

单词 zygantrum

zygo- /zī-gō- or zig-ō-/, or before a vowel zyg- /zīg- or zig-/

combining form

Denoting a yoke, union or the presence of two similar things

ORIGIN: Gr zygon yoke

zyˈgal adjective

  1. Relating to a zygon
  2. Formed like a letter H

zyganˈtrum noun (Gr antron a cave; zoology)

In snakes and some lizards, an additional vertebral articulation, consisting of a fossa on the posterior surface of the neural arch, into which the zygosphene fits

zygapophyseal or zygapophysial /-fizˈi-əl/ adjective

zygapophysis /-pofˈi-sis/ noun (pl zygapophˈysēs) (Gr apophysis process; zoology)

Any of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae

zygobranchiate /-brangkˈi-āt/ adjective (Gr branchia gills; zoology)

  1. Having paired, symmetrically placed, gills
  2. Belonging to the Zygobranchiāˈta, a division of the Gastropoda

zyˈgobranch and zygobranchˈiate noun and adjective

zyˈgocactus noun

A cactus of the Brazilian genus Zygocactus of jointed, branching cacti with zygomorphic flowers, also known as the Christmas cactus

zygocardiac /-kärˈdi-ak/ adjective (Gr kardiā heart; zoology)

A term used to describe certain paired lateral ossicles in the gastric mill of Crustacea

zygodactyl /-dakˈtil/ adjective (Gr daktylos toe; zoology)

Having two toes in front and two behind, as parrots have (also zygodactylˈic or zygodacˈtylous)

zygodacˈtylism noun

zyˈgodont adjective

  1. (Gr odous, odontos tooth) relating to molar teeth whose cusps are paired
  2. Possessing such molars

zygomorˈphic or zygomorphous /-mörˈfəs/ adjective

  1. (Gr morphē form) yoke-shaped
  2. Designating flowers symmetrical about one plane only

zygomorˈphism or zyˈgomorphy noun

zygomyceteˈ noun and adjective

Zygomycetes /-mī-sēˈtēz/ plural noun

(Gr mykēs, mykētos a mushroom) a group of fungi (moulds, etc), a division of the Phycomycetes, marked by the production of zygospores

zygomycēˈtous adjective

zyˈgon noun

  1. A connecting bar
  2. An H-shaped fissure of the brain (anatomy)

Zygophyllaceae /-fil-āˈsē-ē/ plural noun

(Gr phyllon a leaf) the bean caper family, desert and steppe plants related to the Rutaceae, the typical genus being Zygophyllˈum

zygophyllāˈceous adjective

zyˈgophyte /-fīt/ noun

(Gr phyton a plant) a plant in which reproduction takes place by means of zygospores

zygopleural /-plooˈrəl/ adjective (Gr pleurā side; biology)

Bilaterally symmetrical

zyˈgose adjective

Relating to zygosis

zygosis /-gōˈsis/ noun (biology)


zyˈgosphene /-sfēn/ noun (Gr sphēn wedge; zoology)

In snakes and some lizards, an additional vertebral articulation, consisting of a process on the anterior surface of the neural arch, which fits into the zygantrum

zyˈgospore noun (Gr sporā a seed; botany)

A spore produced by the union of buds from two adjacent hyphae in the process of conjugation by which some fungi multiply (also zyˈgosperm)

zyˈgotene /-tēn/ noun (Gr taenia a band; biology)

The second stage of the meiotic prophase, in which the chromatic threads approximate in pairs and become looped





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