

单词 power
释义 power
 /pow"euhr/,  n.  
  1. ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
  2. political or national strength: the balance of power in Europe.
  3. great or marked ability to do or act; strength; might; force.
  4. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: power over men's minds.
  5. political ascendancy or control in the government of a country, state, etc.: They attained power by overthrowing the legal government.
  6. legal ability, capacity, or authority: the power of attorney.
  7. delegated authority; authority granted to a person or persons in a particular office or capacity: the powers of the president.
  8. a document or written statement conferring legal authority.
  9. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.
  10. a state or nation having international authority or influence: The great powers held an international conference.
  11. a military or naval force: The Spanish Armada was a mighty power.
  12. Often, powers. a deity; divinity: the heavenly powers.
  13. powers, Theol. an order of angels. Cf. angel (def. 1).
  14.  Dial.   a large number or amount: There's a power of good eatin' at the church social.
  15.  Physics.  
   a. work done or energy transferred per unit of time. Symbol: P
   b. the time rate of doing work.
  16. mechanical energy as distinguished from hand labor: a loom driven by power.
  17. a particular form of mechanical or physical energy: hydroelectric power.
  18. energy, force, or momentum: The door slammed shut, seemingly under its own power.
  19.  Math.  
   a. the product obtained by multiplying a quantity by itself one or more times: The third power of 2 is 8.
   b. (of a number x) a number whose logarithm is a times the logarithm of x (and is called the ath power of x). Symbolically, y =xa is a number that satisfies the equation log y = a log x.
   c. the exponent of an expression, as a in xa.
   d. See cardinal number (def. 2).
  20.  Optics.  
   a. the magnifying capacity of a microscope, telescope, etc., expressed as the ratio of the diameter of the image to the diameter of the object. Cf. magnification (def. 2).
   b. the reciprocal of the focal length of a lens.
  21. the powers that be, those in supreme command; the authorities: The decision is in the hands of the powers that be.
  22. to supply with electricity or other means of power: Atomic energy powers the new submarines.
  23. to give power to; make powerful: An outstanding quarterback powered the team in its upset victory.
  24. to inspire; spur; sustain: A strong faith in divine goodness powers his life.
  25. (of a fuel, engine, or any source able to do work) to supply force to operate (a machine): An electric motor powers this drill.
  26. to drive or push by applying power: She powered the car expertly up the winding mountain road.
  27. power down, Computers. to shut off.
  28. power up, Computers. to turn on.
  29. operated or driven by a motor or electricity: a power mower; power tools.
  30. power-assisted: His new car has power brakes and power windows.
  31. conducting electricity: a power cable.
  32.  Informal.   expressing or exerting power; characteristic of those having authority or influence: to host a power lunch.
 [1250-1300; ME pouer(e), poer(e) < AF poueir, poer, n. use of inf.: to be able < VL *potere (r. L posse to be able, have power). See POTENT1]
 Syn. 1. capacity. 3. energy. See strength. 4, 5. sway, rule, sovereignty.
 Ant. 1. incapacity. 3. weakness.




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