释义 |
worsted1 /wŭsˈtid/ noun- Orig a fine wool fabric
- Twisted thread or yarn spun out of long, combed wool
- Smooth, closely-woven material made from this
- Woollen yarn for ornamental needlework
adjective Made of worsted yarn ORIGIN: Worstead, village near Norwich, England worstˈed-work noun Needlework done with worsted worsted2 /wûrsˈtid/ pat and pap of worst worst /wûrst/ adjective- (used as superl of bad and ill) most bad, evil, unpleasant, etc
- Most grave, severe, acute or dire
- Most inferior, lowest in standard
adverb- Most badly
- Most gravely, acutely or severely
noun- The most advanced degree of badness
- The most bad, or least good, thing, part, state, effect or possibility
transitive verb- To get the better of in a contest
- To defeat
- To damage or make worse (obsolete)
intransitive verb (obsolete)To grow worse ORIGIN: OE wyrst, wyrrest, wyrresta, from the same source as worse worst case noun The most unfavourable circumstances possible worstˈ-case adjective at (or at the) worst In the worst possible circumstances, taking the most negative view possible at its, etc worst In the worst state or severest degree do one's worst - To do one's utmost in evil or mischief
- To produce one's worst possible effort, whether deliberately or not
get the worst of it or come off worst - To be defeated in a contest, be the loser in a given situation
- To produce one's worst possible effort, whether deliberately or not
if the worst comes to the worst - If the worst or least desirable possibility occurs
- If all else fails