

单词 gynomonoecism

gyno- /gī-nō-, gī-nə-, gī-no-, jī- or ji-/, also gyn- /gīn-, jīn- or jin-/

combining form

Denoting female, woman or (botany) the female reproductive organ

ORIGIN: Gr gynē woman

gynandrism noun see gynandry below

gynanˈdromorph noun

(Gr morphē form) an organism that combines male and female physical characteristics

gynandromorˈphic or gynandromorˈphous adjective

gynandromorˈphism or gynandromorˈphy noun

gynandˈrous adjective

  1. With stamen concrescent with the carpel, as in orchids (botany)
  2. Hermaphroditic

gynanˈdry or gynandˈrism noun

(Gr anēr, andros man, male)

gyniolˈatry noun

Extreme devotion to or regard for women

gynocˈracy noun

Gynaecocracy, female rule

gynocratˈic adjective

gynodioeˈcious adjective (botany)

Having hermaphrodite and female flowers on different plants

gynodioeˈcism noun

gynomonoeˈcious adjective (botany)

Having hermaphrodite and female flowers on the same plant

gynomonoeˈcism noun

gynophōˈbia noun

The fear or dislike of women

gynophōˈbic adjective and noun

gyˈnophore noun (Gr phoros carrying; botany)

An elongation of the receptacle of a flower carrying carpels only

gynostēˈmium noun (Gr stēma stamen; botany)

A united gynoecium and androecium, such as the column of an orchid





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