

单词 washing-blue

blue1 /bloo/

  1. Of the colour of the unclouded sky
  2. Livid
  3. Greyish
  4. Dismal
  5. Depressed (informal)
  6. (of women) intellectual, pedantic (obsolete)
  7. Indecent or obscene (informal)
  8. Dressed in blue
  9. Symbolized by blue
  10. Politically conservative or right-wing
  11. (of a US state) tending to vote Democrat
  1. The colour of blue things
  2. A blue object
  3. The sky
  4. The sea
  5. A blue pigment
  6. (also washˈing-blue) a blue powder or liquid (indigo, Prussian blue, etc) used in laundries
  7. A member of a party whose colour is blue (eg historical the opponents of the Greens in ancient Constantinople, or the 17c Presbyterians, later (and currently) the Conservatives)
  8. A present or past representative of Oxford or Harrow (dark blue), Cambridge or Eton (light blue), in sports
  9. A similar representative of any university
  10. The badge awarded to him or her, or the honour of wearing it
  11. Blue clothes
  12. A bluestocking (obsolete)
  13. A butterfly of the family Lycaenidae
  14. A former squadron of the British fleet
  15. An argument or fight (Aust and NZ sl)
  16. A mistake (Aust and NZ sl)
transitive verb
  1. To make blue
  2. To treat with blue
intransitive verb

To turn blue

ORIGIN: ME blew, from OFr bleu, of Gmc origin; ON blā gave ME bla, blo and blae

blueˈing or bluˈing noun

  1. The process of imparting a blue colour, esp to metal, or of neutralizing yellow laundry
  2. Blue-rot in wood
  3. Washing-blue (US)

blueˈish or bluˈish adjective

blueˈly adverb

blueˈness noun

blues adjective

Of or relating to the blues

bluesˈy adjective

Like the blues

bluey /blooˈi/ adjective

Inclined towards blue (esp in compounds, eg bluey-green)

  1. An airmail letter (milit sl)
  2. A bundle or swag, often in a blue cloth (Aust)
  3. A blanket (Aust)
  4. A summons, usu for a traffic offence (Aust)
  5. (with cap) someone with ginger hair (Aust sl)

blue asbestos noun


blue baby noun

A baby with congenital cyanosis

blueˈback noun

The sockeye, chief salmon of the N Pacific

blue bag noun

  1. A barrister's bag
  2. A small bag of washing-blue

Blueˈbeard noun

  1. A villainous character in European folklore, who murdered his wives in succession
  2. (also without cap) any similar wife-murderer

blueˈbell noun

  1. In S England, the wood hyacinth
  2. /blooˈbelˈ/ in Scotland and N England, the harebell
  3. Also used to refer to various other plants in different parts of the world

Blue Beret noun (informal)

A soldier working for a United Nations peace-keeping force

blueˈberry noun

The fruit of Vaccinium vacillans and other American species, a small blue-black berry

blueˈbird noun

A small American bird (Sialia sialis) related to the warblers

blueˈ-black noun and adjective

  1. Black with a tinge of blue
  2. Blue changing eventually to black

Blue Blanket noun

The banner of the Edinburgh craftsmen

blue blood noun

(Sp sangre azul) aristocratic blood

blueˈ-blooded adjective

blue-bonnˈet noun

  1. A round flat blue woollen cap
  2. A Scottish peasant, a Scotsman

blue book noun

A report or other paper printed by parliament (from its blue paper wrapper)

blueˈbottle noun

  1. A large fly (genus Calliphora) with metallic blue abdomen, a blowfly
  2. The blue cornflower
  3. A policeman or beadle (slang)
  4. The Portuguese man-of-war (Aust and NZ)

blue box noun

A blue container used for depositing items for recycling

bluebreast see bluethroat below.

blueˈbuck noun

The blaubok

blueˈcap noun

  1. A one-year-old salmon, with blue-spotted head
  2. The blue tit
  3. A Scotsman (Shakespeare)

blue cheese noun

Blue-veined cheese, eg Gorgonzola

blueˈ-chip noun

A term applied to the most reliable industrial shares, or to anything of high value or prestige (also adjective)

blueˈcoat noun

  1. A serving-man, alms-man, or other wearing a blue coat (archaic)
  2. A pupil of Christ's Hospital or other Bluecoat school, whose uniform is a blue coat

blueˈ-collar adjective

Relating to manual work or workers

blue devil noun

  1. An evil demon
  2. (in pl) the apparitions seen in delirium tremens, hence deep despondency

blue duck noun

A species of duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus) found in the mountains of New Zealand

blue ear disease noun (veterinary medicine)

A viral disease of pigs, affecting their respiratory and reproductive systems

Blue Ensign noun

A blue flag with the Union Jack in one corner, until 1864 the flag of the Blue squadron, now flown by the Naval Reserve and certain yachts and merchant vessels

blueˈ-eye noun

The Australian blue-faced honeyeater, a bird with blue eye-patches

blue-eyed boy noun (informal)

A favourite who can do no wrong

blue-eyed grass noun

A mainly N American iridaceous plant with blue flowers (genus Sisyrinchium)

blue-eyed soul noun

Soul music (written and) performed by white musicians

blue film or blue movie noun (informal)

A pornographic film

blueˈfin noun

A large variety of tuna

blueˈfish noun

A large voracious fish (Pomatomus saltatrix) of the family Serranidae, on the US Atlantic coast

blue flag noun

One awarded to beaches meeting European Union standards of cleanness

blue fox noun

  1. The arctic fox
  2. Its fur

blue funk noun (slang)

A state of great terror

blueˈgill noun

An American freshwater sunfish

blueˈgown noun

One of a former class of licensed beggars in Scotland, a King's Bedesman

blueˈgrass noun

  1. A slightly glaucous permanent grass (Poa pratensis, etc) of Europe and N America, esp Kentucky
  2. A simple style of country music, originating in Kentucky and popular in the southern USA

blueˈ-green or blueˈ-grey adjective

Between blue and green or grey

blue-green algae noun

The Cyanophyta

blue ground noun

A greyish-blue decomposed agglomerate in which diamonds are found

blue gum noun

Any of several species of Eucalyptus (esp E. globulus)

blue hare noun

The mountain hare

blue heeler noun (Aust)

A heeler (qv under heel1) with a dark speckled coat

blueˈjacket noun (informal)

A seaman in the navy

blue jay noun

A N American jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

blue john noun

Ornamental fluorspar

blue laws plural noun (US hist)

Puritanical 18c laws in Connecticut

blue line noun

(in ice hockey) a line marked off between the centre line and a goal line

Blue Mantle noun

One of the pursuivants of the English College of Arms

blue mould noun

A fungus that turns bread, cheese, etc blue

blue movie see blue film above.

blue murder noun (informal)

Used in phrases describing a terrible din or commotion

blueˈnose noun (N American)

  1. A straitlaced or puritanical person (informal)
  2. (with cap) a nickname for a Nova Scotian

blue note noun

A flattened note, usu third or seventh, characteristic of the blues

blue'-on-blue' adjective (military)

Involving accidental firing on one's allies

blue pencil noun

A pencil of the colour traditionally used for correcting, emending, etc

blue-penˈcil transitive verb

To correct, edit or censor

Blue Peter noun

  1. A blue flag with a white rectangle, hoisted when a ship is about to sail
  2. A call for trumps in whist

blue pointer noun

A large voracious shark found off the coast of Australia, the mako shark

blueˈprint noun

  1. A photographic print, white on blue, on paper sensitized with ferric salts produced from a photographic negative or a drawing on transparent paper (also called cyanotype, ferroprussiate print)
  2. A detailed plan of work to be done, or a guide or model provided by agreed principles or rules or by conclusions from earlier experiment

transitive verb

To produce a blueprint of

blue ribbon or blue riband noun

  1. The ribbon of the Order of the Garter
  2. Any very high distinction or prize (also adjective, with hyphen)
  3. The badge of the teetotal Blue Ribbon Army, founded in America in 1878

blue rinse noun (hairdressing)

A bluish colouring for white or grey hair

blue-rinseˈ or blue-rinsedˈ adjective

Applied, usu disparagingly, to the supposed type of well-groomed, usu middle-class, older women (blue rinsers)

blueˈ-rot noun

A blue discoloration in coniferous wood, caused by a fungus of the genus Ceratostomella

blue ruin noun (slang)


blue screen noun

(in film, television, etc) a blue-coloured background against which material may be shot for superimposition elsewhere

blueˈ-screen adjective

blue shark noun

A shark with a dark blue back (Prionace glauca)

blue sheep noun

The bharal

blue-sky or -skies adjective

  1. (of research, etc) having no immediate practical application
  2. (of stocks, securities) financially unsound or fraudulent

blue-sky laws plural noun (US)

Laws to prevent fraud in the sale of stocks (against capitalizing of the blue-skies stocks)

blues'man noun

A blues musician

blue-sky thinking noun

Creative thought that is not constrained by current thinking or practical considerations

blueˈstocking noun

An intellectual woman

blueˈstone noun

  1. A blue-grey sandstone
  2. Blue vitriol

blue streak noun

Something as rapidly moving and dramatic as lightning, esp applied to speech (often as talk a blue streak)

blueˈthroat or blueˈbreast noun

A songbird of Europe and Asia, the male of which has a blue throat

blue tit noun

A small bird (Cyanistes caeruleus or Parus caeruleus) with blue wings and tail and a blue-topped head

blue'tongue noun

A viral disease of sheep and cattle transmitted by mosquitoes

blue'-tongue noun (Aust)

  1. A rouseabout
  2. A lizard of the genus Tiliqua

Blueˈtooth® noun

A short-range radio technology that simplifies communication between computers, cellular phones, etc (after Harald Bluetooth, a 10c Danish king said to have preferred talking to fighting)

blue vitriol noun

Hydrated copper sulphate

blue water noun

Open sea

blue water gas see under water

blueˈweed noun

Viper's bugloss (also blue thistle)

blue whale noun

A large baleen whale (Balaenoptera musculus) the largest living animal

blue whiting noun

A fish of the cod family, found in northern seas

blueˈwing noun

An American teal

burn blue

(of candles) to burn with a blue flame (eg as an omen of death or signifying the presence of the Devil)

full blues (naval sl)

Full formal naval uniform

into the blue

Into the unknown

once in a blue moon

Very rarely (from the rare occasions when the moon appears to be blue because of dust particles in the atmosphere)

out of the blue

  1. From the cloudless sky
  2. Entirely unexpectedly

shout, scream or cry blue murder

To shout loudly in pain, alarm or rage

the Blues

The Royal Horse Guards

(the) blues

  1. Depression (informal)
  2. (usu construed as sing) a slow sad song, orig an African-American folk song, characteristically with three four-bar lines and blue notes, or any similar composition (sometimes neither slow nor sad)

true blue

A person unswervingly faithful, esp to a political party represented by the colour blue, orig used of Covenanters (see blue (n) above; trueˈ-blue adjective)

washing-blue see blue (n) above.

wash /wosh/

transitive verb (pap washed, archaic washˈen)
  1. To cleanse, or to free from impurities, etc, with water or other liquid
  2. To wet, moisten
  3. (of an animal) to clean by licking
  4. To flow over, past or against
  5. To sweep along, down, etc
  6. To form or erode by flowing over
  7. To cover with a thin coat of metal or paint
  8. To separate (ore, etc) from earth by means of water (mining)
  9. To launder (money, goods, etc) (informal)
transitive verb and intransitive verb

(of water, etc) to have the property of cleansing

intransitive verb
  1. To clean oneself, clothes, etc with water
  2. To wash clothes, etc as one's employment
  3. To stand cleaning (with well, badly, etc)
  4. To be swept or carried by water
  5. To stand the test, bear investigation (informal)
  1. A washing
  2. The process of washing
  3. A collection of articles for washing or just having been washed
  4. That with which anything is washed
  5. A lotion
  6. The break of waves on the shore
  7. The sound of water breaking, lapping, etc
  8. The rough water left behind by a boat, etc, or the disturbed air behind an aerofoil, etc (also figurative)
  9. The shallow part of a river or arm of the sea
  10. A marsh or fen
  11. Erosion by flowing water
  12. Alluvial matter
  13. A liquor of fermented malt prior to distillation
  14. Waste liquor, refuse of food, etc, esp for giving to pigs
  15. A watery mixture
  16. A thin, tasteless drink
  17. Insipid discourse in speech or writing
  18. A broad but thin layer of colour put on with a long sweep of the brush
  19. A thin coat of paint, metal, etc
  20. An outcome or situation in which there is no appreciable gain or loss (US inf)
  21. The blade of an oar
  22. The material from which valuable minerals may be extracted by washing (mining)
ORIGIN: OE wæscan, wascan; found in other Gmc languages eg OHGer wascan (Ger waschen); same root as water

washabilˈity noun

washˈable adjective

That may be washed without damage

washˈer noun

  1. Someone who washes
  2. A washing machine
  3. A facecloth (Aust)
  4. A ring, usu flat, of metal, rubber, etc, to keep joints or nuts secure, etc (perh a different word)
  5. Hence derisively (in pl) small change (slang)
transitive verb

To fit with a washer or washers

washˈery noun

  1. A washhouse (archaic)
  2. A place in which an industrial washing process takes place (eg of coal, ore or wool)

washˈiness noun

  1. The state of being watery
  2. Feebleness

washˈing noun

  1. The act of cleansing, wetting or coating, with liquid
  2. Clothes or other articles washed or to be washed
  3. A thin coating
  4. The action of breaking, lapping, etc (of waves, etc)
  5. (usu in pl) liquid that has been used to wash something, or matter separated or carried away by water or other liquid
  1. That washes
  2. Used for washing
  3. Washable

washˈy adjective

  1. Watery, moist
  2. Thin, feeble
  3. Faded

washˈ-and-wearˈ adjective

(of garments or fabrics) easily washed, quick-drying, and requiring no ironing

washˈ-away noun (esp Aust)

  1. The destruction of part of a road, railway, etc by flooding
  2. The breach so caused
  3. An erosion of the earth by the action of water
  4. The channel so made

washˈball noun

A ball of toilet-soap

washˈbasin, washˈbowl or washhand basin noun

A basin to wash one's face and hands, etc in

washˈboard noun

  1. A corrugated metal board for rubbing clothes on in washing (also washˈing-board), utilized as a percussion instrument in certain types of music, eg skiffle or Country and Western
  2. A thin plank on a boat's gunwale to prevent the sea from breaking over
  3. A skirting-board (dialect)

washˈ-bottˈle or washˈing-bottˈle noun

  1. A bottle containing liquid used for purifying gases
  2. A bottle with tubes through the stopper, enabling a stream of cleansing liquid to be directed onto a chemical or a piece of apparatus

washˈcloth noun

  1. A piece of cloth used in washing, esp a dishcloth
  2. A facecloth or flannel (N American)

washˈday noun

A day (or the regular day) when one washes one's clothes and linen (also washˈing-day)

washˈ-dirt noun

Earth to be washed for gold

wash drawing noun

A drawing in pencil or pen and ink over which a transparent wash is applied by brush

washedˈ-outˈ adjective

  1. Deprived of colour, esp by washing
  2. Deprived of energy or animation (informal)

washedˈ-upˈ adjective

  1. Deprived of energy or animation (informal)
  2. Done for, at the end of one's resources (slang)
  3. Unsuccessful (slang)
  4. Finished (with with; slang)

washer-driˈer or washer-dryˈer noun

A combined washing machine and drier

washˈerman or washˈerwoman noun (old)

A man or woman who washes clothes, esp for a living

washˈ-gildˈing noun

A gilding made with an amalgam of gold from which the mercury is driven off by heat, leaving a coating of gold

washˈhouse or washˈing-house noun (old)

A house or room for washing clothes in

washˈ-in or washˈ-out noun

An increase (or decrease) in the angle of incidence, ie the angle between the chord of a wing and the wind relative to the aeroplane, in approaching the wing tip along the camber

washing-blue see under blue1

washing line noun

A clothes-line

washing machine noun

A machine for washing clothes

washing powder or washing liquid noun

A powdered or liquid preparation used in washing clothes

washing-soda see soda

washˈing-upˈ noun

  1. The washing of dishes and cutlery after a meal
  2. The crockery, cutlery, etc to be washed after use

washing-up machine noun (old)

A dishwasher

washˈland noun

An area of land periodically flooded by overflow water from a river, stream, or from the sea

wash leather noun

  1. Split sheepskin prepared with oil in imitation of chamois
  2. A piece of this for washing windows
  3. Buff-leather for regimental belts

washˈ-out or washˈout noun

  1. An erosion of earth by the action of water
  2. The hole or channel so made
  3. An event spoilt or cancelled because of rain
  4. A complete failure (informal)
  5. A useless person (informal)
  6. See also wash-in above

washˈpot noun

A vessel for washing one's hands, etc, or for boiling clothes in

washˈrag noun (N American)

  1. A facecloth, a flannel
  2. A servant who washes dishes (obsolete)

washˈroom noun

  1. A room containing lavatories and facilities for washing
  2. A lavatory (chiefly N American)

wash sale noun (US)

The dishonest practice of buying and immediately re-selling large quantities of a stock at an inflated price, so as to create a false impression of strong market interest in it

washˈstand or washhand stand noun (old)

A piece of furniture for holding jug, basin and other requisites for washing oneself

washˈtub noun

  1. Orig a tub for washing clothes in
  2. A washing machine

washˈ-up noun

  1. A washing-up
  2. A washing-up place
  3. Anything cast up by the sea, etc
  4. The washing of ore
  5. A quantity of gold obtained by washing
  6. An outcome or result (Aust sl)
  7. The period at the end of a parliament in which the government seeks to settle its unfinished business (Brit)

washˈwipe noun

(in a motor vehicle) a mechanism for spraying the front or the rear windscreen with washing fluid, which is distributed and wiped off by the windscreen wiper

come out in the wash

  1. (of a stain, etc) to disappear on washing
  2. To become intelligible, work out satisfactorily (figurative; informal)

wash away

  1. (of flowing water) to carry off by force
  2. To obliterate

wash down

  1. (of liquid) to carry downward
  2. To wash from top to bottom
  3. To help the swallowing or digestion of (a solid food) with a drink

wash its face (slang)

(of an undertaking) to just pay its way

wash one's hands of

To disclaim responsibility for

wash out

  1. To remove by washing
  2. To wash free from dirt or soap, etc
  3. (of colours or design) to disappear or become fainter as a result of washing
  4. To rain off
  5. To cancel (informal)
  6. To exhaust (informal; esp in passive)
  7. To bring the blade of an oar not cleanly out of the water (rowing)

wash up

  1. To wash the dishes and cutlery after a meal
  2. To wash one's hands and face (esp US)
  3. To sweep up onto the shore
  4. To spoil (informal; esp in passive)





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