

单词 cornu

corn2 /körn/


A small hard growth chiefly on the toe or foot, resulting from thickening of the cuticle, caused by pressure or friction

ORIGIN: L cornū a horn

cornˈeous adjective


cornˈicle or cornicˈulum noun

  1. A little horn
  2. A hornlike process, esp one of the wax-secreting tubes of a greenfly

cornicˈulate adjective

  1. Horned
  2. Horn-shaped

cornifˈerous adjective

Containing hornstone

cornifˈic adjective

Producing or forming horn or horns

cornificāˈtion noun

cornˈiform adjective

Shaped like a horn

cornigerous /kör-nijˈər-əs/ adjective


corˈnū /körˈnoo/ noun (pl corˈnūa) (anatomy)

A horn, hornlike part or process

corˈnūal adjective


cornˈy adjective

  1. Of or relating to horns or corns
  2. Having corns
  3. Horny

cornˈ-cure noun

A remedy for corns

cornˈ-cutter noun

A person who cuts corns

corniferous limestone noun

A coral limestone with chert nodules in the Devonian of N America

corn plaster noun

A remedial plaster for corns

tread on someone's corns

To hurt someone's feelings

serra /serˈə/

noun (pl serrˈae /-ē/ or serrˈas)
  1. A sawlike organ (zoology)
  2. Anything sawlike
  3. A mountain-range (pl serrˈas)
ORIGIN: L and Port (from L) serra a saw

serradillˈa or serradellˈa noun (Portuguese)

A species of clover grown as fodder

serrˈan noun

A fish of the genus Serranus, or its family

serranid /serˈən-id/ or serrˈanoid noun

A member of the Serranidae (also adjective)

Serranus /sə-rāˈnəs/ noun

The typical genus of Serranidae /-ranˈi-dē/, a family of percoid fishes, incl the sea perches, sea basses and groupers

serrasalˈmo noun (pl serrasalˈmos)

(L salmō salmon) a fish of the piranha genus Serrasalmo

serrateˈ transitive verb

To notch

serrāˈted or serrˈāte adjective

  1. Notched like a saw
  2. With sharp forward-pointing teeth (botany and zoology)

serrāˈtion noun

  1. Saw-edged condition
  2. (usu in pl) a sawlike tooth

serratirosˈtral adjective

(L rōstrum beak) saw-billed

serratulate /sə-ratˈū-lāt/ adjective

Minutely serrate

serrature /serˈə-chər/ noun


serrāˈtus noun (anatomy)

One of several muscles of the thorax

serricorn /serˈ/ adjective

(L cornū horn) having serrate antennae

serrˈulate or serrˈulated adjective

Finely serrated

serrulāˈtion noun

uni- /ū-ni-/

combining form

Denoting one

ORIGIN: L ūnus one; Gr oinē ace (on dice); OE ān one

uniaxˈial adjective

Having one axis, esp (crystallography) one optic axis or (biology) one main line of growth or unbranched axis

uniaxˈially adverb

ūˈnibrow noun

A pair of eyebrows without a gap between them, appearing as a continuous growth of hair

unicamˈeral adjective

(L camera vault; see chamber) having or consisting of only one chamber

unicamˈeralism noun

The system or principle of having one legislative chamber

unicamˈeralist noun

unicellˈular adjective

Of or having only one cell

unicenˈtral adjective

Having a single centre

ūˈnicolor, ūˈnicolour, ūˈnicoloured, (or /-kulˈ/), unicolˈorate, or unicolˈorous adjective

Of one uniform colour

ūˈnicorn noun

  1. (L cornū a horn) a mythical animal mentioned by ancient Greek and Roman authors as a native of India, with a body like a horse and one straight horn
  2. An unfortunate translation of the Hebrew re᾽ēm (Assyrian rímu) anticipated by the monokerōs of the Septuagint, variously understood as the rhinoceros, wild ox, or ox-antelope (Bible)
  3. Applied to various animals with the appearance of a single horn, such as the narwhal (also unˈicorn-whale), a moth (unˈicorn-moth) whose caterpillar has a long process, an American Pacific gastropod (genus Latirus, etc) with a spine on the lip of the shell (unˈicorn-shell)
  4. A team of two abreast and one in front, or a carriage drawn by it
  5. An old Scottish gold coin bearing a unicorn, worth 18 shillings Scots
  6. (with cap) one of the Scottish pursuivants



With two abreast and one in front

unicosˈtāte adjective

(L costa rib) one-ribbed

ūˈnicycle noun

An acrobat's one-wheeled cycle

unidirecˈtional adjective

Mainly or wholly in one direction

unifīlˈar adjective

(L fīlum thread) with one thread

uniflōˈrous adjective

(L flōs, flōris a flower) one-flowered

unifoˈliate adjective (L folium leaf; botany)

  1. With only one leaf
  2. Unifoliolate

unifōˈliolāte adjective (L foliolum, dimin of folium leaf; botany)

Having a single leaflet, but compound in structure

unilāˈbiate adjective

(L labium lip) one-lipped

unilatˈeral adjective

  1. (L latus, lateris side) one-sided
  2. On one side
  3. Affecting or involving, etc, only one person or group, etc, out of several
  4. Produced with one side of the tongue only, as a Welsh ll (phonetics) (Unilateral Declaration of Independence one declared by a dependent state without the agreement of its protector)

unilatˈeralism noun

unilatˈeralist noun

Someone who favours unilateral action, esp in abandoning or reducing production of nuclear weapons

unilateralˈity noun

unilatˈerally adverb

unilingˈual adjective

(L lingua tongue) of, in or using, one tongue or language

unilitˈeral adjective

(L littera, lītera letter) of, or involving, one letter or script

unilōˈbar or unilōbedˈ adjective

Having one lobe

unilobˈular adjective

Having one lobule

unilocˈular adjective

Having only one loculus or cavity

unimolecˈular adjective


uninūˈclear adjective

With a single nucleus

uninūˈcleate adjective

unipˈarous adjective

(L parere to bring forth) producing one at a birth

adjective (botany)


uniparˈtite adjective

Not divided into parts

uˈniped adjective

(see -ped) one-footed


A one-footed person, animal or object

uniperˈsonal adjective

Existing as only one person

uniplāˈnar adjective

Lying in one plane

ūˈnipod noun

(see -pod) a one-legged support, eg for a camera

unipōˈlar adjective

  1. Of, from or using one pole
  2. (of a nerve cell) having one process only
  3. (of a psychiatric illness) characterized by either depressive or manic episodes but not both

unipolarˈity noun

unipōˈtent adjective (zoology)

Capable of forming only a single cell type

uˈniramous adjective (zoology)

Having only one branch, as some Crustacean appendages (cf biramous)

unisēˈrial adjective

In one series or row

unisēˈrially adverb

unisēˈriate adjective


unisēˈriately adverb

ūˈnisex adjective

  1. (of a style, esp in clothes) adopted by both sexes
  2. Applicable to or usable by, etc, persons of either sex

unisexˈual adjective

Of one sex only

unisexualˈity noun

unisexˈually adverb

ūˈnison (or/-zən/) noun

  1. (L sonus sound, sonāre to sound) identity of pitch
  2. Loosely, pitch differing by one or more octaves
  3. A sound of the same pitch
  4. Complete agreement

In unison

unisˈonal adjective

unisˈonally adverb

unisˈonance noun

unisˈonant adjective

unisˈonous adjective

univāˈlence (or /-ivˈəl-/) or univāˈlency (or /-ivˈəl-/ noun)

univāˈlent (or /-ivˈəl-/) adjective (chem)

Having a valency of one, capable of combining with one atom of hydrogen or its equivalent

adjective and noun

(relating to) one of the single chromosomes that separate in the first meiotic division

ūˈnivalve adjective

Having one valve or shell only

  1. A shell of one valve only
  2. A mollusc whose shell is composed of a single piece

univalˈvular adjective

univāˈriant adjective

Having one degree of freedom

univāˈriate adjective

(of a distribution) having one variate only

univolˈtine adjective

(Ital volta a turn, winding) of silkworms, having one brood a year





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