

单词 strike oil

oil /oil/

  1. Any greasy, usu flammable liquid derived from animals, plants, mineral deposits or by artificial means, and used as a lubricant, fuel, foodstuff, etc
  2. The juice from the fruit of the olive tree
  3. Any similar liquid obtained from parts of other plants
  4. An oil painting
  5. (in pl) oil paints or oil painting
  6. (in pl) oilskins
  7. News, information, esp in the good oil (Aust informal)
transitive verb
  1. To smear, lubricate or anoint with oil
  2. To impregnate with oil
  3. To turn (a solid fat) into oil
intransitive verb
  1. To take oil aboard as fuel
  2. (of a solid fat) to turn into oil
  3. To move ingratiatingly, stealthily, slily or cravenly, as in oil out, to extricate oneself dishonourably (informal, esp old)

—See also tall oil

ORIGIN: OFr oile (Fr huile), from L oleum, from Gr elaion, from elaiā olive-tree, olive

oiled adjective

  1. Smeared, treated, lubricated or impregnated with oil
  2. Preserved in oil
  3. Tipsy (esp in well-oiled; slang)

oilˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that oils
  2. An oilcan
  3. (in pl) oilskins
  4. A ship driven by oil
  5. A ship that carries oil, a tanker
  6. An oil well

oilˈery noun

The commodities, business or establishment of an oilman

oilˈily adverb

oilˈiness noun

oilˈ-less adjective

oilˈy adjective

  1. Consisting of, containing or having the qualities of oil
  2. Greasy
  3. Unctuous

oil bath noun

A receptacle containing lubricating oil through which part of a machine passes

oil beetle noun

A beetle (of the genus Meloe) that emits a yellowish oily liquid from its legs when disturbed

oilˈ-belt noun

A belt of country yielding mineral oil

oilˈbird noun

The guacharo

oilˈ-burner noun

  1. A ship that uses oil as fuel
  2. A lamp-burner for use with oil

oilˈ-burning adjective

oilˈ-cake noun

A cattle food made of the residue of oilseeds when most of the oil has been pressed out

oilˈcan noun

A can for carrying oil or for applying lubricating oil

oilˈcloth noun

  1. A canvas coated with linseed oil paint
  2. Oilskin

oil colour noun

A colouring substance mixed with oil, an oil paint

oil-control ring noun (motoring)

Same as scraper ring (see under scrape)

oilˈ-cup noun

A small cup-like container, usu attached to machinery, for holding and dispensing lubricating oil

oil drum noun

A cylindrical metal barrel for oil

oil engine noun

An internal-combustion engine burning vapour from oil

oilˈfield noun

An area that produces mineral oil

oil-filled cable noun (elec eng)

Cable with a central duct filled with oil, eliminating gaseous voids and consequent ionization

oilˈ-fired adjective

Burning oil as fuel

oilˈ-gas noun

Illuminating gas or heating gas made by destructive distillation of oil

oil gauge noun

An instrument for indicating the level of lubricating oil in an engine, etc

oil gland noun

The uropygial gland in birds, forming a secretion used in preening the feathers

oil immersion noun

A technique, used to extend the resolving power of a light microscope, in which a thin film of oil is placed between a special oil-immersion objective lens and the specimen

oil length noun

The ratio of drying oil to resin in eg a varnish (longˈ-oil having a high proportion, shortˈ-oil a low proportion, of oil)

oilˈman noun

  1. A man who deals in oils
  2. A man who owns an oil well
  3. A man involved in the operation of an oil well, oil rig, etc

oil mill noun

A grinding-mill for expressing oil from seeds, etc

oilˈnut noun

The N American butternut, the buffalo-nut, or other oil-yielding nut

oil paint noun

An oil colour

oil painting noun

  1. A picture painted in oil colours
  2. The art of painting in oil colours

oil palm noun

A palm (Elaeis guineensis) whose fruit pulp yields palm oil

oil pan noun

The sump in an internal-combustion engine

oil paper noun

Paper that has been oiled, eg to make it waterproof

oil platform noun

A steel and/or concrete structure, either fixed or mobile, used in offshore drilling to support the rig and to keep stores, etc

oil press noun

A machine for expressing oils from seeds or pulp

oilˈ-rich adjective

Having much oil

oil rig noun

  1. The complete plant (machinery, structures, etc) required for oil-well drilling
  2. (loosely) a mobile oil platform

oil sand noun

  1. Sand or sandstone occurring naturally impregnated with petroleum
  2. Tar sand

oilˈseed noun

Any seed that yields oil

oilseed rape noun

A plant with vivid yellow flowers, yielding vegetable oil

oil shale noun

A shale containing diffused hydrocarbons in a state suitable for distillation into mineral oils

oil silk noun

A transparent silk fabric impregnated with oxidized oil

oilˈskin noun

  1. Cloth made waterproof by means of oil
  2. A garment made of oilskin

oil slick noun

A patch of oil forming a film on the surface of water or (rarely) a road, etc

oilˈstone noun

A whetstone used with oil

oil string same as production string (see under produce).

oil tanker noun

A vessel constructed for carrying oil in bulk

oilˈ-tree noun

Any of several trees or shrubs from which oil is obtained, that mentioned in Isaiah 41.19 in the Bible probably being the oleaster

oil well noun

A boring made on land or the seabed for extracting petroleum

oily fish noun

Any fish whose meat is rich in fatty acids, including salmon and mackerel

long-oil and short-oil see oil length above.

no oil painting (informal; facetious)

(facially) unattractive

oil someone's palm

To bribe someone

oil the wheels

To do something in order to make things go more smoothly, successfully, etc

strike oil

  1. To discover oil while boring for it
  2. To find the way to success and riches

strike /strīk/

transitive verb (pat and pap struck)
  1. To give a blow to or with
  2. To hit, smite
  3. To come into forcible contact with
  4. To deal, deliver, or inflict
  5. To bring forcibly into contact
  6. To impel
  7. To put, send, move, render, or produce by a blow or stroke
  8. To render as if by a blow
  9. To impress
  10. To impress favourably
  11. To afflict
  12. To assail, affect
  13. To affect strongly or suddenly
  14. To mark off
  15. (of a line, path, etc) to draw, describe, give direction to
  16. To arrive at, estimate, compute, fix, settle (as a balance, an average, prices)
  17. To make (a compact or agreement), to ratify
  18. To occur to
  19. To assume (a pose or an attitude)
  20. To lower (eg a sail, flag, tent)
  21. To take down the tents of (strike camp)
  22. To dismantle
  23. To sound by percussion or otherwise
  24. To announce by a bell
  25. To come upon, reach
  26. To stamp
  27. To coin
  28. To print
  29. To delete, cancel
  30. To constitute (orig by cutting down a list)
  31. To broach (Shakespeare)
  32. To fight (a battle) (Shakespeare)
  33. To blast, bewitch
  34. To hook (a fish) by a quick turn of the wrist
  35. To smooth (dialect)
  36. To strickle (dialect)
  37. To stroke (obsolete and Bible)
intransitive verb
  1. To make one's way
  2. To set out
  3. To take a direction or course
  4. To dart, shoot, pass quickly
  5. To penetrate
  6. To jerk the line suddenly in order to impale the hook in the mouth of a fish
  7. To put forth roots
  8. To chance, alight, come by chance
  9. To interpose
  10. To deal or aim a blow, perform a stroke
  11. To sound or be sounded or announced by a bell
  12. To hit out
  13. To seize the bait
  14. To strike something, as a rock, sail, flag
  15. To attempt to hook the ball (rugby)
  16. To touch
  17. To run aground
  18. To surrender
  19. To go on strike
  20. To blast, blight (Shakespeare)

—There are numerous archaic and obsolete forms of the past tense (strake, stroke, strook, strooke and (Scot) strack, strak) and of the past participle (strickˈen, strokˈen, strook, strooke, strookˈen and struckˈen)

  1. A stroke, striking
  2. An attack, esp by aircraft
  3. A raid
  4. The direction of a horizontal line at right angles to the dip of a bed (geology)
  5. A find (as of oil), a stroke of luck
  6. A cessation of work, or other obstructive refusal to act normally, as a means of putting pressure on employers, etc
  7. The part that receives the bolt of a lock
  8. (in tenpin bowling) the knocking down of all the pins with the first ball bowled, or the score resulting from this
  9. A ball thrown by the pitcher into the strike zone (baseball)
  10. A ball at which the batter swings and misses (baseball)
  11. The position of facing the bowling, licence to receive the next delivery (cricket)
  12. Blackmail, esp by introducing a bill in the hope of being bought off (old US sl)
  13. The quantity of coins, etc made at one time
  14. A strickle (dialect)
  15. A proportion of malt (cf straik1)
ORIGIN: OE strīcan to stroke, go, move

strikˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that strikes
  2. A footpad (Shakespeare)
  3. An attacker, esp one whose task is to attempt to score goals (football)
  4. The batsman facing the bowling (cricket)

strikˈing noun

The action of the verb

  1. That strikes or can strike
  2. Impressive, arresting, noticeable

strikˈingly adverb

strikˈingness noun

strikeˈbound adjective

Closed or similarly affected because of a strike

strikeˈbreaker noun

A person who works during a strike or who does the work of a striker, esp if brought in with a view to defeating the strike

strikeˈbreaking noun

strike fault noun (geology)

A fault parallel to the strike

strike force noun

  1. A force designed and equipped to carry out a strike (military)
  2. A special police unit trained to strike suddenly and forcefully to suppress crime

strikeout see strike out below.

strike pay noun

An allowance paid by a trade union to members on strike

strikeˈ-slip fault noun (geology)

A fault in which movement is parallel to the strike

strike zone noun (baseball)

The area above home plate extending from the batter's knees to the middle of the torso

striking circle noun (hockey)

The area in front of goal from within which the ball must be hit in order to score

striking price noun (stock exchange)

A stipulated price at which a holder may exercise his or her put or call option (also exercise or strike price)

be struck off

(of doctors, lawyers, etc) to have one's name removed from the professional register because of misconduct

on strike

  1. Taking part in a strike
  2. (of a batsman) facing the bowling (cricket)

strike a match

To light it by friction or a grazing stroke

strike at

To attempt to strike, aim a blow at

strike back

  1. To return a blow
  2. To backfire, burn within the burner

strike down

  1. To fell
  2. To make ill or cause to die

strike hands

To join or slap together hands in confirmation of agreement

strike home

To strike right to the point aimed at (also figurative)

strike in

  1. To enter suddenly
  2. To interpose
  3. To agree, fit (obsolete)

strike into

To enter upon suddenly, break into

strike it lucky (informal)

To experience good luck

strike it rich (informal)

To make a sudden large financial gain, eg through discovering a mineral deposit, etc

strike off

  1. To erase from an account, deduct
  2. To remove (from a roll, register, etc)
  3. To print
  4. To separate by a blow

strike oil see under oil

strike out

  1. To efface
  2. To bring into light
  3. To direct one's energy and efforts boldly outwards
  4. To swim away
  5. To dismiss or be dismissed by means of three strikes (baseball)
  6. To fail completely (informal, esp N American; strikeˈout noun)
  7. To remove (testimony, an action, etc) from the record (law)
  8. To strike from the shoulder
  9. To form by sudden effort

strike root see under root1

strike through

To delete with a stroke of the pen

strike up

  1. To begin to beat, sing, or play
  2. To begin (eg an acquaintance)

struck on

Enamoured of

take strike (cricket)

(of a batsman) to prepare to face the bowling





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