

单词 crop
释义 crop
 —cropless,  adj.  
 /krop/,  n.  ,  v.  , cropped or (Archaic) cropt; cropping.
  1. the cultivated produce of the ground, while growing or when gathered: the wheat crop.
  2. the yield of such produce for a particular season.
  3. the yield of some other product in a season: the crop of diamonds.
  4. a supply produced.
  5. a collection or group of persons or things appearing or occurring together: this year's crop of students.
  6. the stock or handle of a whip.
  7. Also called riding crop. a short riding whip consisting of a stock without a lash.
  8. Also called craw. Zool.
   a. a pouch in the esophagus of many birds, in which food is held for later digestion or for regurgitation to nestlings.
   b. a chamber or pouch in the foregut of arthropods and annelids for holding and partly crushing food.
  9. the act of cropping.
  10. a mark produced by clipping the ears, as of cattle.
  11. a close-cropped hair style.
  12. a head of hair so cut.
  13. an entire tanned hide of an animal.
  14.  Mining.   an outcrop of a vein or seam.
  15. to cut off or remove the head or top of (a plant, grass, etc.).
  16. to cut off the ends or a part of: to crop the ears of a dog.
  17. to cut short.
  18. to clip the ears, hair, etc., of.
  19.  Photog.   to cut off or mask the unwanted parts of (a print or negative).
  20. to cause to bear a crop or crops.
  21. to graze off (the tops of plants, grass, etc.): The sheep cropped the lawn.
  22. to bear or yield a crop or crops.
  23. to feed by cropping or grazing.
  24. crop out,
   a.  Geol.  ,  Mining.   to rise to the surface of the ground: Veins of quartz crop out in the canyon walls.
   b. to become evident or visible; occur: A few cases of smallpox still crop out every now and then.
  25. crop up, to appear, esp. suddenly or unexpectedly: A new problem cropped up.
 [bef. 900; ME, OE: sprout, ear of corn, paunch, crown of a tree; c. G Kropf; see CROUP2]
 Syn. 1. CROP, HARVEST, PRODUCE, YIELD refer to the return in food obtained from land at the end of a season of growth. CROP, the term common in agricultural and commercial use, denotes the amount produced at one cutting or for one particular season: the potato crop. HARVEST denotes either the time of reaping and gathering, or the gathering, or that which is gathered: the season of harvest; to work in a harvest; a ripe harvest. PRODUCE esp. denotes household vegetables: Produce from the fields and gardens was taken to market. YIELD emphasizes what is given by the land in return for expenditure of time and labor: There was a heavy yield of grain this year.




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