

单词 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

congregate /kongˈgrə-gāt/

intransitive verb

To flock together

transitive verb
  1. To gather together
  2. To assemble
adjective (Spenser)


ORIGIN: L congregāre, -ātum, from con- together, and grex, gregis a flock

conˈgregant noun

A member of a congregation (esp a Jewish one)

conˈgregated adjective

  1. Assembled
  2. Gathered together

congregāˈtion noun

  1. A body of people actually or habitually attending a particular church
  2. A gathering or assembly of people or things
  3. The act of congregating
  4. A board charged with some department of administration in the Roman Catholic Church
  5. A name given to certain religious orders without solemn vows
  6. The body of Protestant Reformers in Scotland in the time of Mary Stuart
  7. A name given to the children of Israel (Bible)
  8. An academic assembly

congregāˈtional adjective

  1. Relating to a congregation
  2. (with cap) relating to the Independent Church

Congregāˈtionalism noun

A form of church government in which each congregation is independent in the management of its own affairs (also called Independency)

Congregāˈtionalist noun

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith noun

The doctrinal court of the Roman Catholic Church





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