

单词 include
释义 include
 —includable, includible,  adj.  
 /in kloohd"/, v.t., included, including.
  1. to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element: The package includes the computer, program, disks, and a manual.
  2. to place in an aggregate, class, category, or the like.
  3. to contain as a subordinate element; involve as a factor.
 [1375-1425; late ME < L includere to shut in, equiv. to in- IN-2 + -cludere, comb. form of claudere to shut (cf. CLOSE)]
 Syn. 1. embody. INCLUDE, COMPREHEND, COMPRISE, EMBRACE imply containing parts of a whole. To INCLUDE is to contain as a part or member, or among the parts and members, of a whole: The list includes many new names. TO COMPREHEND is to have within the limits, scope, or range of references, as either a part or the whole number of items concerned: The plan comprehends several projects. TO COMPRISE is to consist of, as the various parts serving to make up the whole: This genus comprises 50 species. EMBRACE emphasizes the extent or assortment of that which is included: The report embraces a great variety of subjects.
 Ant. 1. exclude, preclude.




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