

单词 carelessly

care /kār/

  1. Affliction
  2. Anxiety
  3. Heedfulness
  4. Heed
  5. Charge, oversight
  6. Residential or non-residential medical or social welfare services
  7. An object of anxiety or watchfulness
intransitive verb
  1. To be anxious
  2. To be inclined
  3. To be concerned
  4. To mind
  5. To have affection, fondness or regard for (with for or about)
  6. To provide for, look after, watch over (with for)
ORIGIN: OE caru; Gothic kara sorrow; ON kæra to lament

careˈful adjective

  1. Full of care
  2. Heedful
  3. Painstaking, thorough
  4. Anxious (Bible)
  5. Grievous (Spenser)
  6. Sorrowful (Spenser)

careˈfully adverb

careˈfulness noun

careˈless adjective

  1. Without care
  2. Heedless, unconcerned

careˈlessly adverb

careˈlessness noun

carˈer noun

  1. A person who cares
  2. A person who takes responsibility for another, dependent, person

carˈing adjective

  1. Compassionate
  2. Concerned professionally with social, medical, etc welfare (as the caring professions, ie social workers, nurses, etc)

carˈingly adverb

care assistant noun

A person employed to look after children or old or disabled people in a home, hospital, etc

care attendant noun

A person employed by social services to care for physically or mentally handicapped people in day centres or residential homes

care card noun

A plastic card with an inbuilt memory chip used for storing an individual's medical records

careˈ-crazed adjective (Shakespeare)

Crazed or broken with care and solicitude

careˈfree adjective

Free from anxiety, worry or responsibility

careˈgiver noun (US)

A carer

care home noun

A residential institution for young, elderly, or disabled people

care label noun

A label on a garment giving washing, dry-cleaning, etc, instructions

careˈtake transitive verb and intransitive verb

To act as caretaker (for a property, etc)

careˈtaker noun

Someone put in charge of a place, esp a building


Exercising temporary supervision or control, as caretaker government

careˈware noun (comput sl)

Computer software that is made available in exchange for making a donation of one's services, money, etc to a charity

careˈworker noun

A person employed to help look after dependent people in their own homes

careˈworn adjective

Showing signs of stress, anxiety, etc

care and maintenance

The keeping of an industrial plant, shipyard, etc in sound condition at times when production has been discontinued so that it may be restarted immediately new orders are received

care (and protection) order

An order by a magistrate placing a child in care

care of

To be delivered to the custody of, or at the address of (abbrev c/o)

for all I (or you, etc) care

It is a matter of indifference to me (or you, etc)

have a care

To take care

I, etc couldn't care less

I, etc do not care in the least

in care

  1. (of a child) in the guardianship of a local authority or other official organization
  2. (of an elderly person) in an old people's home or geriatric ward

in care of (US)

Care of (see above)

take care

To be careful or cautious

take care of

  1. To look after with care
  2. To make the necessary arrangements regarding (informal)





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