

单词 heavy
释义 heavy
 —heaviness,  n.  
 /hev"ee/, adj., heavier, heaviest,  n.  ,  pl.   heavies,  adv.  
  1. of great weight; hard to lift or carry: a heavy load.
  2. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive: a heavy vote; a heavy snowfall.
  3. of great force, intensity, turbulence, etc.: a heavy sea.
  4. of more than the usual or average weight: a heavy person; heavy freight.
  5. having much weight in proportion to bulk; being of high specific gravity: a heavy metal.
  6. of major import; grave; serious: a heavy offense.
  7. deep or intense; profound: a heavy thinker; heavy slumber.
  8.  Mil.  
   a. thickly armed or equipped with guns of large size. Cf. heavy cruiser.
   b. (of guns) of the more powerful sizes: heavy weapons. Cf. heavy artillery.
  9. hard to bear; burdensome; harsh; oppressive: heavy taxes.
  10. hard to cope with; trying; difficult: a heavy task.
  11. being as indicated to an unusually great degree: a heavy buyer.
  12. broad, thick, or coarse; not delicate: heavy lines drawn in charcoal.
  13. weighted or laden: air heavy with moisture.
  14. fraught; loaded; charged: words heavy with meaning.
  15. depressed with trouble or sorrow; showing sorrow; sad: a heavy heart.
  16. without vivacity or interest; ponderous; dull: a heavy style.
  17. slow in movement or action; clumsy: a heavy walk.
  18. loud and deep; sonorous: a heavy sound.
  19. (of the sky) overcast or cloudy.
  20. exceptionally dense in substance; insufficiently raised or leavened; thick: heavy doughnuts.
  21. (of food) not easily digested.
  22. being in a state of advanced pregnancy; nearing childbirth: heavy with child; heavy with young.
  23. having a large capacity, capable of doing rough work, or having a large output: a heavy truck.
  24. producing or refining basic materials, as steel or coal, used in manufacturing: heavy industry.
  25. sober, serious, or somber: a heavy part in a drama.
  26.  Chem.   of or pertaining to an isotope of greater than normal atomic weight, as heavy hydrogen or heavy oxygen, or to a compound containing such an element, as heavy water.
  27.  Slang.  
   a. very good; excellent.
   b. very serious or important: a really heavy relationship.
  28.  Pros.   (of a syllable)
   a. stressed.
   b. long.
  29. a somber or ennobled theatrical role or character: Iago is the heavy in Othello.
  30. the theatrical role of a villain.
  31. an actor who plays a theatrical heavy.
  32.  Mil.   a gun of great weight or large caliber.
  33.  Slang.   a very important or influential person: a reception for government heavies.
  34. heavily.
 [bef. 900; ME hevi, OE hefig, equiv. to hef(e) weight (akin to HEAVE) + -ig -Y1]
 Syn. 1. ponderous, massive, weighty. 5. dense. 9. onerous, grievous, cumbersome; difficult, severe. 14. HEAVY, MOMENTOUS, WEIGHTY refer to anything having a considerable amount of figurative weight. HEAVY suggests the carrying of a figurative burden: words heavy with menace. MOMENTOUS emphasizes the idea of great and usually serious consequences: a momentous occasion, statement. WEIGHTY, seldom used literally, refers to something heavy with importance, often concerned with public affairs, which may require deliberation and careful judgment: a weighty matter, problem. 15. gloomy, mournful, dejected, despondent, downcast, downhearted. 16. tedious, tiresome, wearisome, burdensome, boring. 17. sluggish, lumbering. 19. lowering, gloomy.




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