

单词 chrysanth

chrys- /kris-/ or chryso- /kri-sō- or -sə-/

combining form

Denoting gold

ORIGIN: Gr chrȳsos gold

chrysˈalis or chrysˈalid noun (pl chrysalides /kris-alˈi-dēz/, chrysˈalises or chrysˈalids)

  1. (Gr chrȳsallis) orig a golden-coloured butterfly pupa
  2. A pupa generally
  3. A pupa case

chrysanˈthemum /kris- or kriz-/ (pl chrysanˈthemums) noun

  1. (Gr anthemon flower) a plant of the Chrysanthemum genus of composite plants, eg the corn marigold and ox-eye daisy
  2. Any of several cultivated plants of the genus, with colourful double flower-heads (often shortened to chrysanthˈ)

chrysarōˈbin noun

  1. (see araroba) a yellow crystalline mixture obtained from the wood of a S American tree, Andira araroba
  2. A derivative of this used medicinally as a purgative and in the treatment of skin disease

chryselephantˈine adjective

(Gr elephantinos, from elephas, -antos ivory) (esp of ancient Greek sculpture) made of or overlaid with gold and ivory

chrysoberˈyl noun

A mineral, beryllium aluminate, of various shades of greenish-yellow or gold colour

chrysocollˈa noun

(Gr chrȳsokolla gold-solder, perh applied to this mineral, from kolla glue) a silicate of copper, bluish-green in colour

chrysocˈracy noun

(Gr krateein to rule) the rule of wealth, plutocracy

chrysˈolite noun

  1. (Gr lithos stone) olivine, esp yellow or green precious olivine
  2. Olivine used as a gemstone

chrysˈophan noun

(Gr phainesthai to appear) an old name for chrysarobin (chrysophanic acid an oxidation product of chrysarobin used against skin diseases)

chrysophˈilite noun

(Gr phileein to love) a lover of gold

chrysˈoprase /-prāz/ noun

(Gr prason a leek) a green variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone

chrysˈotile noun

(Gr tilos a shred) a fibrous variety of serpentine, a form of asbestos





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