单词 | scarify |
释义 | scarify —scarifier, n. /skar"euh fuy'/, v.t., scarified, scarifying. 1. to make scratches or superficial incisions in (the skin, a wound, etc.), as in vaccination. 2. to lacerate by severe criticism. 3. to loosen (the soil) with a type of cultivator. 4. to hasten the sprouting of (hard-covered seeds) by making incisions in the seed coats. 5. to break up (a road surface). [1400-50; late ME scarifie < MF scarifier < LL scarificare, alter. of L scarifare, scariphare to make scratches < Gk skariphâsthai to sketch, deriv. of skáriphos stylus; see -IFY] |
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