单词 | supply |
释义 | supply supply1 —supplier, n. /seuh pluy"/, v. , supplied, supplying, n. , pl. supplies. v.t. 1. to furnish or provide (a person, establishment, place, etc.) with what is lacking or requisite: to supply someone clothing; to supply a community with electricity. 2. to furnish or provide (something wanting or requisite): to supply electricity to a community. 3. to make up, compensate for, or satisfy (a deficiency, loss, need, etc.): The TVA supplied the need for cheap electricity. 4. to fill or occupy as a substitute, as a vacancy, a pulpit, etc.: During the summer local clergymen will supply the pulpit. v.i. 5. to fill the place of another, esp. the pulpit of a church, temporarily or as a substitute: Who will supply until the new minister arrives? n. 6. the act of supplying, furnishing, providing, satisfying, etc.: to begin the supply of household help. 7. something that is supplied: The storm cut off our water supply. 8. a quantity of something on hand or available, as for use; a stock or store: Did you see our new supply of shirts? 9. Usually, supplies. a provision, stock, or store of food or other things necessary for maintenance: to lay in supplies for the winter. 10. Econ. the quantity of a commodity that is in the market and available for purchase or that is available for purchase at a particular price. 11. supplies, Mil. a. all items necessary for the equipment, maintenance, and operation of a military command, including food, clothing, arms, ammunition, fuel, materials, and machinery. b. procurement, distribution, maintenance, and salvage of supplies. 12. a person who fills a vacancy or takes the place of another, esp. temporarily. 13. supplies. Obs. reinforcements. 14. Obs. aid. [1325-75; (v.) ME sup(p)lien < MF souplier, var. of soupleer << L supplere to fill up, equiv. to sup- SUP- + plere to fill (see FULL1); (n.) late ME: aid, succor, deriv. of the v.] supply2 /sup"lee/, adv. in a supple manner or way; supplely. [1525-35; SUPPLE + -LY] |
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