

单词 electrotherapy

electro- /i-lek-trō- or el-ik-tro-/

combining form

Denoting electric, electricity or electrolytic

ORIGIN: Gr ēlektro, combining form of ēlektron (see electron)

electroacousˈtics singular noun

The technology of converting acoustic energy into electrical energy and vice versa

electroacousˈtic adjective

electro-acˈupuncture noun

An acupuncture technique in which electrical currents, of frequencies and amplitudes varied according to the effects required, are passed between pairs of inserted acupuncture needles

electroanalˈysis noun

Separation by electrolysis

electroanalytˈical adjective

electrobiolˈogist noun

electrobiolˈogy noun

  1. The science of the electrical phenomena in living organisms
  2. An old name for hypnotism

electrocarˈdiogram noun

A photographic record of the electrical variations that occur during contraction of the muscle of the heart

electrocarˈdiograph noun

A galvanometer used for making such records

electrocardiographˈic adjective

electrocardiogˈraphy noun

The study of electric currents produced during muscular activity of the heart

electrocementˈ noun

Cement made in an electric furnace by adding lime to molten slag

electrochemˈic or electrochemˈical adjective

electrochemˈically adverb

electrochemˈist noun

electrochemˈistry noun

The study of the relation between electricity and chemical change

elecˈtroclash noun

A style of early 21c electronic dance music influenced by punk rock and performance art

electroconvulsˈive adjective

Relating to treatment using electric shocks, as in electroconvulsive therapy

elecˈtroculture noun

The cultivation of plants under the stimulus of electricity

elecˈtrocute transitive verb

  1. To inflict a death penalty by means of electrocution
  2. To kill by electricity

electrocūˈtion noun

elecˈtrōde noun

(Gr hodos way) a conductor by which a current of electricity enters or leaves an electrolytic cell, gas-discharge tube or thermionic valve

electrodeposiˈtion noun

Deposition of a layer of metal by electrolysis

electrodynamˈic adjective

electrodynamˈics singular noun

The study of electricity in motion, or of the interaction between different currents, or between currents and magnets

electrodynamomˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring electric currents by the attraction or repulsion between current-bearing coils

electroencephˈalogram /-sefˈ or -kefˈ/ noun

A record made by an electroencephˈalograph, an instrument for recording small electrical impulses produced by the brain

electroencephalogˈraphy noun

electroextracˈtion or electrowinnˈing noun

The recovery of a metal from its salts by passing an electric current through a solution

elecˈtrofish intransitive verb

To fish using an electric current that stuns fish before they are caught

elecˈtrofishing noun

elecˈtroforming noun (electronics)

Electrodeposition of copper on stainless steel formers to obtain complex waveguide components

elecˈtrogen noun

A molecule which emits electrons when it is illuminated

electrogenˈesis noun

The production of electricity, esp in living cells, etc

electrogenˈic adjective

  1. Producing electricity
  2. Of or capable of electrogenesis

electrogildˈing noun

Electroplating with gold

elecˈtrograph noun

A recording electrometer

electrogˈraphy noun

electrohydraulˈic adjective

Using or worked by water and electricity (electrohydraulic forming shaping a piece of metal with a die by means of a shock wave in water set up by discharge of energy between immersed electrodes)

electrokinetˈic adjective

electrokinetˈics singular noun

The branch of science that deals with the motion of bodies under the influence of an electric field

electrolier /-lērˈ/ noun

An electric-light fixture resembling a chandelier

electrolˈogy noun

  1. The science of electricity
  2. Electrotherapy

electroluminescˈence noun

Luminescence produced by the application of an electric field to a dielectric phosphor

electroluminescˈent adjective

electrolyse transitive verb , etc see separate entry

electromagˈnet noun

A piece of soft iron, etc, made magnetic by a current of electricity passing through a coil of wire wound round it

electromagnetˈic adjective (physics)

Of or relating to an electromagnet or electromagnetism (electromagnetic interaction an interaction between charged elementary particles intermediate in strength between strong and weak interactions, completed in about 10−18s; electromagnetic spectrum the range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic theory JC Maxwell's theory explaining light in terms of electromagnetic waves; electromagnetic unit any unit, such as the abampere or abvolt, in a centimetre-gram-second system of units based on the magnetic forces exerted by electric currents; electromagnetic wave a travelling disturbance in space produced by the acceleration of an electric charge, comprising an electric field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other, both moving at the same velocity in a direction normal to the plane of the two fields)

electromagnetˈically adverb

electromagˈnetism noun

  1. Magnetic forces produced by electricity
  2. The relation between, and properties of, electric and magnetic force
  3. The branch of science dealing with this subject

electromechanˈical adjective

  1. Of or relating to any mechanical process or device involving the use of electricity
  2. Of or relating to electromechanics

electromechanˈically adverb

electromechanˈics singular noun

The mechanics of the electric circuit

elecˈtromer noun

A substance showing electromerism

electromerˈic adjective

electromˈerism noun (chem)

A form of tautomerism caused by a redistribution of electrons among the atoms of a molecule or group

electrometallurˈgical adjective

electrometˈallurgist (or /-alˈ/) noun

electrometˈallurgy (or /-alˈ/) noun

The industrial working of metals by means of electricity

electromˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring difference of electric potential

electrometˈric or electrometˈrical adjective

electrometˈrically adverb

electromˈetry noun

The science of electrical measurements

electromōˈtive adjective

Of or relating to the motion of electricity or the laws governing it (electromotive force difference of potential or the force generated by an electromagnetic wave, being the force of an electric current (also called electromōˈtance))

electromōˈtor noun

A device for applying electricity as a motive power

electromyˈogram noun

A record made by an electromyograph

electromyˈograph noun

An instrument for recording voltages produced by muscular contraction

electromyographˈic adjective

electromyographˈically adverb

electromyogˈraphy noun

The study of electric currents set up in muscles by their functioning

electronegˈative adjective

  1. Carrying a negative charge
  2. Tending to form negative ions

electronegativˈity noun

  1. An electronegative state
  2. The power of eg an atom to attract electrons

electronystagmogˈraphy noun

(see nystagmus) the recording of eye movement by electronic means in medical diagnosis

electro-opˈtic or electro-opˈtical adjective (electro-optical effect see Kerr effect)

electro-opˈtics singular noun

The study of the effects that an electric field has on light crossing it

electro-osmōˈsis noun

Movement of liquid under an applied electric field through a fine tube or membrane

electro-osmotˈic adjective

elecˈtrophile noun

An electrophilic substance

electrophilˈic adjective

Having or involving an affinity for electrons (ie for negative charge), electron-seeking

electrophorēˈsis noun

(Gr phoreein to bear) the motion of charged particles through a fluid or gel under the influence of an electric field

electrophoretic /-etˈik/ adjective

Of or relating to electrophoresis

electrophoretˈically adverb

electrophˈorus noun

An instrument for obtaining static electricity by means of induction

electrophotographˈic adjective

electrophotogˈraphy noun

Photography by means of electric rather than chemical processes, as in xerography

electrophysiologˈical adjective

electrophysiologˈically adverb

electrophysiolˈogist noun

electrophysiolˈogy noun

The study of electric phenomena of living organisms

elecˈtroplate transitive verb

To plate or cover, esp with silver, by electrolysis


Electroplated articles

elecˈtroplated adjective

elecˈtroplater noun

elecˈtroplating noun

electropōˈlar adjective

Having, as an electrical conductor, one end or surface positive and the other negative

elecˈtro-pop noun another name for technopop (see under techno-)

electroposˈitive adjective

  1. Carrying a positive charge
  2. Tending to form positive ions

electrorheologˈical adjective (physics)

Of a fluid, having a form that changes depending on the strength of the electric field present

elecˈtroscope noun

An instrument for detecting the presence of electricity in a body and the nature of it

electroscopˈic adjective

elecˈtroshock noun

An electric shock

elecˈtrosmog or electronic smog noun

Electromagnetic fields emitted by computers, mobile phones, etc, believed by some to be harmful to health

elecˈtrosonde noun

A sonde for measuring atmospheric electricity

elecˈtrospinning noun

A technique for transforming a polymer solution into nanoscale fibres by using an electrostatic force

electrostatˈic adjective

Of or relating to electricity at rest (electrostatic unit any unit, such as the statampere and statvolt, in a centimetre-gram-second system of units based on the forces of repulsion existing between static electric charges)

electrostatˈically adverb

electrostatˈics singular noun

The branch of science concerned with electricity at rest

electrotechˈnic or electrotechˈnical adjective

electrotechˈnics singular noun

(also electrotechnolˈogy) electric technology

electrotherapeuˈtic or electrotherapeuˈtical adjective

electrotherapeuˈtics singular noun

(also electrotherˈapy) the branch of medicine in which electrotherapy is used

electrotherˈapist noun

electrotherˈapy noun

The use of electrical currents or impulses to treat disease, ease pain, accelerate healing, restore muscle function, etc

electrothermˈal or electrothermˈic adjective

Of or relating to electricity and heat, or heat obtained electrically

electrothermˈics singular noun

electrothermˈy noun

elecˈtrotint noun

A printing block produced by drawing with varnish on a metal plate, and depositing metal electrically on the parts not covered

electrotonˈic adjective

electrotˈonus noun

The state of a nerve subjected to a steady discharge of electricity

elecˈtrotype transitive verb

To make a copy of something by electrolytically coating a mould with copper

  1. A printing plate made by this process
  2. A facsimile of a coin made by this process

elecˈtrotyper noun

A person who makes electrotypes

electrotȳpˈic adjective

elecˈtrotypist noun

elecˈtrotȳpy noun

electrovaˈlency or electrovaˈlence noun

Union within a chemical compound achieved by transfer of electrons, the resulting ions being held together by electrostatic attraction (cf covalency)

electrovaˈlent adjective

electroweakˈ adjective

Of or relating to a theory unifying electromagnetic and weak interactions between particles

electrowinning noun see electroextraction above





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