

单词 clinical baptism

baptize or baptise /bap-tīzˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To administer baptism to
  2. To christen, give a name to
  3. To name at launching and break a bottle of wine on the bow of (a ship)
ORIGIN: Gr baptizein, from baptein to dip

baptˈism /-izm/ noun

  1. Immersion in or sprinkling with water as a religious ceremony
  2. An experience regarded as initiating one into a society, group, etc

baptisˈmal adjective

baptisˈmally adverb

baptˈist noun

  1. A person who baptizes
  2. (with cap) a member of a Christian sect which approves only of baptizing by immersion, and that only of persons who profess their faith in Christ

bapˈtistery or bapˈtistry noun

  1. A place for administration of baptism, whether a separate building or part of a church
  2. A tank of water for baptisms in a Baptist church

baptismal name noun

One given at baptism, a Christian name

baptismal regeneration noun

The doctrine of the remission of sin original and actual, and of the new birth into the life of sanctifying grace, in and through the sacrament of baptism

baptism by desire noun

The grace held to be given to a believer who ardently desires baptism, but dies before receiving it

baptism for the dead noun

The vicarious baptism of a living for an unbaptized dead Christian

baptism of blood noun

Martyrdom of the unbaptized Christian

baptism of fire noun

  1. The gift of the Holy Spirit
  2. Martyrdom by fire regarded as an equivalent to baptism
  3. Any trying ordeal, such as a first experience of being under fire

clinical baptism

Baptism administered to the sick

conditional (or hypothetical) baptism

Baptism administered conditionally when it is doubtful whether the person was previously baptized validly or at all

private baptism

Baptism elsewhere than in church

clinic /klinˈik/, also clinique /kli-nēkˈ/

  1. A private hospital or nursing-home
  2. An institution, or a department of one, or a group of doctors, for treating patients or for diagnosis or giving advice
  3. Any group meeting for instruction, often remedial, in a particular field
  4. The instruction of medicine or surgery at the bedside of hospital patients
  5. A session of such instruction
  6. A person confined to bed by sickness (archaic)
ORIGIN: Gr klīnikos, from klīnē a bed

clinˈical adjective

  1. Hospital-like
  2. Denoting the branch of a subject concerned with treating disorders, as in clinical psychology
  3. Concerned with or based on observation
  4. Strictly objective
  5. Analytical
  6. Plain, functional in appearance

clinˈically adverb

clinician /-ishˈən/ noun

  1. A doctor, etc who works directly with patients
  2. A doctor, etc who runs, or works in, a clinic

clinical baptism noun

Baptism administered to persons on their sickbed

clinical convert noun

A person converted on his or her deathbed

clinical death noun

A state of the body in which the brain has entirely ceased to function, though artificial means can be used to maintain the action of the heart, lungs, etc

clinical lecture noun

One given to students at the bedside of the sick

clinical medicine or clinical surgery noun

Medicine or surgery as taught by clinics

clinical thermometer noun

A finely-calibrated thermometer in which the temperature taken continues to be indicated until reset by shaking

clinical trial noun

The study of existing data on or the obtaining of new data from human patients directly in order to test the efficacy of a treatment or a hypothesis related to the cause of a disease





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