单词 | haemorrhoid |
释义 | haem- /hēm- or hem-/, haemat- /-ət-/ or haemo- /-ō- or -ə-/ (or US hem-, hemat- and hemo-)combining formDenoting blood ORIGIN: Gr haima, -atos blood haem noun (also hem and heme) the pigment combined with the protein (globin) in haemoglobin haemagglutināˈtion noun The clumping together of red blood cells haemagglutˈinin noun A virus, antibody or other agent causing haemagglutination haemal or hemal /hēˈməl/ adjective
haemangioma or (esp US) hemangioma /hi-man-ji-ōˈmə/ noun An angioma containing blood vessels Haemanˈthus noun (Gr anthos flower) the blood-flower, a S African amaryllid haematemˈesis noun (Gr emesis vomiting) vomiting of blood from the stomach haematˈic adjective Relating to blood haeˈmatin noun A brownish substance containing ferric iron obtained from oxyhaemoglobin or from dried blood haematinˈic adjective Having the effect of increasing the haemoglobin or of stimulating production of red blood cells nounA substance having this effect haeˈmatite noun A valuable iron ore, Fe2O3, often blood-red, with red streak haeˈmatoblast noun (Gr blastos a germ) a blood platelet haeˈmatocele noun (Gr kēlē a tumour) a cavity containing blood haeˈmatocrit noun
haematogenˈesis noun Blood formation haematogenous /-ojˈin-əs/ adjective
haeˈmatoid adjective Blood-like haematolˈogist noun haematolˈogy noun The study of blood, diseases of blood, and blood-forming tissues haematolˈysis noun Haemolysis (qv below) haematōˈma noun A swelling composed of blood effused into connective tissue haematophagous /-tofˈə-gəs/ adjective (Gr phagein to eat) feeding on blood haematopoiesis /-poi-ēˈsis/ noun (Gr poieein to make) the formation of blood haematopoietˈic adjective haematōˈsis noun
haematoxˈylin noun A dye obtained from logwood Haematoxˈylon noun (Gr xylon wood) the logwood genus haematūˈria noun (Gr ouron urine) the presence of blood in the urine haemˈic adjective Haematic (qv above) haeˈmin noun The chloride of haematin haemochromatoˈsis noun (see ety for chroma, and -osis) a disease of the liver characterized by an excessive accumulation of iron and the development of fibrous tissue, and accompanied by bronzing of the skin haemˈocoel noun (LL coel, Gr koilos hollow) the central body-cavity of many invertebrates, including arthropods and molluscs haemocoˈnia noun (Gr koniā dust) blood-dust, small colourless granules in the blood haemocyˈanin noun (Gr kyanos blue) a blue respiratory pigment with functions similar to haemoglobin, in the blood of crustaceans and molluscs haeˈmocyte noun A blood cell, esp a red one haemocytomˈeter noun An instrument for measuring the number of cells in a volume of blood haemodialˈysis noun Dialysis of the blood using a kidney machine haemoglōˈbin noun (L globus a ball) the red oxygen-carrying pigment in the red blood corpuscles haemoglobinopˈathy noun Any of various blood disorders caused by changes in the molecular structure of haemoglobin haemoglobinūˈria noun (Gr ouron urine) the presence of haemoglobin in the urine haeˈmolymph noun (L lympha water) a fluid found in the haemocoel in most invertebrates, with functions similar to blood haemolˈysis noun (Gr lysis dissolution) breaking up of red blood corpuscles haemolytˈic adjective Relating to haemolysis (haemolytic disease of the newborn a disease of the newborn in which maternal antibodies cause haemolysis of the fetal red blood cells, often resulting in stillbirth, anaemia or jaundice) haeˈmony noun (prob Gr haimōnios blood-red) a plant with sovereign properties against magic, etc in Milton's poem Comus haemophilˈia noun (Gr phileein to like) a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly injured haemophilˈiac noun Someone who suffers from haemophilia haemophilˈic adjective haemopoiēˈsis same as haematopoiesis above haemopˈtysis noun (Gr ptysis a spitting) the spitting or coughing up of blood from the lungs haemorrhage /hemˈər-ij/ noun
To lose blood from the blood vessels transitive verbTo suffer a steady and persistent loss of (blood, resources, etc) haemorrhagic /-rajˈik/ adjective haemorrhoid /hemˈər-oid/ noun (Gr haimorrhois, -idos, from rheein to flow; usu in pl) dilatation of a vein around the anus, piles haemorrhoidˈal adjective haemoˈstasis noun Stoppage of bleeding or the circulation haeˈmostat noun
haemostatˈic noun and adjective (Gr statikos, or hypothetical states causing to stand) styptic |
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