单词 | white cell |
释义 | white /(h)wīt/adjective
To make white ORIGIN: OE hwīt; ON hvītr, Ger weiss whiteˈly adjective (obsolete except Scot) Whitish, pale whītˈen transitive verb
To become or turn white whītˈener noun
whiteˈness noun whītˈening noun
Whītˈey or Whītˈy noun (informal, often derogatory; also without cap)
whītˈing noun Ground chalk free from stony matter and other impurities, extensively used as a size, colour, etc (also whīteˈning, Spanish white and, as the finest quality, Paris white) whītˈish adjective Somewhat white whītˈishness noun whītˈy adjective Whitish noun(also with cap) see Whitey above white admiral noun Any of a genus of butterflies of the same family as the red admiral (genus Vanessa), having white bands on the wings white ale noun (dialect) Ale brewed or mixed with ingredients such as flour, eggs, etc that give it a whitish colour white ant noun A termite (order Isoptera) white arm noun A sword, bayonet or lance, translating Fr arme blanche white arsenic see arsenic whiteˈbait noun The fry of various species of herring, sprat, etc whiteˈbass noun A silvery food-fish of the American Great Lake region whiteˈbeam noun A small tree (Sorbus aria or Pyrus aria) with leaves white and downy on the underside white bear noun The polar bear whiteˈbeard noun An old man whiteˈ-bearded adjective whiteˈ-bellied adjective whiteˈ-billed adjective white birch noun Any of several birch trees with white bark, such as the N American paper birch or the European silver birch whiteˈboard noun
white bonnet noun Someone employed to bid at an auction to raise prices white book noun (in some countries) an official government publication bound in white white bottle noun Bladder campion white boy noun A favourite boy, a white-headed boy Whiteˈboy noun A member of an association of Irish peasants first formed in County Tipperary about 1761 for the purpose of redressing grievances, who, wearing white shirts, committed agrarian outrages by night Whiteˈboyism noun (also without cap) the principles of the Whiteboys white brass noun An inferior alloy of copper and zinc whiteˈ-breasted adjective white bryony see bryony whiteˈcap noun
white cedar noun
white cell or white blood cell noun (biology) A colourless blood cell involved in the protection of the body from infection, a leucocyte white Christmas noun An occasion when snow falls on Christmas Day white clover noun A Eurasian clover (Trifolium repens) with white flowers, an important fodder plant white coal noun Water power (Fr houille blanche) white coat syndrome noun A syndrome in which hypertension is induced in a patient simply through being examined by a medical practitioner whiteˈcoat noun
whiteˈ-collar adjective Relating to or designating the class of workers, such as clerks, etc, who are not engaged in manual labour white-collar crime noun Crimes entailing intellectual effort (as distinct from violent crimes, larceny, etc) such as computer fraud, embezzlement, etc white copper noun A light-coloured alloy of copper white corpuscle noun A white blood cell, a leucocyte whiteˈ-crested or whiteˈ-crowned adjective (of birds) having a white crest or crown white crops plural noun Grain crops such as barley, rye and wheat that lighten to a pale gold as they ripen white damp noun A poisonous mixture of gases with carbon monoxide predominating, occurring in coal mines whited sepulchre noun Someone professedly righteous but inwardly wicked, a hypocrite (Bible, Matthew 23.27) White Dwarf noun (also without caps) the name given to a class of small dim stars outside the normal spectral sequence, because their luminosities are extremely low for their spectral type, such stars being in the final stages of their evolution white elephant see under elephant White Ensign noun A flag with a white field and St George's cross, with the Union Jack in the canton, until 1864 the flag of the White Squadron, now flown by the Royal Navy and the Royal Yacht Squadron whiteˈ-eye noun Any bird of the genus Zosterops or of related genera of the family Zosteropidae, most species of which have a conspicuous ring of minute white feathers round the eye white-eyelid monkey noun Any of the mangabeys, monkeys with white upper eyelids whiteˈface noun White make-up, esp as worn by a traditional type of clown whiteˈ-faced adjective
whiteˈ-favoured adjective Wearing white favours white feather noun A sign of cowardice, as in show the white feather white finger noun A loss of colour in the fingers caused by arterial spasms reducing the blood flow, often (vibration white finger) caused by prolonged use of vibrating machinery white fish noun
white flag noun An emblem of truce or surrender white flight noun The movement by white people out of neighbourhoods where non-white people have come to live whiteˈfly noun Any of several insect pests belonging to the family Aleurodidae white-footed mouse noun The deer mouse White Friar noun (also without caps) one of the Carmelite order of friars, so called from their white clothing whiteˈ-frontˈed adjective see white-faced above. white frost noun Hoarfrost white gold noun Gold alloyed with nickel or palladium to give it a white colour white goods plural noun
whiteˈ-haired adjective
Whitehall see separate entry. whiteˈ-handˈed adjective
white hass, white hause or white hawse noun (Scot) An oatmeal pudding made with sheep's gullet whiteˈ-hat hacker noun A computer hacker who tries to break into a system in order to test its security (cf black-hat hacker) whiteˈhead noun
whiteˈ-headed adjective
white-headed boy noun A favourite, a protégé white-headed eagle noun The N American bald eagle whiteˈ-heart or white-heart cherry noun A cultivated cherry, related to the gean, with soft, tender flesh and pale skin white heat noun
white herring noun A fresh or uncured herring white hole noun A suggested source of the matter and energy observed flowing into the universe (cf black hole) white honeysuckle noun An azalea known also as the clammy or swamp azalea white hope noun A person on whom hopes for success, honour, etc are grounded (also great white hope) white horse noun
white-hotˈ adjective
White House noun The official residence in Washington of the President of the USA white hunter noun
white iron noun Pig iron or cast iron in which all the carbon is in chemical combination with the iron white knight noun (stock exchange) A person who rescues a company from an unwanted takeover bid (cf white squire) whiteˈ-knuckle adjective (informal) Giving rise to extreme anxiety, alarm or terror, esp in white-knuckle ride a fairground roller-coaster or any similarly terrifying ride white lady noun
white lead noun Basic lead carbonate used in paint and putty white leather noun Supple skins from deer, sheep and goats, tawed (ie soaked in alum, stretched and scraped) and kept in their natural colour, used for gloves, purses, etc whiteˈ-leg noun Phlegmasia alba dolens, a form of phlebitis occurring after childbirth (also called milk leg) white lie noun A forgivable lie, esp one told out of tactfulness white light noun Light containing all wavelengths in the visible range at the same intensity (the term is used, however, to cover a wide range of intensity distribution in the spectrum) white lime noun (obsolete) Whitewash white line noun A longitudinal continuous or broken line painted on a highway as a line demarcation for traffic whiteˈlist noun A list of people, organizations, etc that are regarded with approval transitive verb To put on a whitelist whiteˈ-listed adjective Having white stripes on a darker ground whiteˈ-livered adjective
white man noun
white man's burden noun (Kipling) The white man's (former) perceived obligation to govern and educate less civilized black peoples white matter noun (anatomy) Pale-coloured fibrous nerve tissue in the brain and spinal cord white meat noun
white metal noun
white meter noun A meter that records off-peak consumption of electricity white night noun
white noise noun A noise in which there are a large number of frequencies of roughly equal intensity whiteˈ-out noun
white paper noun (often with caps) a statement, printed on white paper, issued by government for the information of parliament white pepper noun Light-coloured pepper made from peppercorns from which the dark outer husk has been removed white pine noun
whiteˈpot noun A Devonshire dish of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar, etc, baked white precipitate noun A white mercurial substance used in ointments for treating worm-infestations, etc white pudding noun An oatmeal and suet pudding in a sausage skin white pyrites plural noun Marcasite white race noun One of the main divisions of mankind, distinguished generally by light complexion and certain types of hair and skull, also known as Caucasian white rat noun An albino strain of the brown rat, much used in laboratory experiments white rent noun (historical)
white rhinoceros noun A large African two-horned grazing rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (also square-lipped rhinoceros) white rose noun (historical) In the Wars of the Roses, the emblem of the House of York white rot noun A disease of plants characterized by a white fungal growth whiteˈ-rumped adjective White Russian noun
white sale noun A sale of linen goods at reduced prices white salt noun Salt dried and calcined white sauce noun A sauce made with roux thinned with milk or stock eg from chicken or veal, and flavoured as desired white seam noun (Scot) Plain needlework whiteˈ-seam intransitive verb To do plain needlework white settler noun (derogatory) A usu wealthy outsider who moves into a district and makes use of its amenities without blending sympathetically into the local community white sheet noun (religion; historical) The clothing symbolically worn by a penitent whiteˈ-shoe adjective (slang; orig US) Namby-pamby white slave noun A girl procured for prostitution purposes (esp when exported) white slaver noun white slavery noun whiteˈsmith noun
white spirit noun A petroleum distillate used as a substitute for turpentine in mixing paints, and in paint and varnish manufacture White Squadron noun
white squall noun A sudden tropical whirlwind or windstorm heralded by little more than a choppiness of the sea or the appearance of a small white cloud white squire noun (stock exchange) A friendly party to whom a company chooses to transfer the bulk of its shares as a defence against a takeover move white stick noun A walking-stick used by a blind person to feel his or her way, painted white as an indication of the user's blindness white stuff noun (slang) Heroin, morphine or cocaine white sugar noun Refined sugar white-supremˈacist noun An advocate of white supremacy the philosophy or policy of giving dominance to white people on the grounds of their alleged superiority whiteˈ-tailed adjective white tea noun Tea made from silvery-white buds and immature leaves that have not been fermented and retain a light colour whiteˈthorn noun The common hawthorn whiteˈthroat noun
white tie noun
whiteˈ-tie adjective white trash noun see trash1 white van man noun (derog inf) The driver of a (typically white-coloured) commercial van, stereotypically an inconsiderate and aggressive driver white vitriol noun Zinc sulphate white voice noun A singing voice of pure, neutral tone, expressing no emotion whiteˈwall adjective (of pneumatic tyres) having a broad white band around the side walls (also noun) whiteˈware noun Articles made of white porcelain, pottery or other ceramic material whiteˈwash noun
transitive verb
whiteˈwasher noun Someone who whitewashes white water noun
white wax noun
white whale noun The beluga whiteˈwing noun
whiteˈ-winged adjective whiteˈwood noun
whītˈing-time noun (Shakespeare) Bleaching-time whītˈy-brown adjective White with a tinge of brown bleed white To drain completely of resources China white A very pure variety of white lead (also silver white and French white) mark with a white stone see under stone white out
whiter than white
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