

单词 aerostation

aero- /ā(-ə)-rō-/

combining form
  1. Denoting: air
  2. Aircraft
ORIGIN: Gr āēr air

aeˈro adjective

Of or relating to aircraft or aeronautics

aerobatˈic adjective

aerobatˈics singular noun

(Gr bateein to tread) the art of performing stunts in an aircraft

plural noun

Aerial acrobatics

aˈerobe noun

(Gr bios life) an organism that requires free oxygen for respiration

aerobic /-ōbˈ or -obˈ/ adjective

  1. Requiring free oxygen for respiration
  2. Biochemical change, eg effected by aerobes
  3. Involving the activity of aerobes
  4. Of or relating to aerobics

aerobˈically adverb

aerobˈics singular noun

  1. Exercising by means of such rhythmic activities as walking, swimming, cycling, etc in order to reduce fat and improve physical fitness
  2. A system intended to increase fitness and improve body-shape, consisting of fast, repeated and strenuous gymnastic exercises (also Aerobics®)

aerobiologˈical /-bī-ō-lojˈ/ adjective

aerobiologˈically adverb

aerobiolˈogist noun

aerobiolˈogy noun

The study of airborne micro-organisms

aerobīˈont noun

An aerobe

aerobīōˈsis noun

Life in the presence of oxygen

aerobiotic /-otˈik/ adjective

aerobiotˈically adverb

aˈerobomb noun

A bomb for dropping from aircraft

aerobotˈ noun

An unmanned gas-filled craft used to conduct experiments in planetary atmospheres

aˈerobrake intransitive verb and noun

aˈerobraking or aerodynamic braking noun

The use of a planet's atmosphere to reduce the speed of space vehicles

Aˈerobus® noun

A type of suspended monorail system

aˈerodart noun

An arrow-headed missile of steel dropped from aircraft in warfare

aˈerodrome noun

  1. (Gr dromos running) an area, with its buildings, etc, used for the take-off and landing of aircraft
  2. An early type of flying machine (historical)

aerodynamˈic or aerodynamˈical adjective

aerodynamˈically adverb

aerodynamˈicist noun

A person concerned with aerodynamics

aerodynamˈics singular noun

  1. (Gr dynamis power) the dynamics of gases
  2. The science or study of the forces acting upon bodies in a flow of air or gas (aerodynamic braking see aerobraking above)
plural noun

The properties of a body required for efficient movement through air

aˈerodyne /-dīn/ noun

A heavier-than-air aircraft

aeroelasˈtic adjective

Able to be deformed by aerodynamic forces

aeroelasticˈian noun

A person who studies flutter and vibration in high-speed aircraft

aeroelasticˈity noun

aeroemˈbolism noun

An airman's condition similar to caisson disease, caused by rapid ascent to high altitudes

aˈero-engine noun

An aircraft engine

aˈerofoil noun

A body (eg wing or tail plane) shaped so as to produce an aerodynamic reaction (lift) normal to its direction of motion, for a small resistance (drag) in that plane

aˈerogel noun

Any of various extremely light and porous solid materials containing small pockets of gas, a foam

aerogenˈerator noun

A generator driven by wind

aˈerogram noun

  1. A message by wireless telegraphy
  2. A message sent by telegram (or telephone) and aeroplane
  3. An aerogramme
  4. An aerograph record

aˈerogramme or aˈérogramme noun

  1. An air letter
  2. A sheet of thin, usu blue paper, with postage stamp imprinted, to be folded and sent by airmail at a special low rate

aˈerograph noun

  1. A meteorograph
  2. An airborne automatic recording instrument

aerogˈraphy noun


aerohyˈdroplane noun

A winged hydroplane or flying-boat

aˈerolite or aˈerolith noun

(Gr lithos a stone) a meteoric stone or meteorite

aerolitholˈogy noun

The science of aerolites

aerolitˈic adjective

aerologˈical adjective

aerolˈogist noun

aerolˈogy noun

The branch of science that deals with the atmosphere

aˈeromancy noun

  1. (Gr manteiā divination) divination by atmospheric phenomena
  2. Weather forecasting

aeromˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring the weight or density of air and gases

aerometˈric adjective

aeromˈetry noun


aˈeromotor noun

An engine for aircraft

aˈeronaut noun

(Gr nautēs a sailor) a balloonist or airman

aeronautˈic or aeronautˈical adjective

aeronautˈically adverb

aeronautˈics singular noun

The science or art of aerial travel

aeroneurosˈis noun

Flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms

aeronˈomist noun

aeronˈomy noun

The science of the earth's atmosphere

aerophˈagy noun

(Gr phagein to eat) spasmodic swallowing of air, leading to belching, stomach pain, etc

aˈerophobe noun

A person suffering from aerophobia, esp as fear of flying

aerophōˈbia noun

  1. (Gr phobos fear) morbid fear of draughts
  2. (loosely) morbid fear of flying

aerophōbˈic (or /-fobˈ/) adjective

aˈerophone noun

Any wind instrument

aˈerophyte noun (Gr phyton a plant; botany or pathology)

An epiphyte

aˈeroplane noun

  1. Any heavier-than-air power-driven flying machine, with fixed wings
  2. A small plane for aerostatic experiments (see plane1)

aeroplankˈton noun

Minute organisms carried in the air

aˈeroshell noun

A form of parachute enabling a spacecraft to make a soft landing

aerosidˈerite noun

(Gr sidēros iron) an iron meteorite

aˈerosol noun

  1. A colloidal system, such as a mist or a fog, in which the dispersion medium is a gas
  2. A liquid, eg insecticide, in a container under pressure
  3. The container

a'erosolize or a'erosolise transitive verb

To reduce (a liquid or solid) to an aerosol

aˈerospace noun

  1. The earth's atmosphere together with space beyond
  2. The branch of technology or of industry concerned with the flight of spacecraft through this

Of or belonging to, or capable of operating in, air and/or space (aerospace-plane an aircraft-like vehicle that can take off and land on runways, manoeuvre in the atmosphere, operate in space, and re-enter the atmosphere)

aˈerospike noun

See linear aerospike engine under line1

aˈerostat noun

  1. (Gr statos standing) a balloon or other aircraft lighter than air
  2. A balloonist
  3. An air-sac (zoology)

aerostatˈic or aerostatˈical adjective

aerostatˈics singular noun

  1. The science of the equilibrium and pressure of air and other gases
  2. The science or art of ballooning

aerostation /-stāˈshən/ noun


aerotacˈtic adjective

(Gr taxis arrangement; adj taktikos) relating to or showing aerotaxis

aerotaxˈis noun (biology; obsolete)

Movement towards or from oxygen

aˈerotone noun

A type of deep bath equipped with a mechanism to direct compressed air at the body as a form of massage

aˈerotrain noun

A train driven by an aircraft engine, riding on a cushion of air

aerotropˈic adjective

(Gr tropē turning)

aerotˈropism noun (botany)

Curvature in response to concentration of oxygen





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