单词 | in |
释义 | in /in/, prep., adv., adj., n., v., inned, inning. prep. 1. (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park. 2. (used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn. 3. (used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes. 4. (used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance. 5. (used to indicate means): sketched in ink; spoken in French. 6. (used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within) into: Let's go in the house. 7. (used to indicate transition from one state to another): to break in half. 8. (used to indicate object or purpose): speaking in honor of the event. 9. in that, because; inasmuch as: In that you won't have time for supper, let me give you something now. adv. 10. in or into some place, position, state, relation, etc.: Please come in. 11. on the inside; within. 12. in one's house or office. 13. in office or power. 14. in possession or occupancy. 15. having the turn to play, as in a game. 16. Baseball. (of an infielder or outfielder) in a position closer to home plate than usual; short: The third baseman played in, expecting a bunt. 17. on good terms; in favor: He's in with his boss, but he doubts it will last. 18. in vogue; in style: He says straw hats will be in this year. 19. in season: Watermelons will soon be in. 20. be in for, to be bound to undergo something, esp. a disagreeable experience: We are in for a long speech. 21. in for it, Slang. about to suffer chastisement or unpleasant consequences, esp. of one's own actions or omissions: I forgot our anniversary again, and I'll be in for it now. Also, Brit., for it. 22. in with, on friendly terms with; familiar or associating with: They are in with all the important people. adj. 23. located or situated within; inner; internal: the in part of a mechanism. 24. Informal. a. in favor with advanced or sophisticated people; fashionable; stylish: the in place to dine; Her new novel is the in book to read this summer. b. comprehensible only to a special or ultrasophisticated group: an in joke. 25. well-liked; included in a favored group. 26. inward; incoming; inbound: an in train. 27. plentiful; available. 28. being in power, authority, control, etc.: a member of the in party. 29. playing the last nine holes of an eighteen-hole golf course (opposed to out): His in score on the second round was 34. n. 30. Usually, ins. persons in office or political power (distinguished from outs). 31. a member of the political party in power: The election made him an in. 32. pull or influence; a social advantage or connection: He's got an in with the senator. 33. (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) a return or service that lands within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court (opposed to out). v.t. Brit. Dial. 34. to enclose. [bef. 900; 1925-30 for def. 32; ME, OE; c. G, D, OFris, OS, Goth in, ON i, L in, Gk en, Lith i] |
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