单词 | cardi- |
释义 | cardi, cardie or cardy /kärˈdi/ (informal)nounShort for cardigan cardio- /kär-di-ō-/ or before a vowel cardi- /kär-di-/combining formDenoting heart ORIGIN: Gr kardiā heart carˈdiogram noun A tracing obtained from a cardiograph carˈdiograph noun An instrument for recording movements of the heart cardiogˈrapher noun A person who uses a cardiograph cardiogˈraphy noun cardiological /-lojˈi-kl/ adjective cardiolˈogist noun cardiology /-olˈə-ji/ noun The science that deals with the structure, function and diseases of the heart cardiomegˈaly noun Abnormal enlargement of the heart cardiomōˈtor adjective Relating to the action of the heart cardiomyopˈathy noun Myocardiopathy cardiopulˈmonary adjective Relating to the heart and lungs (cardiopulmonary resuscitation mouth-to-mouth respiration and heart massage to revive a patient whose heart has stopped beating) cardiorespirˈatory adjective Relating to the action of the heart and lungs cardiothoracic /-thö-rasˈik/ adjective Relating to the heart and chest cardiotocograph /-tokˈə-graf/ noun (Gr tokos birth, offspring) a record of the heart rate of a fetus cardiotocography /-tə-kogˈrə-fi/ noun The study and interpretation of cardiotocographs cardiovascular /-vasˈkū-/ adjective Relating to or involving the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular system the circulatory system) cardīˈtis noun Inflammation of the heart |
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