单词 | zygodactylism |
释义 | zygo- /zī-gō- or zig-ō-/, or before a vowel zyg- /zīg- or zig-/combining formDenoting a yoke, union or the presence of two similar things ORIGIN: Gr zygon yoke zyˈgal adjective
zyganˈtrum noun (Gr antron a cave; zoology) In snakes and some lizards, an additional vertebral articulation, consisting of a fossa on the posterior surface of the neural arch, into which the zygosphene fits zygapophyseal or zygapophysial /-fizˈi-əl/ adjective zygapophysis /-pofˈi-sis/ noun (pl zygapophˈysēs) (Gr apophysis process; zoology) Any of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae zygobranchiate /-brangkˈi-āt/ adjective (Gr branchia gills; zoology)
zyˈgobranch and zygobranchˈiate noun and adjective zyˈgocactus noun A cactus of the Brazilian genus Zygocactus of jointed, branching cacti with zygomorphic flowers, also known as the Christmas cactus zygocardiac /-kärˈdi-ak/ adjective (Gr kardiā heart; zoology) A term used to describe certain paired lateral ossicles in the gastric mill of Crustacea zygodactyl /-dakˈtil/ adjective (Gr daktylos toe; zoology) Having two toes in front and two behind, as parrots have (also zygodactylˈic or zygodacˈtylous) zygodacˈtylism noun zyˈgodont adjective
zygomorˈphic or zygomorphous /-mörˈfəs/ adjective
zygomorˈphism or zyˈgomorphy noun zygomyceteˈ noun and adjective Zygomycetes /-mī-sēˈtēz/ plural noun (Gr mykēs, mykētos a mushroom) a group of fungi (moulds, etc), a division of the Phycomycetes, marked by the production of zygospores zygomycēˈtous adjective zyˈgon noun
Zygophyllaceae /-fil-āˈsē-ē/ plural noun (Gr phyllon a leaf) the bean caper family, desert and steppe plants related to the Rutaceae, the typical genus being Zygophyllˈum zygophyllāˈceous adjective zyˈgophyte /-fīt/ noun (Gr phyton a plant) a plant in which reproduction takes place by means of zygospores zygopleural /-plooˈrəl/ adjective (Gr pleurā side; biology) Bilaterally symmetrical zyˈgose adjective Relating to zygosis zygosis /-gōˈsis/ noun (biology) Conjugation zyˈgosphene /-sfēn/ noun (Gr sphēn wedge; zoology) In snakes and some lizards, an additional vertebral articulation, consisting of a process on the anterior surface of the neural arch, which fits into the zygantrum zyˈgospore noun (Gr sporā a seed; botany) A spore produced by the union of buds from two adjacent hyphae in the process of conjugation by which some fungi multiply (also zyˈgosperm) zyˈgotene /-tēn/ noun (Gr taenia a band; biology) The second stage of the meiotic prophase, in which the chromatic threads approximate in pairs and become looped |
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