

单词 club moss

club /klub/

  1. A heavy tapering stick, knobby or thick at one end, used to strike with
  2. A cudgel
  3. An Indian club (qv)
  4. A bat used in certain games
  5. An instrument for playing golf, with a metal or wooden head on the end of a thin metal shaft
  6. A playing card with black trefoil pips
  7. A combination, bunch
  8. A clique, set
  9. An association of persons for social, political, athletic or other ends
  10. An association of persons who possess premises or facilities which all members may use
  11. A clubhouse, or the premises occupied by a club
  12. A nightclub
transitive verb
  1. To beat with a club
  2. To use a heavy object as a club
  3. To throw into confusion (military)
  4. To gather into a bunch
  5. To combine
intransitive verb
  1. (esp with together) to join together for some common end
  2. To combine together
  3. To share in a common expense
  4. To visit nightclubs
ORIGIN: ON and Swed klubba; same root as clump

clubbabilˈity or clubabilˈity noun

clubbˈable or clubˈable adjective


clubbed adjective

Enlarged at the end like a club

clubbˈer noun

A person who frequents nightclubs

clubbˈing noun

  1. Beating
  2. Combination
  3. A thickening, as of finger-ends, or of cabbage-stems attacked by insect larvae
  4. The frequenting of nightclubs

clubbˈish adjective

Given to clubs

clubbˈism noun

The club system

clubbˈist noun

A clubman

clubbˈy adjective

  1. Characteristic of a club
  2. Sociable
  3. Exclusive, cliquey

clubs singular noun see clumps under clump

club class noun

A class of seat on an aircraft between tourist class and first class

club deal noun (finance)

A takeover by a group of private equity companies working as a syndicate

clubˈ-face noun

The face of a golf club

club foot noun

A deformed foot

club-footˈed adjective

clubˈ-haul transitive verb (nautical)

To tack, esp in an emergency, by dropping the lee anchor and hauling in the anchor cable to bring the stern of the boat to windward

clubˈhead noun

The head of a golf club

clubˈ-headˈed adjective

Having a thick head

clubˈhouse noun

A house for the accommodation of a club

clubˈland noun

  1. The area around St James's in London, where many of the old-established clubs are
  2. An area or region containing a large number of nightclubs or working-men's clubs

clubˈ-law noun

Government by violence

clubˈ-line noun (printing)

A short line at the end of a paragraph, an orphan

clubˈman noun

  1. A member of a club or clubs
  2. A frequenter of clubs, a man-about-town

clubˈmanship noun

clubˈmaster noun

The manager of, or purveyor for, a club

club moss noun

Any primitive plant of the family Lycopodiaceae, allied to the ferns, typically having small overlapping leaves and creeping stems

clubˈroom noun

The room in which a club meets

clubˈroot noun

A fungal disease which attacks the roots of plants of the Cruciferae

clubˈrush noun

Any sedge of the genus Scirpus

club sandwich noun

A sandwich of three slices of bread or toast, containing two fillings

club soda noun

Soda water

clubˈwoman noun

in the club or in the pudding club (slang)


join the club (informal)

  1. We are all in the same position
  2. Me too

on the club (old sl)

Certified unfit to work

moss /mos/

  1. A bog (now chiefly Scot)
  2. Boggy ground or soil
  3. Any of the Musci, a class of Bryophyta, small plants with simply constructed leaves, and no woody material, attached by rhizoids, the zygote growing into a small spore-bearing capsule that grows parasitically on the parent plant
  4. A mass of such plants
  5. A mosslike growth, covering or excrescence
  6. Loosely extended to plants of similar appearance to true mosses
  7. A moss rose
transitive verb
  1. To cover with moss
  2. To clear of moss
intransitive verb

To gather moss

ORIGIN: OE mōs bog; Du mos, Ger Moos moss, bog

mossˈiness noun

mossˈlike adjective

mossˈy adjective (mossˈier; mossˈiest)

  1. Overgrown or abounding with moss
  2. Like moss
  3. Boggy

moss agate noun

Chalcedony with moss-like inclusions of chlorite, manganese oxide, etc

mossˈback noun (N American)

A person with antiquated views

mossˈbacked adjective

mossˈbluiter /-blütˈər or -blitˈər/ noun (Scot)

The bittern

mossˈ-cheeper noun (Scot)

The titlark

mossˈ-crop noun (Scot)

Cotton grass

mossˈ-flow noun (Scot)

A watery bog

moss green noun

A muted yellowy-green

mossˈ-grown adjective

Covered with moss

moss hag or moss hagg noun (Scot)

A pit or slough in a bog

mossˈland noun

Wet, peaty land

mossˈ-litter noun

A loose mass of lumps of peaty material

mossˈplant noun

  1. A plant of moss
  2. The sexual generation in the life history of a moss, on which the asexual generation is parasitic

moss rose noun

A variety of rose having a mosslike growth on and below the calyx

moss stitch noun

A knitting stitch alternating plain and purl stitches along each row and in succeeding rows, producing a mosslike texture

mossˈtrooper noun (historical)

One of the freebooters that used to frequent the Border between Scotland and England in the 17c

mossˈtrooping noun and adjective

club moss see under club and lycopod

Iceland moss see under Iceland





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