单词 | xanth- |
释义 | xanth- /zanth-/ or xantho- /zan-thō- or -tho-/combining formDenoting yellow ORIGIN: Gr xanthos yellow xanˈthan /zanˈthan/ or xanˈtham noun (also xanthan, or xantham, gum) a substance used as a thickening agent in food preparation xanˈthate noun A salt of xanthic acid xanthein /zanˈthē-in/ noun A soluble yellow colouring matter present in flowers xanthene /zanˈthēn/ noun A white crystalline compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, from which are derived xanthene dyestuffs xanˈthic adjective
xanˈthin noun
Xanˈthium noun (Gr xanthion a plant used for dyeing the hair yellow) any of a small but widely-distributed genus of composite plants whose fruits bear hooked prickles very troublesome to sheep and other animals Xanthochroi /zan-thokˈrō-ī/ plural noun (Gr chroā or chroiā skin) according to Huxley and other ethnologists, one of the five groups of human races, comprising those with fair hair and pale skin xanthochroia /-thō-kroiˈə/ noun Yellowness of the skin xanthochrōˈic or xanˈthochroid /-kroid/ adjective (also used as noun) xanthochroism /-thokˈrō-izm/ noun A condition in which all pigments other than yellows disappear, as in goldfish, or in which normal colouring is replaced by yellow xanthochrōˈmia noun (medicine) Any yellowish discoloration, esp of the cerebrospinal fluid xanthochroous /-thokˈrō-əs/ adjective Xanthochroic xanthoma /zan-thōˈmə/ noun (pl xanthōˈmas or xanthōˈmata) A yellow tumour composed of fibrous tissue and of cells containing cholesterol ester, occurring on the skin (eg in diabetes) or on the sheaths of tendons, or in any tissue of the body xanthōˈmatous adjective xanthomelanous /zan-thō-melˈə-nəs/ adjective (Gr melas, -anos black) applied by Huxley to members of the human race with black hair and yellow or olive skins xanthophyll /zanˈthō-fil/ noun Any of the yellow pigments present in plants and egg yolk xanthopˈsia noun The condition in which objects appear yellow to the observer, as in jaundice or after taking santonin xanthopˈterin or (rare) xanthopˈterine /-in/ noun A yellow pigment obtainable from the wings of yellow butterflies and the urine of mammals xanthous /zanˈthəs/ adjective Yellow xanthoxyl /zan-thokˈsil/ noun
Xanthura /-thūˈrə/ or Xanthoura /-thooˈrə/ noun (Gr ourā tail) the former name of a genus of yellow-tailed American jays, now Cyanocorax |
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