

单词 argumenta

argumentum /är-gū-menˈtum, also -goo- and -tŭm/ (Latin; rhetoric and logic)


Argument, proof

argumentum ad baculum see argumentum baculinum below.

argumentum ad crumenam /ad krŭˈmən-əm or -mān-am/ noun

Argument addressed to the purse (ie to the desire for money)

argumentum ad hominem /homˈin-em/ noun

  1. An appeal to the known prejudices and preferences or previous admissions of an opponent
  2. Argument relying upon personal abuse, or attack upon the opponent's character, rather than his or her viewpoint

argumentum ad ignorantiam /ig-nör-anˈshi-əm or ig-nōr-anˈti-am/ noun

Argument founded on the ignorance of an opponent

argumentum ad invidiam /in-vidˈi-am or -widˈ/ noun

An appeal to prejudices

argumentum ad judicium /joo-dishˈi-əm or ū-dikˈi-ŭm/ noun

An appeal to common sense or judgement

argumentum ad rem /rem/ noun

Argument to the purpose, directed at the real issue

argumentum ad verecundiam /ve-re-kunˈdi-am or -kŭnˈ/ noun

An appeal to awe or reverence (towards a prestigious or authoritative name or figure)

argumentum baculinum /ba-kūl-īnˈum or ba-kŭl-ēnˈŭm/ or argumentum ad baculum noun

The argument of the stick or rod, ie of force

argumentum per impossibile /per im-po-sibˈil-ē or -ā/ noun

The proof from the absurdity of a contradictory supposition

argumenti causa /är-gū-menˈtī köˈzə or ar-goo-menˈtē kowˈza/

For the sake of argument





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