

单词 enteric

enter-1 /en-tər-/ or entero- /en-tə-rō-/

combining form

Denoting intestine

ORIGIN: Gr enteron gut

enˈteral adjective

Relating to, within, or by way of the intestine

enˈterate adjective

Having an alimentary canal

enterecˈtomy noun

(Gr ektomē a cutting out) surgical removal of part of the bowel

enteric /en-terˈik/ adjective

  1. Relating to the intestines
  2. Possessing an alimentary canal (enterˈic-coated (of a medicinal capsule) coated in a substance that prevents it from releasing its contents until it has reached the intestines)

Short form of enteric fever, typhoid fever, an infectious disease caused by a bacillus, characterized by fever, a red rash, enlargement of the spleen and ulceration of the intestines

enterīˈtis noun

Inflammation of the intestines, esp the small intestine

enˈterocele /-sēl/ noun

(Gr kēlē tumour) a hernia containing intestine

enterocentesis /-sen-tēˈsis/ noun

(Gr kentēsis pricking) operative puncturing of the intestine

enterococcus /-kokˈəs/ noun (pl enterococci /-kokˈsī or -kokˈi/)

(Gr kokkos a grain) a bacterium that lives in the digestive tracts of humans and helps to break down waste substances

enˈterocyte /-sīt/ noun

(Gr kytos vessel) a cell of the intestinal wall

enˈterolith noun

(Gr lithos stone) a concretion of organic matter with lime, bismuth or magnesium salts formed in the intestine

Enteromorˈpha noun

(Gr morphē form) a genus of green sea-weeds of tubular form

enˈteron noun (pl enˈtera)

  1. In coelenterates (animals with only one body-cavity), the body-cavity itself
  2. In higher animals, the gut or alimentary canal

enteropathy /-opˈə-thi/ noun

(Gr pathos suffering) an intestinal disorder

enteropneust /enˈtər-op-nūst/ noun

(Gr pneein to breathe) any animal of the Enteropneusˈta (literally, gut-breathers) the Hemichordata or a division of them including Balanaglossus

enteropneustˈal adjective

enteroptōsˈis noun

Downward displacement of the intestines

enterosˈtomy noun

(Gr stoma mouth) surgical formation of an opening in the intestine

enterotˈomy noun

Incision of the intestinal wall

enterotoxˈin noun

An intestinal toxin which causes food poisoning

enterovīˈrus noun

Any of several viruses occurring in and infecting the intestine





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