

单词 areg

erg1 /ûrg/


The CGS unit of work, equal to 10−7 joules

ORIGIN: Gr ergon work

erˈgogram noun

A record by ergograph

erˈgograph noun

An instrument for measuring and recording muscular work

ergomāˈnia noun

Abnormal desire to work, addiction to work

ergomāˈniac noun

ergomˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring work done, a dynamometer

ergonomˈic adjective

ergonomˈically adverb

ergonomˈics singular noun

  1. (Gr nomos, from nemein to manage) the scientific study of man in relation to his physical working environment
  2. The adaptation of machines and general conditions to fit the individual so that he or she may work at maximum efficiency

ergonˈomist noun

ergophoˈbia noun

Abnormal dislike of work

ergˈ-nineˈ, ergˈ-tenˈ, etc noun

An erg multiplied by ten to the power of nine, ten, etc

erg2 /ûrg/

noun (pl arˈeg or ergs)

A Saharan area of shifting sand dunes

ORIGIN: Fr, from Ar ʻirj




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