

单词 bottle banks

bottle1 /botˈl/

  1. A narrow-necked hollow vessel, esp of glass or plastic, for holding liquids
  2. A bottleful
  3. A glass or plastic container with a teat for feeding milk to a baby
  4. A hot-water bottle
  5. (chiefly with the) alcoholic drink or drinking, a drinking bout
  6. Money collected from busking, the takings (slang)
  7. Courage, firmness of resolve (slang)
transitive verb
  1. To enclose in a bottle or bottles
  2. To preserve in bottles or jars
  3. To attack using a bottle as a weapon (slang)
  4. (often with it) to fail to do or achieve something as a result of losing one's nerve (slang)
intransitive verb (slang)

To collect money from busking

ORIGIN: OFr bouteille, dimin of botte a vessel for liquids, from LL butis a vessel

bottˈled adjective

  1. Enclosed or preserved in bottles or jars
  2. Shaped or protuberant like a bottle
  3. Kept in restraint
  4. Drunk (slang)

bottˈleful noun (pl bottˈlefuls)

As much as fills a bottle

bottˈler noun

  1. A person or machine that bottles
  2. An excellent person or thing (Aust inf)

bottle bank noun

A purpose-built container in which empty glass bottles, jars, etc may be deposited for collection for recycling

bottˈle-blond or (fem) bottˈle-blonde noun

Someone whose blond(e) hair-colouring came out of a bottle (ie is artificial, not natural)

bottˈlebrush noun

  1. A brush for cleaning bottles, with bristles standing out from a central axis
  2. A name for various plants of similar appearance, such as horse-tail, mare's-tail, Banksia, and Callistemon

bottˈle-chart noun

A chart showing currents from evidence of bottles thrown into the sea

bottˈle-coaster noun

A bottle-slider

bottˈle-feed transitive verb

To feed milk to (a baby) from a bottle rather than the breast

bottˈle-feeding noun

bottˈle-fish noun

A fish (Saccopharynx ampullaceus) that can blow its body out like a bottle

bottle gas or bottled gas noun

Liquefied butane or propane gas in containers for use in lighting, cooking, heating, etc

bottle glass noun

A coarse green glass used in the making of bottles

bottˈle-gourd noun

A climbing, musky-scented Indian cucurbitaceous annual, with bottle-shaped fruit (also false calabash)

bottˈle-green adjective and noun

Dark green, like bottle glass

bottˈle-head noun

A bottle-nosed whale

bottˈle-holder noun

  1. A boxer's attendant
  2. A backer or supporter generally

bottˈle-imp noun

An imp confined in a bottle

bottle jack noun (NZ)

A large jack for heavy lifting

bottˈleneck noun

  1. A narrow place in a road where traffic is apt to be congested (often figurative)
  2. A traffic hold-up
  3. A cause of obstruction or congestion
  4. A style of guitar-playing in which a glissando effect is produced by sliding (orig) a bottleneck or (now usu) a tube fitted onto a finger along the strings (also bottleneck guitar)

bottˈlenose noun

  1. A large swollen nose
  2. A bottle-nosed toothed whale (Hyperoodon planifrons) or dolphin (Tursiops truncatus and others)

bottˈle-nosed adjective

With a nose or snout shaped like a bottle

bottˈle-o or -oh noun (Aust)

A dealer in used bottles (from his cry)

bottˈle-opener noun

A device for opening bottles

bottle party noun

A more or less improvised drinking party where each person brings a bottle

bottle shop or bottle store noun (Aust and NZ)

A place where alcoholic drinks are sold for consumption off the premises only, an off-licence

bottˈle-shouldered adjective

With sloping shoulders like a champagne bottle

bottˈle-slider noun

A tray for passing a decanter round the table

bottle store see bottle shop above.

bottle tree noun

An Australian sterculiaceous tree with swollen trunk

bottˈle-washer noun

  1. A person or machine that washes bottles
  2. A factotum, dogsbody (informal)

bottle off

To draw from the cask and put into bottles

bottle out (slang)

To lose one's nerve and withdraw (from eg a contest)

bottle up

  1. To enclose (as) in a bottle
  2. To confine, keep contained (an army, etc)
  3. To hold back, restrain (emotions)
  4. To replenish the stock of bottles behind a bar

bring up on the bottle

To rear by bottle-feeding rather than by breastfeeding

pass the bottle of smoke (Dickens)

  1. To acquiesce in some falsehood
  2. To make pretence

three-bottle man

A man able to drink three bottles of wine without seeming the worse for it





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