

单词 cut and dried

cut /kut/

transitive verb (cuttˈing; cut)
  1. To penetrate with a sharp edge, make an incision in
  2. To cleave or pass through
  3. To divide
  4. To carve, hew, trim or make or fashion by cutting
  5. To sever
  6. To reap
  7. To excise
  8. To intersect, cross
  9. To divide (a pack of cards) by lifting the upper portion at random
  10. To expose (a card or suit) in this way
  11. (in tennis, etc) to strike obliquely, imparting spin to
  12. (in golf) to hit (the ball) in such a way that it intentionally moves from left to right in the air (for a right-handed player)
  13. To reduce, lessen or abridge
  14. To wound, hurt or affect deeply
  15. To shorten
  16. To interrupt or break
  17. To switch off (an engine, lights, etc)
  18. To break off acquaintance with
  19. To pass intentionally without greeting
  20. To renounce, give up
  21. To stay away from
  22. To castrate
  23. To perform or execute (eg a caper)
  24. To make (a sound recording, eg a disc)
  25. To grow (teeth) through the gums (see also cut one's teeth (on) below)
  26. To mix another substance with (an illegal drug) to increase weight and volume (slang)
  27. To dilute or adulterate
intransitive verb
  1. To make an incision
  2. To intersect
  3. To strike obliquely
  4. To be cut
  5. To dash, go quickly
  6. To run away, to be off (slang)
  7. (in film-making) to cease photographing
  8. (of a film) to change rapidly to another scene
  1. A cleaving or dividing
  2. An excavation for a road, railway, etc
  3. A canal
  4. A cross-passage
  5. A stroke or blow
  6. (in tennis, etc) a downward stroke, implying spin
  7. (in golf) a shot in which the ball intentionally moves from left to right in the air (for a right-handed player)
  8. (in cricket) an attacking stroke to the offside played with a horizontal bat
  9. The spin imparted to the ball
  10. A reduction or diminution
  11. A stoppage, as in power cut
  12. An act of unkindness
  13. The result of fashioning by cutting, carving, etc (eg clothes, hair, gemstones)
  14. The act, or outcome, of cutting a pack of cards
  15. An incision or wound
  16. An excision
  17. A piece cut off
  18. Total quantity cut
  19. A varying unit of length for cloth and yarn
  20. An engraved block or the picture from it
  21. Manner of cutting, or fashion
  22. The reduction of the field in a golf tournament after a set number of rounds, only those players with the better scores qualifying to play in the final round(s)
  23. An individual product obtained during the distillation of petroleum
  24. A working horse (archaic)
  25. A rake-off or share (slang)
  26. A record, extract of a sound recording, etc (slang)
  27. (in films) the action of cutting or its result
adjective (slang)

(of a drug) adulterated or diluted

ORIGIN: Origin unknown

cuttˈer noun

  1. A person or thing that cuts
  2. A cut-throat (obsolete)
  3. A tailor who measures and cuts out the cloth
  4. A small vessel with one mast, a mainsail, a forestay-sail, and a jib set to bowsprit-end
  5. Any sloop of narrow beam and deep draught
  6. A powerful motor-launch (as used by coastguard and navy) which may be armed
  7. (in quarrying) a joint parallel to the dip of the rocks
  8. A small whisky bottle holding half a mutchkin, shaped for carrying in the hip pocket (Scot)
  9. A medium-sized pig carcase, from which joints and fillets are taken

cuttˈing noun

  1. A dividing or lopping off
  2. An incision
  3. A piece cut from a newspaper
  4. A piece of a plant cut off for propagation
  5. An open excavation for a road, railway, etc
  6. Editing of a film or recording
  1. (of a remark, etc) intended to be cruel or hurtful
  2. (of wind) cold and penetrating

cuttˈingly adverb

cut-and-thrust see cut and thrust below.

cutˈaway noun

  1. A coat with the skirt cut away in a curve in front
  2. An angled edge on a door
  3. A model or picture showing the interior workings of something, with the overlying parts removed
  4. (in films or television) a shot of action that is related to, or happening simultaneously to, the central events


Having parts cut away

cutˈback noun

  1. A going back in a plot to earlier happenings
  2. A reduction or decrease, esp in expenditure, workforce, production, etc

cutˈ-down adjective

(used attrib) reduced

cut flowers plural noun

Flowers cut from their plants for display in vases, etc

cut glass noun

Flint glass shaped by cutting or grinding

cutˈglass adjective

  1. Made of cut glass
  2. (of an accent) upper-class, refined

cutˈ-in noun

  1. The act of cutting in
  2. (in films) a shot edited into another shot

cutˈ-leaved adjective (botany)

Having leaves deeply cut

cutˈline noun (US)

A caption

cutˈ-off noun

  1. That which cuts off or shortens, eg a straighter road, a shorter channel cut across a bend of a river
  2. A bend thus cut off
  3. A device for shutting off steam, water, light, electricity, supply of cartridges in a magazine rifle, etc
  4. The point at which something ceases to operate or apply (also adjective)
  5. (in pl) shorts made by cutting off the legs of jeans just above the knee (informal)

cutˈ-out noun

  1. The act of cutting out
  2. Something which has been cut out
  3. A safety device, eg for breaking an electric circuit

cutˈ-over adjective (US)

(of land) having had its timber removed

cut-priceˈ adjective

At a reduced rate

cutˈpurse noun (historical)

  1. A person who stole by slitting purses worn at the belt
  2. A pickpocket

cut-rateˈ adjective (esp N American)


cutˈ-throat noun

  1. An assassin
  2. A ruffian
  3. A modification of bridge, etc for three players, each playing alone
  4. An open razor


  1. Murderous
  2. (of competition) extremely tough, relentless
  3. (of card games) for three players

cutting edge noun

A part or area (of an organization, branch of study, etc) that breaks new ground, effects change and development, etc (cutting-edgeˈ adjective)

cutting grass noun

A cane rat

cutting list noun (building)

A list giving dimensions of timber required for any given work

cutting room noun (cinematography)

A place where film is cut and edited

cutˈ-up noun (orig US)

  1. A person who makes jokes or plays tricks
  2. A literary collage, composed of cut-up and rearranged passages of prose or verse (also adjective)

cutˈwater noun

  1. The forepart of a ship's prow
  2. The angular edge of a bridge pier

cutˈwork noun

Openwork embroidery or appliqué (also adjective)

cutˈworm noun

A caterpillar, esp of the moth genus Agrotis, that feeds on the stems of young plants near ground level

a cut above

Something distinctly better (than)

cut across

  1. To go or extend beyond the limits of
  2. To take a shorter route across

cut a dash or figure

To have a striking appearance

cut a deal (chiefly N American)

To make a deal

cut along (informal)

To leave, go away quickly

cut and come again

Abundant supply, from the notion of cutting a slice, and returning at will for another

cut and cover

A method of constructing a tunnel by making an open cutting, arching it over, and covering in

cut and dry or cut and dried

  1. Ready made
  2. Fixed beforehand, decided in advance

cut and paste

  1. (in the design of page layouts for newspapers, magazines, etc) a method of arranging areas of text, illustrations, etc by cutting and sticking down with paste
  2. (in word processing, DTP, etc) a technique for moving blocks of text, etc

cut and run

To be off or escape quickly

cut and thrust

  1. (in fencing) the use of the edges and the point of the weapon
  2. Swift, shrewd and cleverly-calculated action or reaction, argument, etc (cut-and-thrustˈ adjective)

cut back

  1. To prune close to the stem
  2. To revert to a previous scene
  3. To reduce (expenditure, etc)

cut both ways

(of a decision, action, situation, etc) to have or result in both advantages and disadvantages

cut corners

  1. To turn corners by the quickest way, not keeping close to the edge of the road
  2. To do something (eg a piece of work) with the minimum of effort and expenditure and therefore often imperfectly

cut dead

To refuse to recognize or acknowledge (another person)

cut down

  1. To bring down by cutting
  2. To reduce, curtail
  3. To maim or kill

cut down to size

To cause (a person) to feel less important or to be less conceited

cut from the same cloth

Very similar in nature

cut in

  1. To interpose
  2. (of an electrical device) to begin working automatically
  3. To deprive someone of a dancing partner
  4. To intercept on the telephone
  5. To manoeuvre into a line of traffic in front of an overtaken vehicle, etc, esp without adequate warning or indication
  6. To come into a game by cutting a card
  7. To give a share

cut it (slang)

To succeed or manage

cut it fine

To take risks by leaving insufficient margin for error

cut it out (informal)

To make an end of it, leave off

cut it too fat

To overdo a thing

cut loose

To break free from constraints

cut no ice see under ice

cut off

  1. To sever
  2. To isolate
  3. To put to an end prematurely
  4. To intercept
  5. To stop
  6. (of an electrical device) to stop working, usu automatically, esp as a safety measure
  7. To disinherit

cut off with a shilling

  1. To bequeath only a shilling
  2. To disinherit

cut one's coat according to one's cloth

To adapt oneself to (esp financial) circumstances

cut one's losses

To have done with an unprofitable venture

cut one's stick

To take one's departure

cut one's teeth (on) (informal)

  1. To gain experience (by means of)
  2. To practise (on)

cut out

  1. To shape
  2. To contrive
  3. To debar
  4. To block (light, etc)
  5. To supplant
  6. To separate from a herd
  7. To pass out of a game on cutting a card
  8. To pass out of a line of traffic in order to overtake
  9. To capture and carry off (a ship) as from a harbour, etc, by getting between her and the shore
  10. (of an engine) suddenly to stop functioning

cut out for

Naturally fitted for

cut short

  1. To abridge
  2. To make short by cutting
  3. To silence by interruption

cut teeth

To have teeth grow through the gums, as an infant

cut to the chase

To get to the point

cut up

  1. To cut into pieces
  2. To criticize severely
  3. To turn out (well or ill) when divided into parts
  4. (in passive) to be deeply distressed
  5. To make jokes, play tricks or behave in a boisterous manner (N American)
  6. To drive recklessly in front of (another vehicle) causing danger to it (slang)

cut up rough

To take something amiss, become difficult or angry

draw cuts (archaic)

To cast lots

make the cut (golf)

To qualify for the final round(s) of a tournament

miss the cut (golf)

To fail to qualify for the final round(s) of a tournament

short cut see under short

dry /drī/

adjective (drīˈer; drīˈest)
  1. Without water or liquid, contained or adhering
  2. Free from or deficient in moisture, sap or rain
  3. Thirsty
  4. Out of water
  5. Failing to yield water, or milk, or other liquid
  6. (of a fruit) not fleshy
  7. Not green
  8. (of eg toast) unbuttered
  9. Not drawing blood
  10. (of wines, etc) free from sweetness and fruity flavour
  11. (of beer) brewed by a method that removes the bitter taste, aftertaste and smell of traditional beer
  12. Legally forbidding the liquor trade (informal)
  13. Enforcing or subjected to prohibition
  14. Uninteresting
  15. Frigid, precise, formal
  16. (of humour) quiet, restrained, uttered in a matter-of-fact way, as if not intended to be humorous
  17. (of manner) distantly unsympathetic
  18. (of a cough) not producing catarrh
  19. (of natural gas) containing only small amounts of liquid constituents
transitive verb (dryˈing; dried)

To free from or empty of water or moisture (often with off)

intransitive verb
  1. To become dry (often with off)
  2. To evaporate entirely
noun (pl dries)
  1. A prohibitionist
  2. A person who favours strict adherence to hardline right-wing Conservative policies (Brit politics)
ORIGIN: OE drȳge; cf Du droog, Ger trocken

drīˈer or dryˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that dries
  2. A machine for extracting moisture from cloth, grain, etc
  3. A drying agent for oils, paint, etc

drīˈly or dryˈly adverb

In a dry manner

dryˈing noun and adjective

dryˈish adjective

dryˈness noun

Dryˈasdust noun

  1. A character in the prefatory matter of some of Scott's novels
  2. A dull, pedantic, learned person (also adjective)

dry battery noun (elec)

A battery composed of dry-cells

dryˈbeat transitive verb (obsolete; Shakespeare, etc)

To drub, but without shedding blood

dryˈ-biˈble noun

A disease of horned cattle in which the third stomach, or bible, is very dry

dry blowing noun

The use of a current of air to separate particles of mineral (esp gold) from the material in which it is found

dry bob noun

At Eton, a boy who plays cricket during the summer term (cf wet bob)

dryˈ-cell noun (elec)

An electric cell in which the electrolyte is not a liquid but a paste

dryˈ-clean transitive verb

To clean (clothes, etc) using eg a petroleum-based solvent rather than water

dryˈ-cleaner noun

dryˈ-cleaning noun

dry construction noun (building)

The use of timber or plasterboard for partitions, lining of walls and ceilings, to eliminate the traditional use of plaster and the consequent drying-out period (also dry lining)

dryˈ-cupping noun (old medicine)

Application of cups without previous scarification

dryˈ-cure transitive verb

To cure by drying

dry distillation noun

Destructive distillation (qv under destruction)

dry dock noun

A dock from which the water can be pumped, in order to effect repairs to the underside of a ship

dryˈ-dock transitive verb

To put in a dry dock

dryˈ-eyed adjective


dry farming noun

A system of tillage in dry countries, surface soil being kept constantly loose, so as to retain scanty rains and reduce evaporation

dryˈ-fist noun (obsolete)

A niggard

dry-fistˈed adjective and adverb (obsolete)

Taking payment for gains and owing for losses

dryˈ-fly adjective

(of fishing) without sinking the fly in the water

dryˈ-foot adverb (Shakespeare)

By scent of the foot alone

dry goods plural noun

Drapery and the like distinguished from groceries, etc

dry hole noun

  1. A well that does not yield commercially viable quantities of oil or gas
  2. An unsuccessful project (figurative)

dry ice, dry-iced see under ice

drying oils plural noun

Vegetable or animal oils that harden by oxidation when exposed to air

drying-up cloth noun

A cloth or towel for drying dishes, a dishtowel

dry land noun

Land as opposed to sea

dry light noun (archaic)

  1. An undeceptive light
  2. An unprejudiced view

dry lining see dry construction above.

dry Mass or dry service noun

Missa sicca, a rite in which there is neither consecration nor communion

dry measure noun

A system of measure by bulk, used for grain, etc (see eg bushel1, peck2, pint)

dry monsoon see under monsoon

dryˈmouth noun


dryˈ-nurse noun

A nurse who does not suckle (also transitive verb)

dryˈ-plate noun

A sensitized photographic plate, with which a picture may be made without the preliminary use of a bath

dryˈ-pointˈ noun

  1. A sharp needle by which fine lines are drawn in copperplate engraving
  2. A plate or impression produced with it

dry riser noun

A vertical pipe with an outside access through which water can be pumped from the street to the individual floors of a building in the event of a fire

dryˈ-roastˈ transitive verb

To roast without oil or fat

dryˈ-roasted adjective

dry rot noun

  1. A decay of timber caused by Merulius lacrymans and other fungi which reduce it ultimately to a dry brittle mass
  2. Any of various fungal diseases of plants, bulbs, fruits, etc
  3. A concealed decay or degeneration (figurative)

dry run noun

  1. A practice exercise (military)
  2. A rehearsal, test

dryˈ-saltˈ transitive verb

To cure (meat) by salting and drying

dryˈsalter noun

A dealer in gums, dyes, etc, or (obsolete) in salted or dry meats, pickles, etc

dryˈsaltery noun

dry service see dry Mass above.

dryˈ-shod adjective and adverb

Without wetting the shoes or feet

dry ski noun

An adaptation of a ski with which one can practise skiing on a dry surface

dry skiing noun

dry steam noun

Steam unmixed with liquid drops

dryˈ-stone adjective

Built of stone without mortar, as some walls

dryˈ-stove noun

A kind of hot-house with dry heat

dry'suit noun

A close-fitting air- and watertight synthetic suit for wearing in esp cold water, that retains warmth by a layer of air, and allows clothing to be worn underneath it

dryˈ-transfer lettering noun

Lettering on the back of a plastic sheet that can be rubbed down onto paper, etc

dryˈwall noun (US)


dryˈ-wallˈer noun

A person who builds walls without mortar

dryˈ-washˈ noun

The bed of an intermittent stream

cut and dried or cut and dry see under cut

dry out (informal)

To take or give a course of treatment to cure oneself or another person of alcoholism

dry up

  1. To dry thoroughly or completely
  2. To cease to produce liquid (water, milk, etc)
  3. (of an actor, etc) to forget one's lines or part (informal)
  4. To stop talking (slang)

go dry

To adopt liquor prohibition

high and dry see under high1

the dry (sometimes with cap; Aust informal)

The dry season in central and N Australia





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