

单词 clarify
释义 clarify
 —clarification,  n.   —clarifier,  n.  
 /klar"euh fuy'/,  v.  , clarified, clarifying.
  1. to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible; to free from ambiguity.
  2. to remove solid matter from (a liquid); to make into a clear or pellucid liquid.
  3. to free (the mind, intelligence, etc.) from confusion; revive: The short nap clarified his thoughts.
  4. to become clear, pure, or intelligible: The political situation clarified.
 [1350-1400; ME < MF clarifier < LL clarificare, equiv. to L clar(us) clear + -ificare -IFY]
 Syn. 1. explain, illuminate, elucidate, resolve.




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