单词 | argumentum per impossibile |
释义 | argumentum /är-gū-menˈtum, also -goo- and -tŭm/ (Latin; rhetoric and logic)nounArgument, proof argumentum ad baculum see argumentum baculinum below. argumentum ad crumenam /ad krŭˈmən-əm or -mān-am/ noun Argument addressed to the purse (ie to the desire for money) argumentum ad hominem /homˈin-em/ noun
argumentum ad ignorantiam /ig-nör-anˈshi-əm or ig-nōr-anˈti-am/ noun Argument founded on the ignorance of an opponent argumentum ad invidiam /in-vidˈi-am or -widˈ/ noun An appeal to prejudices argumentum ad judicium /joo-dishˈi-əm or ū-dikˈi-ŭm/ noun An appeal to common sense or judgement argumentum ad rem /rem/ noun Argument to the purpose, directed at the real issue argumentum ad verecundiam /ve-re-kunˈdi-am or -kŭnˈ/ noun An appeal to awe or reverence (towards a prestigious or authoritative name or figure) argumentum baculinum /ba-kūl-īnˈum or ba-kŭl-ēnˈŭm/ or argumentum ad baculum noun The argument of the stick or rod, ie of force argumentum per impossibile /per im-po-sibˈil-ē or -ā/ noun The proof from the absurdity of a contradictory supposition argumenti causa /är-gū-menˈtī köˈzə or ar-goo-menˈtē kowˈza/ For the sake of argument |
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