

单词 mediciners

medicine /medˈ(i-)sin or -sən/

  1. Any substance used (esp internally) for the treatment or prevention of disease
  2. A drug
  3. The art or science of prevention, diagnosis, and cure (esp non-surgically) of disease
  4. The practice or profession of a physician
  5. Remedial punishment
  6. In primitive or tribal societies, a supernatural, esp curative, power
  7. A thing possessing this, a charm
  8. A physician (Shakespeare)
transitive verb

To treat or cure by medicine

ORIGIN: L medicīna, from medicus

medicinable /medˈsin-ə-bl/ adjective

Having a healing power

medicinal /med-isˈi-nl or sometimes med-i-sīˈnl (in Shakespeare, etc, medˈsi-nl)/ (Milton medˈcinal) adjective

  1. Used in medicine
  2. Curative
  3. Relating to medicine
  4. Like medicine

A medicinal substance

medicˈinally adverb

mediciner /medˈsin-ər or med-isˈi-nər/ noun (archaic)

A physician

medicinal leech noun

A freshwater leech (Hirudo medicinalis) formerly used for bloodletting

medicine ball noun

A heavy ball tossed and caught for exercise

medicine bottle noun

medicine chest or medicine cabinet noun

A small chest or a cabinet for keeping a selected set of medicines

medˈicine-dropper noun

medicine man or medicine woman noun

(in primitive or tribal societies) a person believed to heal by supernatural agency, a shaman

a dose or taste of one's own medicine

Harsh or unpleasant treatment given, often in revenge, to someone used to giving such treatment to others

take one's medicine

To accept with stoicism an unpleasant but deserved punishment





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