

单词 divided skirt

divide /di-vīdˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To split up, or mark off, into parts, actually or in imagination
  2. To separate, part
  3. To distinguish, set apart
  4. To classify
  5. To share, distribute
  6. To allot
  7. To deal out
  8. To ascertain how many times a quantity is contained in (mathematics)
  9. To perform with division or floridly (music)
  10. To be a boundary or a subject of difference between
  11. To keep apart
  12. To set at variance, cause disagreement between
  13. To cause to vote for and against a motion
  14. To sever
intransitive verb
  1. To separate
  2. To fall apart
  3. To branch
  4. To vote for and against a motion
  5. To be capable of or be susceptible to division
  6. To be contained a specified number of times in another number (with into)
  1. The act of dividing (informal)
  2. An area of high land between two water systems, a watershed (esp N American)
  3. Something that divides or separates, a gap or split
ORIGIN: L dīvidere, dīvīsum, from dis- apart, and the root vid to separate

divīdˈable (or /divˈid-/) adjective

  1. Divisible
  2. Divided (Shakespeare)

divīdˈant adjective (Shakespeare)

Distinguishable, separable

divīdˈedly adverb

divīdˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that divides
  2. A screen or partition (also roomˈ-divider)
  3. A soup-ladle (Scot)
  4. (in pl) a kind of compasses for measuring

divīdˈing adjective




dividˈual adjective

  1. Divisible
  2. Separable (Milton)
  3. Shared in common with others (Milton)

dividˈuous adjective

Divided, special, accidental

divided highway noun (N American)

A dual carriageway

divided skirt noun

Wide-legged knee-length trousers for women, having the appearance of a skirt, culottes

divīdˈing-enˈgine noun

An instrument for marking accurate subdivisions or graduating scales

skirt /skûrt/

  1. A garment, or part of a garment, generally a woman's, that hangs from the waist
  2. The lower part of a gown, coat, or other garment or anything suggesting this
  3. A flap hanging from a saddle
  4. A midriff (of meat)
  5. A rim, border, margin
  6. A part of, or attachment to, an object that suggests a skirt, eg the flap of material hanging down around the base of a hovercraft to contain the air-cushion, or a similar flap around a racing-car
  7. The lower edges of a sheep's fleece (Aust and NZ)
  8. A woman (also bit of skirt) or women collectively (offensive sl)
transitive verb
  1. To border
  2. To pass along the edge of
  3. To scour the outskirts of
  4. To avoid confronting
intransitive verb
  1. To be on or pass along the border (usu with along, around, etc)
  2. (of dogs) to leave the pack (hunting)
ORIGIN: ON skyrta a shirt, kirtle; cf shirt

skirˈted adjective

Wearing or having a skirt

skirˈter noun

  1. Someone who removes skirts from fleeces (Aust and NZ)
  2. A huntsman who dodges jumps by going round about

skirˈting noun

  1. Material for skirts
  2. Skirting-board
  3. (in pl) dirty wool from the skirts of a fleece

skirtˈless adjective

skirt chaser noun (informal)

A womanizer

skirtˈ-dancing noun

Dancing characterized by the waving of flowing skirts

skirˈting-board noun

The narrow board next to the floor round the walls of a room

divided skirt

Trousers made to look like a skirt





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