

单词 position
释义 position
 —positional,  adj.   —positionless,  adj.  
 /peuh zish"euhn/,  n.  
  1. condition with reference to place; location; situation.
  2. a place occupied or to be occupied; site: a fortified position.
  3. the proper, appropriate, or usual place: out of position.
  4. situation or condition, esp. with relation to favorable or unfavorable circumstances: to be in an awkward position; to bargain from a position of strength.
  5. status or standing: He has a position to maintain in the community.
  6. high standing, as in society; important status: a person of wealth and position.
  7. a post of employment: a position in a bank.
  8. manner of being placed, disposed, or arranged: the relative position of the hands of a clock.
  9. bodily posture or attitude: to be in a sitting position.
  10. mental attitude; stand: one's position on a controversial topic.
  11. the act of positing.
  12. something that is posited.
  13.  Ballet.   any of the five basic positions of the feet with which every step or movement begins and ends. Cf. first position, second position, third position, fourth position, fifth position.
  14.  Music.  
   a. the arrangement of tones in a chord, esp. with regard to the location of the root tone in a triad or to the distance of the tones from each other. Cf. close position, inversion (def. 8a), open position, root position.
   b. any of the places on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument where the fingers stop the strings to produce the variouspitches.
   c. any of the places to which the slide of a trombone is shifted to produce changes in pitch.
  15.  Finance.   a commitment to buy or sell securities: He took a large position in defense stocks.
  16.  Class. Pros.   the situation of a short vowel before two or more consonants or their equivalent, making the syllable metrically long.
  17. to put in a particular or appropriate position; place.
  18. to determine the position of; locate.
 [1325-75; ME posicioun a positing ( < AF) < L position- (s. of positio) a placing, etc. See POSIT, -ION]
 Syn. 2. station, locality, spot. 5. rank. 7. POSITION, JOB, PLACE, SITUATION refer to a post of employment. POSITION is any employment, though usually above manual labor: a position as clerk. JOB is colloquial for POSITION, and applies to any work from lowest to highest in an organization: a job as cook, as manager. PLACE and SITUATION are both mainly used today in reference to a position that is desired or being applied for; SITUATION is the general word in the business world: Situations Wanted; PLACE is used rather of domestic employment: He is looking for a place as a gardener. 8. placement, disposition, array, arrangement.
 9. POSITION, POSTURE, ATTITUDE, POSE refer to an arrangement or disposal of the body or its parts. POSITION is the general word for the arrangement of the body: in a reclining position. POSTURE is usually an assumed arrangement of the body, esp. when standing: a relaxed posture. ATTITUDE is often a posture assumed for imitative effect or the like, but may be one adopted for a purpose (as that of a fencer or a tightrope walker): an attitude of prayer. A POSE is an attitude assumed, in most cases, for artistic effect: an attractive pose. 12. proposition, hypothesis, postulate, thesis; dictum, assertion, predication, contention; doctrine, principle. 17. situate.




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