

单词 xerophily

xero- /zē-rō-/, or before a vowel xer- /zēr-/

combining form

Denoting dry

ORIGIN: Gr xēros dry

xeranˈsis noun

A drying-up

xeranthemum /-anˈthi-məm/ noun

  1. (Gr anthemon flower) any plant of the Xeranthemum genus of plants of S Europe, belonging to the thistle family
  2. One species of these, also called everlasting

xeranˈtic adjective

Drying up

xerarch /zēˈrärk/ adjective (Gr archē beginning; botany)

Of a plant succession, starting on land where conditions are very dry

xerasia /zi-rāˈsi-ə/ noun

An abnormal or unhealthy dryness of the hair

xēˈric adjective

  1. Dry, lacking in moisture
  2. Xerophytic

xerochasy /zi-rokˈə-si/ noun (botany, etc)

Dehiscence on drying

xeroderma /zē-rō-dûrˈmə/ or xeroderˈmia noun

(Gr derma skin) a disease characterized by abnormal dryness of the skin and by abnormal excessive growth of its horny layer, a mild form of ichthyosis (xeroderma pigmentosum /pig-men-tōˈsəm/ an inherited inability to repair DNA damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light)

xerodermatˈic, xeroderˈmatous or xeroderˈmic adjective

xerographˈic adjective

xerogˈraphy noun

A non-chemical photographic process in which the plate is sensitized electrically and developed by dusting with electrically-charged fine powder

xeroma /-rōˈ/ noun (pl xerōˈmas or xerōˈmata)


xēˈromorph /-mörf/ noun

(Gr morphē form) a xerophyte

xeromorˈphic or xeromorˈphous adjective

Of parts of a plant, protected against excessive loss of water by thick cuticles, coatings of hairs and similar structural features

xerophagy /zi-rofˈə-ji/ noun

(Gr phagein to eat) the eating of dry food, or of bread, vegetables and water, as a form of fast

xēˈrophile noun

A xerophilous plant

xerophilous /-ofˈil-əs/ adjective

(Gr philos loving) of a plant, tolerant of a very dry habitat

xerophˈily noun

Adaptation to dry conditions

xērophthalmia /-of-thalˈmi-ə/ noun

(Gr ophthalmos eye) a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva due to deficiency of vitamin A in the diet

xēˈrophyte /-fīt/ noun

(Gr phyton plant) a plant able to inhabit places where the water supply is scanty, or where conditions, eg excess of salts, make it difficult to take in water

xerophytic /-fitˈ/ adjective

Able to withstand drought

xeroradiogˈraphy noun

X-ray photography by xerography

xerōˈsis noun

Abnormal dryness, eg of the skin, mouth, eyes, etc

xerostoma /-osˈtom-ə/ or xerostōˈmia noun

(Gr stoma mouth) excessive dryness of the mouth due to insufficient secretions

xerotes /zēˈrō-tēz/ noun


xerothermˈic adjective

  1. (of a region or climate) both dry and hot
  2. (of an animal or plant) living in a xerothermic environment

xerotic /-rotˈ/ adjective

Of bodily tissues, abnormally dry

xerotripsis /-tripˈsis/ noun

(Gr trīpsis, from trībein to rub) dry friction





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