

单词 down-to-earth

down1 /down/

  1. (passing into adj in predicative use) to a lower position, level or state
  2. Away from a centre (capital, city, university, etc)
  3. Southwards
  4. To leeward
  5. In a low or lowered position or state
  6. Below
  7. On or to the ground
  8. Downstairs
  9. Under the surface
  10. From earlier to later times
  11. To a further stage in a series
  12. From greater to less (in size, grain, activity, intensity, etc)
  13. To a standstill, exhaustion or conclusion
  14. To a final state of defeat, subjection, silence, etc
  15. In a fallen state
  16. In adversity
  17. At a disadvantage
  18. Ill
  19. Behindhand
  20. In writing or record, in black and white
  21. In flood
  22. On the spot, immediately in cash
  23. In readiness to pounce
  24. In a state of alert awareness and understanding
  25. In watchful opposition or hostility (with on, upon)
  26. Broken, not operational (computing)

—Also used elliptically, passing into an interjection or verb by omission of go, come or put, etc, often followed by with

  1. Going, reaching, directed towards or having a lower position or level
  2. Depressed
  3. Low
  4. Broken, not operational (computing)
  1. In a descent along, through or by
  2. To or in a lower position on or in
  3. Along in the direction of the current
  4. Along
  1. A descent
  2. A low place
  3. A reverse of fortune, a time of comparative bad luck
  4. An act of throwing or putting down
  5. A tendency to treat one harshly
  6. A feeling of dislike
  7. One of four consecutive periods of play, during which a team must score or advance the ball 10 yards in order to retain possession (American football)
transitive verb
  1. To knock, throw, shoot or put down
  2. To put down, overthrow
  3. To depress
  4. To swallow
  1. Ordering (esp a dog) to go or stay down
  2. (with with) expressing a wish for the downfall of someone or something
ORIGIN: ME a-down, adun, from OE of dūne from the hill (dative case of dūn hill; see down3 and adown)

downˈer noun (slang)

  1. A depressant drug
  2. A state of depression
  3. Any depressing experience, etc
  4. A downward trend
  5. A feeling of prejudice or dislike, antipathy

downˈward /-wərd/ or downˈwards /-wərdz/ adverb

  1. From higher to lower
  2. From source to outlet
  3. From more ancient to modern
  4. In the lower part

downˈward adjective

downˈwardly adverb

downˈwardness noun

  1. A sinking tendency
  2. A state of being low

downˈ-and-dirtˈy adjective (US informal)

  1. Basic
  2. Brutal

downˈ-and-outˈ adjective

  1. At the end of one's resources
  2. Destitute and rejected by, or rejecting, society

downˈ-and-outˈ noun

downˈ-and-outˈer noun

downˈ-at-heelˈ adjective

  1. Having the back of the shoe trodden down
  2. Generally shabby

downˈbeat noun

  1. A downward movement of the conductor's baton
  2. An accented beat

adjective (informal)

  1. Relaxed, unworried
  2. Unemphatic
  3. Depressed
  4. Gloomy
  5. Depressing

downˈbow noun (music)

A movement of the bow over the strings beginning at the nut end

downˈburst same as microburst

downˈcast adjective

  1. Dejected
  2. Looking down


  1. A current of air into a mine
  2. A shaft carrying it (downˈcast-shaftˈ)
  3. A downward throw
  4. A downthrow

downˈ-come noun

  1. A fall, ruin
  2. A heavy pour of rain

downˈ-draught noun

A current of air downwards

downˈ-eastˈer noun (US)

Someone living down east from the speaker, a New Englander, and esp an inhabitant of Maine

downˈfall noun

  1. Fall, failure, humiliation, ruin
  2. A heavy fall of rain

downˈfallen adjective


downˈflow noun

  1. A running or flowing down
  2. Something that runs or flows down

downˈforce noun

Aerodynamically-caused downward force in a car, etc which eg improves its road holding

downˈ-going adjective

down-goˈing (or /downˈ/) noun

downˈgrade noun

A downward slope or course

adjective and adverb


transitive verb

  1. To reduce in status, etc
  2. To belittle, underrate

downˈ-gyved adjective (Shakespeare)

Hanging down like fetters

downˈhaul noun

A rope by which a jib, etc is hauled down when set

downheartˈed adjective


downˈhill adjective

Descending, sloping (also noun)

downhillˈ adverb

downˈhole adjective

  1. Of the drills, measuring instruments, and equipment used down a borehole (mining)
  2. Applied to equipment that is used within the well (oil)

downˈ-home adjective (US informal)

  1. Characteristic of the Southern states of the USA
  2. Characteristic of the country or country-dwellers
  3. Homemade
  4. Friendly

downˈlighter noun

A downward-directed light-fitting, attached to or recessed in the ceiling

downˈ-line noun

The line of a railway leading from the capital, or other important centre, to the provinces

downˈlink noun

A connection in a telecommunications system between a space vehicle or satellite and the earth (also transitive verb)

downloadˈ transitive verb and intransitive verb (computing)

  1. To transfer (data or programs, esp on the Internet) from another computer to one's own
  2. To broadcast programmes of material for specialist groups (eg doctors) outside normal broadcasting hours (often to be recorded on videotape for viewing later)

noun /downˈ/

  1. An act or the process of downloading
  2. Something downloaded

downloadˈable adjective

downˈlooked adjective (Dryden)

Downcast, gloomy

downˈ-lyˈing noun (dialect)

  1. Time of retiring to rest
  2. A woman's confinement during childbirth

downmarˈket adjective

Of (buying, selling or using) goods and services of relatively low price, quality or prestige (also adverb)

downˈmost adverb and adjective

Superlative of down

down payment noun

A deposit on an article, service, etc

downˈpipe noun

A drainpipe that takes rainwater from the gutter of a roof

downˈplay transitive verb

To play down

downˈpour noun

A heavy fall of rain, etc

downˈright adverb

  1. In plain terms
  2. Utterly


  1. Plain-spoken
  2. Brusque
  3. Utter, out-and-out (as in downright madness)
  4. Thorough
  5. Perpendicular (obsolete)

downˈrightness noun

downrivˈer adverb

With the current


Further down the river

downˈrush noun

A rushing down (as of gas, hot air, etc)

downˈscale transitive verb and intransitive verb (US)

To reduce in scale



downˈ-settˈing noun

A setting down, a snub

downˈshift intransitive verb

  1. To select a lower gear in a vehicle
  2. To choose a less affluent lifestyle in order to enhance one's life in non-material ways, esp in having more leisure time

downˈshifter noun

downˈshifting noun

downˈside noun

  1. The adverse or disadvantageous aspect of a situation (also adjective)
  2. (the risk of) a drop in share prices (finance)

downˈ-sittˈing noun

  1. Sitting down, time of rest (Psalm 139.2)
  2. A sitting, session (Scot)
  3. A settlement, establishment (esp by marriage; Scot)

downˈsize transitive verb

  1. To reduce in size (esp a workforce by redundancy)
  2. To design or make a smaller model of (a car, etc)

intransitive verb

To sell one's home and move to a smaller property

downˈsizer noun

downˈsizing noun

downˈspout noun (N American)

A downpipe, drainpipe

downˈstageˈ adverb

Towards the footlights (also adjective)

downˈstair or downˈstairs adjective

downstairsˈ adverb

  1. In or towards a lower storey
  2. Belowstairs, in the servants' quarters


A lower storey, usu the ground floor

downˈstateˈ adjective and adverb (US)

In or to a southerly or rural part of a state


A downstate area

downstream' adverb

With the current

adjective /down'/

  1. Further down the stream
  2. Going with the current
  3. In the hydrocarbons industry, denoting any stage subsequent to oil production, eg refining, the production of oil derivatives, etc (sometimes with of)
  4. In any process or activity, denoting a subsequent stage

downˈstroke noun

A downward line made by the pen in writing

downˈswing noun

  1. A downward trend in volume of trade, etc
  2. The part of the swing where the club is moving down towards the ball (golf)

downˈ-the-line adjective

  1. (of a ballet-dancer) inconspicuously placed, unimportant
  2. Thorough, unwavering (US)

downˈthrow noun

  1. An act of throwing down, or state of being thrown down
  2. The amount of vertical displacement of the relatively lowered strata at a fault (geology)

downˈtime noun

A period when work is halted, due to equipment failure, lack of materials, bad weather, etc

downˈ-to-earthˈ adjective

  1. Sensible
  2. Practical
  3. Realistic
  4. Plain-speaking

downˈtownˈ adjective and adverb

In or towards the lower part or (esp N American) the business and shopping centre of the town


This part of a town

downˈ-train noun

A railway train that leaves from the chief terminus

downˈtrend noun

A downward trend

downˈ-trod or downˈtrodden adjective

  1. Trampled on
  2. Tyrannized over

downˈturn noun

A downward trend, decline

downˈturned adjective

Folded or turned down

downˈwash noun

The downward current of air disturbed by an aerofoil

downˈwindˈ adjective and adverb

  1. In the direction in which the wind is blowing
  2. In or to a position (relative to someone or something) in this direction (often with of)

down east (US)

In or into Maine and adjoining parts of New England

down in the mouth

In low spirits

down on one's luck

In unfortunate circumstances

down south (US)

In the Southern states

down to (slang)

The fault or responsibility of

down tools

To stop work, strike

down to the ground (informal)


down town

In or towards the centre of a town

down under

In or to Australia and New Zealand

down with

  1. Put down (imperative)
  2. Swallow (imperative)
  3. An interjection expressing a wish to depose, get rid of or abolish
  4. In tune with, in sympathy with (informal)

go down

  1. (often with with) to be received (well or badly) (by)
  2. (often with with) to be acceptable (to)
  3. (with with) to contract (an illness)

go downhill

To deteriorate (in health, prosperity or morality)

go downstream

To begin operating the downstream stages of oil exploitation

up and down

  1. Alternately well and ill
  2. To and fro

earth /ûrth/

  1. The third planet in order from the sun (often with cap)
  2. The material on the surface of the globe
  3. Soil, a mixture of disintegrated rock and organic material, in which plants are rooted
  4. Dry land as opposed to sea
  5. The land and sea as opposed to the sky
  6. The world
  7. The inhabitants of the world
  8. Dirt
  9. Dead matter
  10. The human body
  11. A burrow, esp of a badger or fox
  12. An electrical connection with the earth, usu by a wire soldered to a metal plate sunk in moist earth
  13. An old name for certain oxides of metals (see alkaline earth under alkali, rare earth under rare1)
transitive verb
  1. To connect to earth electrically
  2. To bury, inter (obsolete)
  3. To hide or make hide in the earth or in a hole
  4. To clog, cover, smear or partially cover with earth (often with up)
intransitive verb (poetic or rhetoric)
  1. To burrow
  2. To hide
ORIGIN: OE eorthe; cf Du aarde and Ger Erde

earthˈen adjective

  1. Made of earth or clay
  2. Earthly

earthˈily adverb

In an earthy manner

earthˈiness noun

earthˈliness noun

earthˈling noun

  1. A person living on the earth
  2. A worldly-minded person

earthˈly adjective

  1. Belonging to the earth
  2. Vile
  3. Worldly
  4. Conceivably possible on earth
noun (informal)

Chance (for earthly chance)

earthˈward adverb (also earthˈwards)

Towards the earth


Moving towards the earth

earthˈy adjective

  1. Consisting of, relating to or resembling earth
  2. Inhabiting the earth
  3. Gross
  4. Unrefined

earthˈ-bag noun

A sack of earth used in fortifications

earthˈ-bath noun

A bath of earth or mud

earthˈ-board noun

The board of a plough or other implement that turns over the earth

earthˈborn adjective

Born from or on the earth

earthˈbound adjective

  1. Confined to the earth
  2. Heading towards the earth
  3. Lacking imagination

earthˈ-bred adjective

  1. Bred from earth
  2. Mean, grovelling

earth-chestˈnut same as earth-nut below.

earthˈ-closet noun

A lavatory in which the excreta are covered with earth

earthˈ-created adjective

Made of earth

earthˈenware noun

  1. Crockery
  2. Coarse pottery

earthˈfall noun

A landslide

earthˈfast adjective

Fixed in the earth

earthˈ-fed adjective

Contented with earthly things

earthˈflax noun


earthˈ-hog noun

The aardvark

earthˈ-house noun

An underground stone-lined gallery associated with the Iron Age, which may have functioned as a storehouse or dwelling, a souterrain, also called Picts' house

earthˈ-hunger noun

Passion for acquiring land

earthing tyres plural noun

Aircraft tyres that discharge static electricity on grounding

earth-light see earth-shine below.

earthˈly-mindˈed adjective

Having the mind intent on earthly things

earthˈly-mindˈedness noun

earthˈman or earthˈwoman noun

Esp in science fiction, a person who lives on the planet earth

earth mother noun

  1. The earth personified as a goddess
  2. A woman, typically fertile and of generous proportions, who seems to symbolize motherhood

earthˈ-motherly adjective

earthˈ-movement noun (geology)

Elevation, subsidence or folding of the earth's crust

earthˈmover noun

Any piece of machinery designed to move earth, eg a bulldozer

earthˈmoving adjective

earthˈ-nut noun

  1. The edible root-tuber of Conopodium flexuosum, a woodland umbelliferous plant
  2. The plant itself (also arnut, pig-nut, earth-chestnut)
  3. The peanut (genus Arachis)

earth observation noun (space)

Observation of the Earth from satellites by remote sensing techniques

earthˈ-pea noun

The peanut

earthˈ-pillar noun (geology)

A column of soft material protected from erosion by an overlying stone

earthˈ-plate noun

A buried plate of metal forming the earth connection of a telegraph-wire, lightning conductor, etc

earthˈquake noun

  1. A quaking or shaking of the earth
  2. A heaving of the ground
  3. A disruptive event, upheaval (figurative)

earthˈquaked adjective

Shaken or destroyed by an earthquake

earthˈquaking adjective

earth science noun

Any of the sciences dealing with the earth, eg geography or geology

earthˈshaking or earthˈshattering adjective

Of great importance or consequence

earthˈshakingly or earthˈshatteringly adverb

earthˈ-shine or earthˈ-light noun

The faint light visible on the part of the moon not illuminated by the sun

earth sign noun

Any of the three signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) believed to have an affinity with earth

earthˈ-smoke noun (botany)


earthˈ-star noun

A fungus (genus Geaster) related to the puffballs that opens out into a starlike form

earthˈ-table noun (building)

A course of stone or brick just above the ground

earthˈ-tone noun

A colour like that of the earth, eg a brown or green

earth tremor noun

A slight earthquake

earthˈwax noun


earthˈwolf noun

The aardwolf

earthwoman see earthman above.

earthˈwork noun

  1. A fortification of earth
  2. An embankment
  3. The act or process of excavation and embanking

earthˈworm noun

  1. The common worm
  2. A mean person, a poor creature

cost the earth (informal)

To be very expensive

down or back to earth

Back to reality (down-to-earth adjective see under down1)

go to earth

To search for or take refuge in a hole or hiding-place (also figurative)

green earth see green1

on earth

  1. Used for emphasis in phrases such as how on earth, why on earth, etc
  2. Absolutely, without exception, as in best on earth

run to earth

  1. To search out or find
  2. To go to earth (lit and figurative)

the Earthshaker (Greek mythology)

Poseidon, the god of earthquakes





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