单词 | collection |
释义 | collection —collectional, adj. /keuh lek"sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of collecting. 2. something that is collected; a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, esp. for some purpose or as a result of some process: a stamp collection; a collection of unclaimed hats in the checkroom; a collection of books on Churchill. 3. the works of art constituting the holdings of an art museum: a history of the museum and of the collection. 4. the gathered or exhibited works of a single painter, sculptor, etc.: an excellent Picasso collection. 5. collections, the various holdings of an art museum organized by category, as painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, or film: the director of the collections. 6. the clothes or other items produced by a designer, esp. for a seasonal line: the spring collection. 7. a sum of money collected, esp. for charity or church use. 8. Manège. act of bringing or coming into a collected attitude. [1350-1400; ME colleccioun ( < AF) < L collection- (s. of collectio), equiv. to collect(us) (ptp. of colligere; see COLLECT1) + -ion- -ION] Syn. 2. accumulation, aggregation, mass, heap, pile, hoard, store. 7. contribution(s), alms. |
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