

单词 twig
释义 twig
 —twigless,  adj.   —twiglike,  adj.  
 /twig/,  n.  
  1. a slender shoot of a tree or other plant.
  2. a small offshoot from a branch or stem.
  3. a small, dry, woody piece fallen from a branch: a fire of twigs.
  4.  Anat.   one of the minute branches of a blood vessel or nerve.
 [bef. 950; ME; OE twig, twigge, orig. (something) divided in two; akin to OHG zwig (G Zweig), D twijg; cf. Skt dvikás double]
 /twig/,  v.  , twigged, twigging. Brit.
  1. to look at; observe: Now, twig the man climbing there, will you?
  2. to see; perceive: Do you twig the difference in colors?
  3. to understand.
  4. to understand.
 [1755-65; < Ir tuigim I understand, with E w reflecting the offglide before i of the velarized Ir t typical of southern Ireland; cf. DIG2]
 /twig/, n. Brit.
 style; fashion.
 [1805-15; orig. uncert.]




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