单词 | bee |
释义 | bee bee1 —beelike, adj. /bee/, n. 1. any hymenopterous insect of the superfamily Apoidea, including social and solitary species of several families, as the bumblebees, honeybees, etc. 2. the common honeybee, Apis mellifera. 3. a community social gathering in order to perform some task, engage in a contest, etc.: a sewing bee; a spelling bee; a husking bee. 4. have a bee in one's bonnet, a. to be obsessed with one idea. b. to have eccentric or fanciful ideas or schemes: Our aunt obviously has a bee in her bonnet, but we're very fond of her. 5. put the bee on, Informal. to try to obtain money from, as for a loan or donation: My brother just put the bee on me for another $10. 6. the bee's knees, Older Slang. (esp. in the 1920s) a person or thing that is wonderful, great, or marvelous: Her new roadster is simply the bee's knees. [bef. 1000; ME be(e); OE bio, beo; c. D bij, OS bi, bini, OHG bia, bini (G Biene), ON by; with other suffixes, Lith bìte, OPruss bitte, OCS bichela, OIr bech; *bhi- is a North European stem with the same distribution as WAX1, APPLE; put the bee on prob. an allusion to STING in sense "dupe, cheat"] bee2 /bee/, n. 1. Also called bee block. Naut. a piece of hardwood, bolted to the side of a bowsprit, through which to reeve stays. 2. Obs. a metal ring or bracelet. [bef. 1050; ME beh ring, OE beag, beah; c. OFris bag, OS, MLG bog, OHG boug, ON baugr, Skt bhoga-; akin to BOW1] |
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