

单词 cap of maintenance

cap1 /kap/

  1. A flat brimless hat, usu with a peak
  2. Formerly, a woman's light head covering, usu worn indoors and made from lace, fine linen, etc
  3. An official or symbolic headdress or one appropriated to a special class or use, academic, athletic, etc
  4. An occasion of being selected for esp a national team, symbolized by a cap
  5. A person so selected
  6. The enamel which covers a tooth (anatomy)
  7. An artificial covering for a tooth, replacing the natural enamel
  8. A caplike covering of any kind
  9. The top of a toadstool
  10. The uppermost or terminal part of anything
  11. A percussion cap for a toy gun, etc
  12. A collection of money taken at a fox hunt (orig in a cap) for hunt servants, charity, etc
  13. (also Dutch cap) a contraceptive diaphragm
transitive verb (cappˈing; capped /kapt/)
  1. To cover the end or top of
  2. To touch with a cap in conferring a degree (chiefly Scot and NZ)
  3. To select as a member of a team
  4. To outdo or surpass by following with something better, more significant, etc
  5. To seal off and halt the flow from (an oil or gas well)
  6. To set a limit to (esp local authority budgets)
transitive verb and intransitive verb

To salute by raising the cap

ORIGIN: OE cæppe, from LL cappa a cape or cope

capˈful noun (pl capˈfuls)

cappˈer noun

cappˈing noun

  1. The action of the verb cap
  2. A covering, eg a hard crust that forms on soil during dry weather
  3. A graduation ceremony (informal)

capˈ-case noun (obsolete)

A small travelling-case, a chest

capˈ-paper noun

  1. A kind of wrapping paper
  2. A size of writing paper

cap pistol noun

A toy gun using a percussion cap

cap rock noun

A stratum of (usu impervious) rock overlying oil- or gas-bearing strata

cap screw noun

A bolt with a threaded shaft and cylindrical head with a hexagonal indentation for turning it

cap sleeve noun

A short sleeve, just covering the shoulder

capˈstone noun

  1. A coping-stone
  2. The top or finishing stone of a structure
  3. A stone slab laid flat over the top of a cist (archaeology)
  4. The horizontal stone of a dolmen (archaeology)
  5. A flat stone acting as a cap, eg to a shaft or chimney

black cap see under black

cap and bells

The insignia of a professional jester

cap and collar mortgage

One having a minimum (collar) and maximum (cap) rate of interest

cap in hand

  1. Submissively
  2. Supplicatingly

cap of liberty

The conical cap, usu made of red material, given to a Roman slave on enfranchisement, and adopted during the French revolution as an emblem of freedom, now the symbol of republicanism

cap of maintenance see under maintain

cap verses

To quote verses in turn, according to rule

college cap

A mortarboard or trencher cap

set one's cap at

(of a woman) to set oneself to captivate (a man)

the cap fits

The allusion is felt to apply

throw up one's cap

To make this gesture (lit or figurative) in token of immoderate joy

to cap it all

As a (frequently unpleasant) climax

maintain /mān-tānˈ, mən-, men-/

transitive verb
  1. To observe or practise
  2. To keep in existence or in any state
  3. To preserve from capture, loss or deterioration
  4. To uphold
  5. To carry on
  6. To keep up
  7. To support
  8. To make good
  9. To support by argument
  10. To affirm
  11. To defend
  12. To support in an action in which one is not oneself concerned (law)
ORIGIN: Fr maintenir, from L manū (ablative) tenēre to hold in the hand

maintainabilˈity noun

maintainˈable adjective

maintainedˈ adjective

Financially supported, eg (of a school, etc) from public funds

maintainˈer noun

maintenance /mānˈtən-əns/ noun

  1. The act of maintaining, supporting or defending
  2. Continuance
  3. The means of support
  4. Defence, protection
  5. (formerly illegal) outside interference in a lawsuit, etc in favour of one of the parties (law)
transitive verb

To keep in working order

mainˈtenance-man noun

A man keeping machines, etc in working order

cap of maintenance (historical)

A cap formerly worn by or carried before a person of high office or rank

maintain capital intact (economics)

To make good that part of a company's or country's capital goods consumed in production





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