单词 | endoplasm |
释义 | endo- /en-dō- or en-do-/ or before a vowel end- /end-/combining form(often interchanging with ento-) inside or within, opp to ecto- and exo- ORIGIN: Gr endon or endō within endarterecˈtomy noun Surgical removal of material obstructing blood flow in an artery endarterīˈtis noun Inflammation of the inner lining of an artery endergonic /en-dûr-gonˈik/ adjective (Gr ergon work) of a biochemical reaction, requiring the absorption of energy enˈdoblast noun (Gr blastos a shoot or bud) the inner cell-layer of a gastrula, the hypoblast endocarˈdiac or endocarˈdial adjective (Gr kardiā heart) within the heart endocarditic /-ditˈik/ adjective endocardīˈtis noun Inflammation of the endocardium, esp over the valves endocarˈdium noun The lining membrane of the heart enˈdocarp noun (Gr karpos fruit; botany) A differentiated innermost layer of the pericarp, usu hard, such as a plum stone endocarˈpic adjective endochylous /en-dokˈi-ləs/ adjective (Gr chȳlos juice; botany) Having internal water-storing cells endocrīˈnal adjective enˈdocrine (or /-krin/) adjective (Gr krīnein to separate; physiology)
endocrinic /-krinˈik/ adjective endocrinologˈical adjective endocrinolˈogist noun endocrinolˈogy noun The science of the internal secretory glands endocritic /-kritˈik/ adjective Endocrine endocytōˈsis noun (biology) The absorption into a cell of particles too large to diffuse through the cell wall endocytotˈic adjective enˈdoderm noun
endodermˈal or endodermˈic adjective endodermˈis noun A close-set sheath, one cell thick, enclosing the central cylinder in plants endodontˈics singular noun (Gr odous, odontos tooth) the branch of dentistry concerned with disorders of the tooth pulp enˈdodyne adjective same as autodyne endogamic /-gamˈik/ or endogamous /-dogˈə-məs/ adjective endogamy /en-dogˈəm-i/ noun
enˈdogen /-jen/ noun (Gr genēs born; obsolete) Any plant, including the monocotyledons, regarded as growing from within endogenˈic adjective Relating to the processes of change within the earth endogenous /en-dojˈi-nəs/ adjective
endogˈenously adverb endogˈeny noun enˈdolymph noun The fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the ear endomētˈrial adjective endomētriōˈsis noun (a condition caused by) the presence of active endometrial tissue where it should not be, esp when affecting other organs of the pelvic cavity endometrīˈtis noun (Gr mētra womb) inflammation of the endometrium endomētˈrium noun The mucous membrane lining the cavity of the uterus endomitosˈis noun (botany) The process in which the chromosomes divide without cell division, giving double the original number of chromosomes in the cell endomixˈis noun (Gr mixis mingling) in Protozoa, a nuclear reorganization without conjugation enˈdomorph noun
endomorphˈic adjective endomorphˈy noun endonucˈlease noun An enzyme that cuts a polynucleotide chain internally endoparˈasite noun A parasite living inside the body of its host endoparasitic /-sitˈik/ adjective endophagous /en-dofˈə-gəs/ adjective endophˈagy /-ə-ji/ noun
endophyllous /-filˈəs/ adjective (Gr phyllon a leaf; botany)
endophyte /enˈdō-fīt/ noun (Gr phyton a plant; botany) A plant living within another, whether parasitically or not endophytic /-fitˈik/ adjective enˈdoplasm noun (biology) The inner portion of the cytoplasm of a cell endoplasˈmic or endoplasˈtic adjective (endoplasmic reticulum a series of flattened membranous tubules and cisternae in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, either with decorating ribosomes (rough endoplasmic reticulum) or without them (smooth endoplasmic reticulum), the site of synthesis of lipids and some proteins) endopleura /-plooˈrə/ noun (Gr pleurā a side; botany) The inner seed coat endopodite /en-dopˈə-dīt/ noun (Gr pous, podos a foot) the inner branch of a crustacean's leg endoraˈdiosonde noun (medicine) A miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion endorhizal /-rīˈzl/ adjective (Gr rhiza root; botany)
enˈdosarc noun (Gr sarx, sarkos flesh) endoplasm enˈdoscope noun (Gr skopeein to look) an instrument for viewing the cavities of internal organs endoscopic /-skopˈik/ adjective endoscopˈically adverb endosˈcopist noun endoscopy /en-dosˈkə-pi/ noun Any technique for viewing internal organs, such as by fibre-optic apparatus endoskelˈetal adjective endoskelˈeton noun The internal skeleton or framework of the body endosmomˈeter noun An instrument for measuring endosmotic action endosmometˈric adjective endosmōˈsis noun Osmosis inwards, ie towards the solution (also enˈdosmose /-mōs/) endosmotˈic adjective Relating to or of the nature of endosmosis endosmotˈically adverb enˈdosperm noun (Gr sperma seed) (in a seed) nutritive tissue formed from the embryo-sac endosperˈmic adjective enˈdospore noun (Gr sporos seed; botany)
Endostatˈin® noun An angiogenesis-inhibiting drug, used in experimental treatments to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumours endosˈteal adjective (Gr osteon bone) within a bone endosˈteum noun (anatomy) The internal periosteum endosymˈbiont noun An organism living within the body of its symbiotic host endosymbiōˈsis noun A symbiotic relationship in which one organism lives inside the body of another endosymbiotˈic adjective endothēˈlial adjective endothēˈlium noun (pl endothēˈlia) (biology) The layer of cell tissue on the internal surfaces of blood vessels, lymphatics, etc enˈdotherm noun An animal that is able to generate heat internally endothermˈic adjective
endothermˈy noun en'dotoxin noun (biology) A toxin which forms part of the cell wall of a micro-organism and which is released when the cell breaks down endotrophˈic adjective (Gr trophē food) of a mycorrhiza, occurring mainly within the root of the plant it feeds endozōˈic adjective (botany) Entozoic, having seeds dispersed by animals that swallow them endozōˈon noun (pl endozōˈa) (Gr zōion animal) an entozoon |
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