

单词 review
释义 review
 —reviewable,  adj.   —reviewability,  n.   —reviewless,  adj.  
 /ri vyooh"/,  n.  
  1. a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation.
  2. the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts.
  3. an exercise designed or intended for study of this kind.
  4. a general survey of something, esp. in words; a report or account of something.
  5. an inspection or examination by viewing, esp. a formal inspection of any military or naval force, parade, or the like.
  6. a periodical publication containing articles on current events or affairs, books, art, etc.: a literary review.
  7. a judicial reexamination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.
  8. a second or repeated view of something.
  9. a viewing of the past; contemplation or consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.
  10.  Bridge.   a recapitulation of the bids made by all players.
  11.  Theat.   revue.
  12. to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.
  13. to view, look at, or look over again.
  14. to inspect, esp. formally or officially: to review the troops.
  15. to survey mentally; take a survey of: to review the situation.
  16. to discuss (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review; write a critical report upon.
  17. to look back upon; view retrospectively.
  18. to present a survey of in speech or writing.
  19.  Law.   to reexamine judicially: a decision to review the case.
  20.  Bridge.   to repeat and summarize (all bids made by the players).
  21. to write reviews; review books, movies, etc., as for a newspaper or periodical: He reviews for some small-town newspaper.
 [1555-65; < MF revue, n. use of fem. ptp. of revoir to see again << L revidere, equiv. to re- RE- + videre to see; see VIEW]
 Syn. 1. REVIEW, CRITICISM imply careful examination of something, formulation of a judgment, and statement of the judgment, usually in written form. A REVIEW is a survey over a whole subject or division of it, or esp. an article making a critical reconsideration and summary of something written: a review of the latest book on Chaucer. A CRITICISM is a judgment, usually in an article, either favorable or unfavorable or both: a criticism of a proposed plan. The words are interchanged when referring to motion pictures or theater, but REVIEW implies a somewhat less formal approach than CRITICISM in referring to literary works: movie reviews; play reviews; book reviews. 8. reconsideration, reexamination. 16. criticize.




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