

单词 weather along

weather /wedhˈər/

  1. Atmospheric conditions in terms of heat or cold, wetness, cloudiness, etc
  2. Type of atmospheric conditions
  3. Vicissitude of fortune
  4. Formerly, a storm or adverse weather
  5. The direction in which the wind is blowing (nautical)
  6. The angle the sail of a windmill makes with the perpendicular to its axis
transitive verb
  1. To affect by exposing to the air
  2. To put (a hawk) out of doors on a perch in fine weather (falconry)
  3. To sail to the windward of
  4. To gain or pass (eg a cape)
  5. To come safely through (a storm or stormy situation)
  6. To shelter from (obsolete)
  7. To set (the sails of a windmill)
  8. To slope (a roof, etc; architecture)
intransitive verb
  1. To become discoloured, disintegrated, etc, by exposure
  2. (of a hawk) to be weathered
adjective (nautical)

Toward the wind, windward

ORIGIN: OE weder; ON vedhr, Ger Wetter

weathˈerable adjective

weathˈered adjective

  1. Having the surface altered in colour, form, texture or composition by the action of the elements (geology)
  2. Seasoned by exposure to weather
  3. Made slightly sloping so as to throw off water (architecture)
  4. (of boards or tiles) downward-sloping and overlapped so as to keep water out

weathˈering noun

  1. The action of the elements in altering the form, colour, texture or composition of rocks (geology)
  2. Seasoning by weather
  3. A slight inclination given to the top of a cornice or moulding to prevent water from lodging on it (architecture)
  4. The act of passing to windward of a coastal feature, obstacle or other vessel (nautical)
  5. Weather conditions (obsolete)

weathˈerize or weathˈerise transitive verb

To make (a fabric) weatherproof

weathˈerliness noun

weathˈerly adjective (nautical)

Making little leeway when close-hauled

weathˈermost adjective (nautical)

Furthest to windward

weatheromˈeter noun

An instrument for determining the weather-resisting properties of paints or other surfaces

weather anchor noun

The anchor lying to windward

weathˈer-beaten adjective

  1. Damaged, worn away or seasoned by the weather
  2. (of someone's skin or face) tanned or lined from prolonged exposure

weathˈer-bitten adjective

Worn or defaced by exposure to the winds

weathˈerboard noun

  1. The windward side of a ship
  2. A plank in the porthole, etc of a vessel placed so as to keep off rain, without preventing air from circulating
  3. A sloping board fitted to the bottom of a door, window, etc to exclude rain
  4. A board shaped so as to shed water from a building

transitive verb

To fit with such planks or boards

weathˈerboarding noun

  1. Thin boards placed overlapping to keep out rain
  2. The exterior covering of a wall or roof

weathˈer-bound adjective

Detained by bad weather

weather bow noun

The windward side of the bow

weather box see weather house below.

weather chart noun

A weather map

weathˈercloth noun

A protecting tarpaulin on deck

weathˈercock noun

  1. A vane in the form of a cock to show the direction of the wind
  2. Someone who changes his or her opinions, allegiance, etc easily and often

transitive verb

  1. To serve as a weathercock for
  2. To supply with a weathercock
  3. (with it) to behave like a weathercock

weathˈer-driven adjective

Driven by winds or storms

weather eye noun

  1. The eye considered as the means by which one forecasts the weather
  2. An eye watchful for developments, as in keep one's weather eye open

weathˈer-fend transitive verb (Shakespeare)

To defend from the weather, to shelter

weather forecast noun

A forecast of the weather based on meteorological observations

weather forecaster noun

weather gage or weather gauge noun

  1. The position of a ship to the windward of another
  2. Advantage of position

weather gall (Scot gaw) noun

An imperfect rainbow or other supposed sign of coming weather

weather glass noun

  1. A glass or instrument that indicates the changes of the weather
  2. A barometer

weather gleam noun (dialect)

A bright aspect of the sky at the horizon

weathˈer-headed adjective (Walter Scott)


weather helm noun

A keeping of the helm somewhat to the weather side when a vessel shows a tendency to come into the wind

weather house or weather box noun

A toy house containing two figures, the emergence of one presaging dry weather, and of the other, rain

weathˈerman or weathˈergirl noun

A person who prepares weather forecasts or delivers such forecasts on radio or television

weather map noun

A map indicating meteorological conditions over a large tract of country

weather notation noun

A system of abbreviation for meteorological phenomena

weathˈerproof adjective

Able to withstand rough weather


Weatherproof material or a weatherproof garment

transitive verb

To make weatherproof

weather prophet noun

  1. Someone who foretells weather
  2. A device for foretelling the weather

weather report noun

Loosely, a weather forecast

weather roll noun

The lurch of a vessel to windward when in the trough of the sea

weather satellite noun

A satellite used for the study of cloud formations and other meteorological conditions

weather ship noun

A ship engaged in meteorological work

weather side noun

The windward side

weather sign noun

  1. A phenomenon indicating change of weather
  2. Any prognostic

weather stain noun

Discoloration produced by exposure

weather station noun

A station where phenomena of weather are observed

weather strip or weathˈerstripping noun

A thin piece of some material fixed along the edge of a window or door, to keep out wind and cold

weather symbol noun

A conventional sign used to indicate a meteorological phenomenon

weather vane noun

A vane showing the direction of the wind

weather window noun

  1. A period of time in which the weather is suitable for a particular purpose, eg oil-drilling
  2. Any restricted period during which the opportunity should be seized for getting something done

weathˈer-wise adjective

  1. Skilful in foreseeing the changes of the weather
  2. Quick to sense what turn events will take


With regard to weather conditions

weathˈer-worn adjective

Worn away or damaged by wind, storms, etc

above the weather

  1. Too high in the air to experience the weather conditions on the ground
  2. Not, or no longer, under the weather

keep one's weather eye open

  1. To be alert
  2. To keep a sharp lookout

keep or have the weather of

  1. To be to the windward of
  2. To have the advantage of

make fair weather (Shakespeare)

To be conciliatory, to use flattery (with to or with)

make good or bad weather of it

To behave well or badly in a storm (lit and figurative)

make heavy weather of

To find excessive difficulty in

stress of weather

Violent and unfavourable winds

under the weather

  1. Indisposed, seedy
  2. Drunk (informal)

weather along

To make headway against adverse weather

weather a point (figurative)

To gain an advantage or accomplish a purpose against opposition

weather on

To gain on (another vessel) in a windward direction (lit and figurative)

weather out

To hold out against or ride out (a storm or stormy situation) until the end

weather the storm

To come safely through a period of difficulty, etc





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