse receipt for goods
  11. A voucher (obsolete)
  12. A document issued to a stockholder permitting the purchase of further stock at a stated price
  13. A defender (obsolete)
  14. A defence (obsolete)
ORIGIN: OFr warantir (variant of guarantir); of Gmc origin

warrˈantable adjective

  1. That may be permitted
  2. Justifiable
  3. Of good warrant, estimable (obsolete)
  4. Of sufficient age to be hunted

warrˈantableness noun

warrˈantably adverb

warrˈanted adjective

warranteeˈ noun

The person to whom a warranty is given

warrˈanter noun

  1. Someone who authorizes or guarantees
  2. A warrantor

warrˈanting noun

warrˈantise /-tīz/ noun (obsolete or archaic)

  1. An act of guaranteeing
  2. A guarantee
  3. Assurance
  4. Authorization

warrˈantor noun (law)

  1. Someone who gives warranty
  2. A warranter

warrˈanty noun (law)

  1. An act of warranting, esp in feudal times the covenant by which the grantor of land warranted the security of the title to the recipient (general warranty against the claims of all and every person; special warranty against the claims of the grantor, or others claiming through or by him or her)
  2. An undertaking or assurance expressed or implied in certain contracts
  3. A guarantee, usu with an acceptance of responsibility for repairs during an initial period of use
  4. Authorization
  5. Justification
  6. Evidence

warrant card noun

A card carried by a police officer establishing his or her identity

warrant of attachment noun

A writ authorizing the seizure of property

warrant of attorney see under attorn

warrant officer noun

  1. (in the services) an officer holding a warrant (see also branch officer under branch)
  2. A police officer whose duty it is to serve warrants

warrant sale noun (Scot; law)

A public auction of poinded or seized household goods and personal property, authorized by a sheriff for the recuperation of unpaid debt

of good warrant (obsolete)

Esteemed, important

of warrant (obsolete)

  1. Allowed, warranted
  2. Esteemed, important

out of warrant (obsolete)

Not allowed

take warrant on oneself (archaic)

To make oneself responsible





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