

单词 disk

disk /disk/

  1. A variant spelling (esp N American) of disc
  2. A magnetic disc used for backing up and storing information and programs (computing)
ORIGIN: Variant of disc

disketteˈ noun (computing)

A small magnetic floppy disk

diskˈless adjective

disk capacity noun (computing)

The amount of storage space on a disk

disk drive noun

A computer peripheral with a head that records data on, and retrieves data from disks

disk file or disk store noun (computing)

A random access device consisting of disks coated with magnetizable material, on which data is stored in tracks

disk operating system noun

Software that manages the storage and retrieval of information on disk on personal computers (abbrev DOS)

disk pack noun (computing)

A set of magnetic disks, called platters, fitted on a common spindle

compact1 /komˈpakt or kəm-paktˈ/

  1. Closely placed or fitted together
  2. Tightly grouped, not spread out
  3. (of a person) smallish
  4. Close
  5. Brief
  6. Denoting a quality newspaper printed in a smaller format than a broadsheet, typically measuring approx 30×40cm (about 12×16in)
  7. (of a car) medium-sized and economical (N American)
  8. Composed or made up of (with of)
noun /komˈ/
  1. A compacted body or structure, a combination (of elements)
  2. A small case containing face powder for carrying in the handbag (also powder compact)
  3. A quality newspaper printed in compact format
  4. A compact car (N American)
  5. A compact camera
transitive verb /-paktˈ/
  1. To press closely together
  2. To consolidate
ORIGIN: L compāctus, pap of compingere, from com- and pangere to fix

compactˈed adjective

compactˈedly adverb

compactˈedness noun

compactificāˈtion noun

The act or process of making or becoming compact or tightly grouped together

compactˈify transitive verb

compacˈtion noun

  1. The act of compacting, or state of being compacted
  2. Sediments compacted by pressure from above (geology)
  3. An area formed by dumping rock waste, etc, pressing it together by means of heavy machines, and causing or allowing grass to grow over the whole

compactˈly adverb

compactˈness noun

compactˈor noun

A machine which crushes and compacts eg solid waste into the ground

compacˈture noun (Spenser)

Close union or knitting together

compact camera noun

A small 35mm camera, usu with automatic focusing and exposure and often with a zoom lens and automatic winding

compact disc or (computing) disk noun

A small disc from which digitally-recorded sound, graphics or text can be read by laser (abbrev CD)

compact disc player noun

A machine that plays compact discs by means of a laser beam

compact video disc noun

An audiovisual disc that records and plays both pictures and sound (abbrev CVD)

disc or (esp N American) disk /disk/

  1. Any flat thin circular body or structure
  2. A gramophone record
  3. (usu as disk) a magnetic disc or a disk file (see entry at disk; computing)
  4. A compact disc
  5. A videodisc
  6. A quoit thrown by ancient Greek athletes
  7. A circular figure, such as that presented by the sun, moon and planets
  8. The enlarged torus of a flower
  9. The inner part of a capitulum in composite plants
  10. A layer of fibrocartilage between vertebrae, the slipping of which (slipped disc) causes pressure on spinal nerves and hence pain
transitive verb and intransitive verb

To work with a disc harrow

ORIGIN: Gr diskos

discˈal adjective

Relating to, or of the nature of, a disc

discec'tomy noun

Surgical removal of a part of a vertebral disc

discogˈrapher noun

discogˈraphy noun

  1. Collection or description, etc, of musical recordings
  2. The history or description of musical recording
  3. A list of recordings by one composer or performer

discˈoid or discoidˈal adjective

  1. In the form of a disc
  2. (of a capitulum) without ray-flowers (botany)

discˈophile /-ō-fīl/ noun

Someone who makes a study of and collects musical recordings

disc brake noun

A brake in which the friction is obtained by pads hydraulically forced against a disc on the wheel

disc camera noun

An obsolete camera in which the images are made on a disc instead of a roll of film

disc flower or disc floret noun

One of the tubular inner flowers of a capitulum, opp to ray-flower

disc harrow or disc plough noun

A harrow or plough in which the soil is cut by inclined discs

disc jockey noun

A person who introduces and plays recordings (esp of popular music) on a radio or television programme, in a club, etc

disc parking noun

A system according to which the motorist is responsible for affixing to his or her car special disc(s) showing the time of arrival and the time when permitted parking ends, there being no charge during the permitted period

disc player noun

A machine for playing audio or video material recorded on a disc

disc wheel noun

A wheel on a motor vehicle, etc in which the hub and rim are connected by a solid piece of metal rather than by spokes





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