

单词 dead to the world

dead /ded/

  1. No longer alive
  2. Inanimate
  3. Deathlike
  4. (of a ball) at rest, out of play
  5. Out of use
  6. Obsolete
  7. Inactive
  8. No longer alight
  9. Cold and cheerless
  10. Dull
  11. Numb
  12. Insensitive
  13. Unproductive
  14. As good as dead
  15. Inelastic
  16. Without vegetation
  17. Utter, complete, absolute (slang)
  18. Unerring
transitive verb (obsolete)
  1. To deaden, dull
  2. To benumb
intransitive verb (obsolete)
  1. To lose vitality
  2. To become numb
  1. In a dead manner
  2. Absolutely
  3. Utterly
  4. Directly
  5. Exactly (informal)
  6. Extremely, esp as intensive eg dead easy, dead slow

The time of greatest stillness, coldness, etc, eg the dead of night, of winter

ORIGIN: OE dēad; Gothic dauths, Ger tot, from root of die1

deadˈen transitive verb

  1. To make dead
  2. To deprive partly of vigour, sensibility or sensation
  3. To blunt
  4. To lessen
  5. To make soundproof

deadˈener noun

deadˈening noun and adjective

deadˈer noun (informal)

A corpse

deadˈliness noun

deadˈly adjective

  1. Causing death
  2. Fatal
  3. Implacable
  4. Very great (informal)
  1. In a manner resembling death
  2. Extremely (informal)

deadˈness noun

dead air noun

An unintentional and undesirable period of silence during a radio broadcast

deadˈ-aliveˈ or deadˈ-and-aliveˈ adjective

Dull, inactive

dead-ball line noun (rugby)

A line marked out behind the goal-line at each end of the pitch, beyond which the ball is out of play

deadˈbeat noun (informal)

  1. A down-and-out
  2. A lazy person
  3. One who does not pay debts (US)

dead-beatˈ adjective (informal)

Quite overcome, exhausted

dead-beat escapement noun

A clock escapement in which there is no recoil to the escape wheel

deadˈ-bolt or deadˈ-lock noun

One moved by turning the key or knob without intervention of a spring

deadˈ-born adjective


deadˈ-cart noun

A cart for collecting the bodies of those who died of a pestilence

dead-cat bounce noun (stock exchange sl)

A temporary recovery of share prices following a sharp fall, not indicative of a true upturn but merely caused by some reinvestment by speculators who had already sold shares

dead centre noun

  1. In a reciprocating engine or pump, either of the positions, at top and bottom of a piston stroke, at which the crank and connecting rod are in line and there is no actual turning effect (usu top or bottom dead centre)
  2. A non-rotating centre in the tailstock of a lathe

dead cert noun (slang)

Something absolutely certain, eg a certain winner in a horse race

deadˈ-clothes plural noun

Clothes to bury the dead in

deadˈ-colˈouring noun

The first broad outlines of a picture

deadˈ-deal noun

A board for measuring and lifting a corpse

deadˈ-doˈing adjective (Spenser)

Putting to death, destructive

dead drop same as dead-letter box below.

dead duck noun (informal)

A plan, idea or person, etc that has no chance of success or survival

dead end noun

  1. A pipe, passage, etc closed at one end
  2. A blind alley (lit and figurative)

dead-endˈ adjective

Leading nowhere (lit and figurative)

deadˈeye noun

  1. A round, flattish wooden block with a rope or iron band passing around it, and pierced with three holes for a lanyard (nautical)
  2. An unerring marksman

deadˈ-fall noun

A trap with a weight that falls when its support is removed

deadˈ-finˈish noun (Aust)

  1. A thicket or a thicket-forming shrub of the mimosa family (genus Albizia or Acacia)
  2. A complete standstill or vanquishment

deadˈ-fire noun

An appearance of fire taken as an omen of death

deadˈ-freight noun

Money paid for the empty space in a ship by a person who engages to freight her, but fails to make out a full cargo

deadˈ-ground noun (military)

Ground that cannot be covered by fire

dead hand noun

  1. A persisting oppressive influence
  2. Mortmain

deadˈ-head or deadˈhead noun

  1. A person who enjoys privileges without paying, eg a seat in a theatre, etc
  2. An ineffective, unproductive person
  3. A sprue (see sprue1)

transitive verb

To remove the withered heads of (flowers), in order to encourage further growth

dead heat noun

  1. A heat or race in which two or more competitors are equal
  2. The result of this, a tie

dead-heatˈ intransitive verb

deadˈhouse noun

A mortuary

dead language noun

One no longer spoken

deadˈ-lettˈer noun

  1. A letter undelivered and unclaimed at the post-office
  2. A law or ordinance made but not enforced

dead-letter box or dead-letter drop noun

A place where secret messages, etc may be left for later collection

deadˈ-lift or deadˈ-pull noun

  1. A lift or pull made without help or leverage, etc
  2. Hence an effort under discouraging conditions

deadˈlights plural noun

  1. Storm-shutters for a cabin window
  2. Thick windows in a ship's side or deck

deadˈline noun

  1. Closing date, last possible time
  2. Orig a line in a military prison, on going beyond which a prisoner was liable to be shot

dead load noun

The weight of a structure, vehicle, etc itself without any burden

deadˈlock noun

  1. The case when matters have become so complicated that all is at a complete standstill
  2. See also dead-bolt above

intransitive verb and transitive verb

To reach or bring to a standstill because of difficulties, etc

dead loss noun

  1. A complete loss
  2. A useless ally or endeavour (figurative)

deadˈ-levˈel noun

  1. A stretch of land without any rising ground
  2. Sameness

deadly nightshade noun


deadly sin noun

A mortal sin (see under seven)

dead man's handle noun

A device, eg on an electric train, which allows current to pass only so long as there is pressure on it

dead man's pedal noun

A foot-operated safety device on the same principle, used esp on diesel trains

dead march noun

A piece of solemn music played at funeral processions, esp of soldiers

deadˈ-meat noun

The flesh of animals ready for the market

dead men plural noun (informal)

Empty bottles after a party or drinking bout

dead-men's bells noun

The foxglove

dead men's fingers plural noun

  1. A type of soft coral, a very common actinozoan coelenterate (Alcyonium digitatum)
  2. The poisonous parts of a crab or other edible shellfish (informal)

deadˈ-nettle noun

Any species of Lamium, labiate plants superficially like nettles but stingless

dead-onˈ adjective (informal)

Accurate, spot-on (see also dead on below)

deadˈpan noun

  1. An expressionless face
  2. A person having or assuming such a face


  1. Expressionless
  2. Emotionless
  3. Completely serious or mock serious


In a deadpan manner

deadˈ-pay noun

Continued pay dishonestly drawn for men who are actually dead

dead point noun

Another (eg engineering) name for dead centre above

deadˈ-reckˈoning noun

An estimation of a ship's or aircraft's place simply by the logbook

dead ringer noun (slang)

A person who, or a thing that, looks exactly like someone or something else

deadˈ-rope noun

A rope not running in any block

Dead Sea apple or Dead Sea fruit noun

Another name for

apple of Sodom (see under apple).

deadˈ-setˈ noun

  1. A complete standstill, as of a gun dog pointing at game
  2. A determined and prolonged onslaught, esp with a view to captivation


Absolutely determined

dead shot noun

An unerring marksman

dead's part noun (Scots law)

The part of a person's moveable property which may be bequeathed by will, and which is not due to spouse and children

dead spit noun (informal)

An exact likeness

deadˈstock noun

Farm equipment

deadˈstroke adjective

Without recoil

dead tree edition noun (comput sl)

A paper version of material also available electronically

deadˈ-wall noun

A wall unbroken by windows or other openings

deadˈ-waˈter noun

  1. Still water
  2. Eddy water closing in behind a ship's stern

deadˈ-weightˈ noun

  1. Unrelieved weight
  2. Heavy and oppressive burden
  3. Difference in a ship's displacement loaded and light

dead white European male noun (informal)

Any of the writers, philosophers, etc traditionally studied and seen by some as representing an excessively Eurocentric and masculine view of culture

deadˈ-wind noun

  1. Calm (in the vortex of a storm)
  2. Headwind (obsolete)

dead wood or deadˈ-wood noun

  1. Pieces of timber laid on the upper side of the keel at either end
  2. Useless material or personnel

deadˈ-work noun

Work, itself unprofitable, but necessary as a preliminary

be dead meat (informal)

To be in very serious trouble

dead against see dead set against below.

dead as a dodo, as a doornail, as a herring or as mutton

Absolutely dead

dead drunk

Helplessly drunk

dead from the neck up (informal)

Impenetrably stupid

dead in the water

  1. (of a ship) without the power to move
  2. Unable to make progress or succeed (figurative)

dead men's shoes

Succession to someone who dies

dead on

(used of time, musical notes, etc) exact or exactly

dead set see under set

dead set against or dead against

Utterly opposed to

dead to the world (informal)

  1. Very soundly asleep
  2. Unconscious

I, etc wouldn't be seen dead (informal)

I, etc would make sure never to be seen

leave for dead

  1. To abandon, presuming dead
  2. To surpass spectacularly (informal)

over my dead body (informal)

When I am beyond caring, and not until then

put the dead wood on (slang)

To gain a great advantage over

the dead

Those who are dead

world /wûrld/

  1. The earth
  2. The earth and its inhabitants
  3. The universe
  4. The system of things
  5. The present state of existence
  6. Any analogous state
  7. Any planet or heavenly body
  8. Public life or society
  9. A sphere of interest or activity
  10. Environment
  11. The public
  12. The materialistically minded
  13. Mundane interests
  14. A secular life
  15. The course of life
  16. One of the three kingdoms of nature
  17. A class or division
  18. A part, or a related group of parts, of the world, historically, sociologically or geographically speaking, as in Ancient World, Third World, Old World
  19. A great deal, as in did her a world of good
  20. A large quantity, as in a world of ills
  21. Time, as in world without end
  22. The realm of possibility, as in nothing in the world
  23. The ungodly (Bible)
ORIGIN: OE woruld, world, weorold, orig meaning age or life of man, from wer man, and the root of old; ON veröld, OHGer weralt (Ger Welt)

worldˈed adjective

Containing worlds

worldˈie noun (slang)

Something of world-class quality

worldˈliness noun

worldˈling noun

  1. Someone who is devoted to worldly pursuits and temporal possessions
  2. A mortal (obsolete)

worldˈly adjective

  1. Relating to the world, esp as distinguished from the world to come
  2. Devoted to this life and its enjoyments
  3. Bent on gain
  4. Having knowledge and experience of the ways of the world
  5. Mortal (obsolete)

In a worldly manner

worldˈwide adjective and adverb

(extending) over, or (found) everywhere in, the world

World Bank noun

The popular name of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, an agency of the United Nations set up in 1945 to make loans to poorer countries

worldˈ-beater noun (informal)

A person, product, enterprise, etc that is supreme in its class

worldˈ-beating adjective

worldˈ-class adjective

Good enough to be classed with or compete with the best in the world

World Court noun

The popular name of the Permanent Court of International Justice (since 1946 the International Court of Justice) at the Hague, set up under the League of Nations in 1921 to settle or advise on disputes between states

World Cup noun

A competition in some sport, notably football, between teams representing different countries, usu involving qualifying rounds and a final tournament

world-faˈmous adjective

Known or renowned throughout the world

world language noun

A language either widely used internationally or designed for international use

world line noun (physics)

A curving line in space-time representing the path of a particle during its existence

worldˈly-mindˈed adjective

Having one's mind set on the present world, material possessions, etc

worldˈly-mindˈedness noun

worldly-wiseˈ adjective

Having the wisdom of those experienced in, and affected by, the ways of the world, knowing, cynical

world music noun

Popular folk music with its origins in non-western cultures, particularly African culture, esp as produced by non-Western artists

worldˈ-old adjective

Exceedingly ancient

world power noun

A state, group of states, etc, strong enough to make its influence felt in world politics

worldˈscale noun

The scale of freight rates for oil tankers

World Series noun (baseball)

A set of championship matches played annually between the winners of the major leagues

worldˈ-shaking or worldˈ-shattering adjective (often ironic)

Devastatingly important

world sheet noun (physics)

The 2-dimensional space occupied by a string in its space-time history

worldˈ-view noun

Outlook on or attitude to the world or life

World War noun

A war of worldwide scope, esp the Great War of 1914–18 (First World War, World War I) and that of 1939–45 (Second World War, World War II)

worldˈ-weariness noun

worldˈ-weary or worldˈ-wearied adjective

Tired of the world, bored with life

World Wide Web noun (computing)

A network of Internet documents accessed by hypertext protocols

all the world

  1. Everybody
  2. Everything

(all) the world and his wife (informal)

  1. Everybody
  2. An ill-assorted assembly

best (or worst) of both worlds

The advantage (or disadvantage) of both alternatives in a choice

bring into the world

  1. To give birth to
  2. To attend the birth of, deliver

carry the world before one

To pass through every obstacle to success

come into the world

To be born

come up (or down) in the world

To rise (or fall) in social status

dead to the world (informal)

  1. Deeply asleep
  2. In a drunken stupor

First World see under first

for all the world (informal)

Precisely or entirely (as if)

Fourth World see under fourth

go to the world (Shakespeare)

To get married

in another world (informal)

Not in touch with reality

in the world

Used intensively, esp after an interrogative pronoun or adverb

it's a small world

An indication of surprise, interest, etc at meeting someone in unexpected and unlikely circumstances

man (or woman) of the world

Someone experienced in the ways of the world

next world

Life after death

not for the world

Not for any reward, not under any circumstances

not the end of the world

Not a fatal setback

on top of the world (informal)

In a state of great elation or happiness

out of this world

Wonderful, delightful, good beyond all experience

Second World see under second1

set the world on fire

To create a sensation, have spectacular success

the New World

The western hemisphere, the Americas

the Old World

The eastern hemisphere, comprising Europe, Africa and Asia

the other world

The non-material sphere, the spiritual world

the whole world

The sum of what is contained in the world

the world is one's oyster see under oyster

the world over

Throughout the world, worldwide

the world's end

The most distant point possible

the world, the flesh and the devil

Temptations of the kind that notoriously distract one from the path of virtue

the world to come

The next world, the life after death

think the world of

To be very fond of

Third World see under third

worlds apart

As different as is possible

world without end

Eternally (worldˈ-without-endˈ adjective)





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