单词 | green tea |
释义 | green1 /grēn/adjective
To become environmentally conscious ORIGIN: OE grēne; Ger grün, Du groen green; ON grœnn greenˈer noun (slang) A newly arrived immigrant greenˈery noun
greenˈie noun (Aust)
greenˈing noun
greenˈish adjective greenˈishness noun greenˈlet noun Any of several greenish songbirds of the American family Vireonidae greenˈly adverb Immaturely, unskilfully greenˈness noun greenth noun (obsolete) Greenness, verdure greenˈy adjective Having a green tinge noun (slang)
green accounting noun An accounting system that accommodates environmental considerations in the calculation of annual profits green algae or green seaweeds plural noun The Chlorophyta green audit noun An assessment of and investigation into a company's green, ie environment-conscious, claims, methods, policies, etc greenˈback noun (informal)
greenˈ-bag noun
green ban noun (Aust) The refusal of trade unions to work on environmentally and socially objectionable projects green bean noun A French bean, the immature pod of the kidney bean green belt noun A strip of open land surrounding a town Green Beret noun (informal) A British or American commando greenˈ-bone noun
greenˈbottle noun A metallic-green fly (genus Lucilia) green card noun
greenˈcloth noun
greenˈ-collar adjective Relating to jobs in the environmental sector green corn same as sweetcorn (see under sweet). green crop noun A crop of green vegetables, such as grasses, turnips, etc Green Cross Code noun A code of road-safety rules for children issued in 1971 green dragon noun
greenˈ-drake noun A mayfly green earth noun Any green earthy mineral used as a pigment, usu a silicate of iron greenˈery-yallˈery adjective (informal) In or favouring greens and yellows, hence decadently aesthetic greenˈeye noun A small W Atlantic fish with pale green eyes greenˈ-eyed adjective
greenˈfield adjective Applied to a site, separate from existing developments, which is to be developed for the first time greenˈfinch or green linnet noun A finch of a green colour, with some grey green-fingˈered adjective green fingers or green thumb noun A knack of making plants grow well green flash or green ray noun A flash of green light sometimes seen at the moment of sunrise or sunset greenˈfly noun A plant louse or aphid green fund noun (finance) An ethical (qv) fund green gland noun One of a pair of glands on the head of certain crustaceans Green Goddess noun A type of fire engine operated by the army in civil emergencies, etc green goose noun
green gown noun (archaic) A roll on the grass (sometimes but not always understood to imply loss of virginity) greenˈgrocer noun
greengrocer's apostrophe noun Same as grocer's apostrophe (see undergrocer) greenˈgrocery noun The produce sold by a greengrocer greenˈhand noun An inferior sailor greenˈheart noun Bebeeru (Nectandra rodiaei), a S American tree of the family Lauraceae with very hard wood greenˈhorn noun A raw, inexperienced youth greenˈhouse noun
greenhouse effect noun The warming-up of the earth's surface due to the trapping of solar radiation, which would otherwise be reflected back into space, by carbon dioxide (produced by the burning of fossil fuels, chlorofluorocarbons, natural methane emissions, etc) and other greenhouse gases greenhouse gas noun A gas (esp carbon dioxide, also ozone, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons) that contributes to the greenhouse effect Green Isle or Emerald Isle noun Ireland greenˈ-keeper noun A person who has the care of a golf course or bowling green green label, green labelling same as eco-label, eco-labelling (see under eco-). green leek noun Any of various Australian parrots with green plumage green light noun
greenlight' transitive verb To give permission to proceed green linnet see greenfinch above. greenˈmail noun (US) A form of business blackmail whereby a company buys a strategically significant block of shares in another company, sufficient to threaten takeover and thus to force the parent company to buy back the shares at a premium greenˈmailer noun green man noun
green manuring noun Growing one crop (green manure) and digging it under to fertilize its successor green monkey noun A W African long-tailed monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops (green monkey disease a sometimes fatal filovirus disease with fever and haemorrhaging, orig identified among technicians handling green monkeys in Marburg, Germany (also called Marburg disease)) green paper noun (often with caps) a statement of proposed government policy, intended as a basis for parliamentary discussion Green Party noun A party principally concerned with the conservation of natural resources and the decentralization of political and economic power Greenˈpeace noun An environmental pressure group which campaigns esp against nuclear power and dumping, and also whaling green pepper see under pepper green plover noun The lapwing green pound noun The agreed value of the pound used to express EU farm prices in sterling and to measure the level of Britain's contribution under the Common Agricultural Policy green ray see green flash above. green revolution noun Agricultural advances in developing countries green road or green way noun A grassy country track used by walkers greenˈroom noun In a theatre, a room for actors to relax or entertain guests in, etc backstage, traditionally and typically having the walls coloured green greenˈsand noun
green screen noun (in film, television, etc) a green-coloured background against which material may be shot for superimposition elsewhere greenˈ-screen adjective green seaweeds see green algae above. greenˈshank noun A large sandpiper with long, somewhat greenish legs green shoots plural noun Signs of regeneration or improvement, as in an economy green sickness noun Chlorosis green snake noun A harmless colubrine snake common in southern USA greenˈspeak noun Ecological jargon, the terminology of green issues, or that used by green activists and supporters greenstick fracture see under fracture green stocks plural noun (commerce) Shares of an organization engaged in combating pollution, or professing to avoid it in the manufacture of its products greenˈstone noun
greenˈstuff noun Green vegetables, esp of the cabbage kind greenˈsward noun (archaic or literary) Land covered with grass green tax noun A tax imposed with the intention of discouraging activities that may damage the environment green tea noun Tea made from leaves that have been dried without fermentation and retain a light colour green turtle noun A tropical and subtropical sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) with a greenish shell (see turtle1) green vitriol noun Ferrous sulphate greenˈwash noun (facetious) A specious overlay, or ineffectual display, of concern for the environment (also transitive verb) green way see green road above. greenˈweed noun A name given to certain half-shrubby species of Genista green-wellˈie adjective Of, belonging to or relating to the British upper-class country-dwelling set (represented stereotypically as wearing a certain kind of heavy green wellingtons) greenˈwood noun A leafy wood or forest (also adjective) green woodpecker noun A Eurasian woodpecker (Picus viridis), having green plumage with a red crown green about the gills (informal) Looking or feeling sick something green in one's eye (informal) A sign that one is gullible tea /tē, formerly tā/noun
To take tea transitive verb (informal)To provide tea for ORIGIN: S Chinese te, the common form being chá or ts᾽a tea bag or teaˈbag noun A bag containing tea leaves for infusion tea ball noun Chiefly in USA, a perforated metal ball-shaped container to hold the tea leaves for infusion teaˈberry noun
tea biscuit noun Any of various kinds of sweetish biscuits, often eaten with tea teaˈboard noun A tea tray tea bread noun Light sweet bread or buns to be eaten with tea tea break noun A break for tea or other refreshment during the working day tea caddy or tea canister noun An airtight container for holding tea teaˈcake noun A glazed currant bun, usu eaten toasted tea ceremony noun In Japan, the ceremonial making and serving of tea tea chest noun A tall wooden container with a metal lining, in which tea is packed for transporting tea clipper noun (historical) A fast sailing-ship in the tea trade tea cloth noun
tea cosy noun A thick cover for a teapot to keep the tea hot teaˈcup noun
teaˈcupful noun (pl teaˈcupfuls) The amount held by a teacup, about 140ml (5floz) tea dance noun A thé dansant teaˈ-dealer noun A buyer and seller of tea tea dish noun An old name for a teacup tea drinker noun tea equipage noun Apparatus for making and serving tea with all that accompanies it tea fight noun (informal) A tea party tea garden noun
tea gown noun A loose gown formerly worn at afternoon tea at home tea house noun A restaurant in China, Japan, or other eastern countries where tea, etc is served tea kettle noun A kettle for boiling water for tea tea lady noun A woman who makes and serves tea in an office or factory tea lead noun Lead with a little tin for lining tea chests tea leaf noun
teaˈlight noun A small round candle, sometimes scented, in a metal or plastic case, used decoratively or in warming devices tea meeting noun A public social meeting at which tea is drunk tea party noun
tea plant noun tea plantation noun tea planter noun The owner or cultivator of a tea plantation teaˈpot noun A spouted vessel for pouring out tea tea room noun
tea rose noun A hybrid rose, derived from Rosa odorata, with a scent resembling that of tea tea service or tea set noun A set of utensils for serving tea tea shop noun
Teasˈmade® noun Small machine with an alarm clock or timer which makes tea, usu by the pot, at a preset time teaˈspoon noun
teaˈspoonful noun (pl teaˈspoonfuls). teaˈ-strainer noun A small strainer to catch tea leaves when pouring tea tea table noun
tea taster noun An expert who judges tea by tasting it teaˈ-tasting noun tea things plural noun The tea pot, cups, etc teaˈtime noun The time in the afternoon or early evening when tea is taken (also adjective) tea towel noun A cloth for drying crockery, kitchen utensils, etc tea tray noun A tray for carrying tea things tea tree noun
tea trolley or (N American) tea wagon noun A small tiered table on wheels from which afternoon tea, etc is served tea urn noun A large closed urn with a tap, often also a heating device, for making tea in quantity another cup of tea A very different thing black tea Tea which has been fermented between rolling and firing (heating with charcoal in a sieve) green tea Tea which is fired immediately after rolling high tea An early-evening meal with tea and eg meat, eggs, fish, or a savoury dish (not) for all the tea in China (not) for any reward whatever one's cup of tea (informal) What is to one's taste or appeals to one Russian tea Tea with lemon and no milk usu served in a glass tea and sympathy (informal) Hospitality and kind words offered to someone in trouble, as being the only, albeit usu inadequate, help one can give |
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