单词 | cytodifferentiation |
释义 | cyto- /sī-to-/ or cyt- /sīt-/combining formDenoting cell ORIGIN: Gr kȳtos vessel, hollow cytidine /sīˈti-dēn/ noun A nucleoside formed from cytosine and ribose cytochemˈistry noun The study of chemical compounds and their actions in living cells cytˈochrome noun Any of a group of substances in living cells, of great importance in cell oxidation cytˈode noun A protoplasm body without nucleus cytodiagnosˈis noun Medical diagnosis following the close examination of the cells of the body tissues or fluids, eg the smear test for cervical cancer cytodifferentiāˈtion noun The process of specialization, in cell development cytogenˈesis noun Cell formation cytogenetˈic adjective cytogenetˈically adverb cytogenetˈicist noun cytogenetˈics singular noun The science linking the study of genetics with cytology, esp the structure, function and origin of chromosomes cytˈoid adjective Cell-like cytˈokine noun (immunology)
cytokinēˈsis noun The division of the cytoplasm of a cell during mitosis cytokīnˈin noun (Gr kineein to move) any of numerous substances which regulate plant growth by inducing cell division cytologˈical adjective cytologˈically adverb cytolˈogist noun cytolˈogy noun (biology) The study of the structure and function of individual cells, esp used for the detection of abnormal cells cytolˈysis noun (Gr lysis loosening) the dissolution of cells, esp by breakdown of their outer membrane cytolytic /-litˈik/ adjective cyˈtomegalovīˈrus noun Any of a group of viruses containing DNA of the herpes family, which cause cells which they infect to enlarge and may cause an illness similar to glandular fever, or (if transmitted by a pregnant woman to her unborn child) brain damage or malformations in newborn babies (abbrev CMV) cytomˈeter noun Any of various devices for counting cells cytometˈric adjective cytomˈetry noun cytˈon noun The body of a nerve-cell cytopatholˈogy noun The study of cells in illness cytopēˈnia noun (Gr penia poverty) deficiency of one or more types of blood cell cytophotomˈeter noun An instrument for measuring the light allowed through a cell cytophotomˈetry noun The examination of a cell by measuring the light allowed through it following staining cytˈoplasm noun (Gr plasma form, body) the protoplasm of a cell surrounding the nucleus cytoplasˈmic adjective cyˈtosine noun One of the nitrogen-containing bases forming nucleotides in deoxyribonucleic acids cytoskelˈetal adjective cytoskelˈeton noun The internal fibrous structure within cytoplasm, determining the shape of a cell, and influencing its movement cyˈtosol noun The soluble component of the cytoplasm cyˈtosome noun The part of a cell outside the nucleus cytotoxˈic adjective and noun (denoting) a substance which damages or kills cells, esp a drug used to treat cancer cytotoxicˈity noun cytotoxˈin noun A cytotoxic substance |
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